MorgBid2 allows a window to pop up to so that raid members can vote NEED, TAKE (greed), OFFSPEC(greed offspec) or PASS on loot in endgame instances. Every member of the raid must have MorgBid2 installed in order to vote.
Please help localize here.
Bid Values:
- NEED = item is onspec and you really want it (ie big upgrade rare->epic)
- TAKE = item is onspec and a decent upgrade or you don't want it really badly
- OFFSPEC = item is offspec but you would like it for your offspec set
- PASS = no thanks
Continuation of MorgBid with new features:
- customizable bid texts (ie person running MorgDKP2 can change the NEED/TAKE etc texts to anything they want)
- customisable fonts/frames
- dkplist appears in tablet instead of whispers
- bid results are sent to a tablet instead of raid chat (can disable) and can update as people vote
Format: dkplist [pool] [class/all] [class] ...
If you just whisper dkplist it will return your class only. If you are in a raid it will return the people currently in the raid otherwise it will return everyone of that class in the database. If you are transmitting a lot of data (guild and all) it may take a moment for the list to appear.
If you enter a valid pool it will return the DKP for that pool.
Bid Results: Bid results are automatically sent during the auction and updated as people reply. In BidWar silent mode bid results are not shown until the master looter clicks to award the item in MorgDKP2. If you do not wish to receive the summary tablet just disable it in the options. You can also always show the results frame now even if you are not involved in the auction.(/morgbid2)
- /morgbid2 to access
- Hide hints - hides the hints on need/greed/take hover
- Use results tooltip - enable to receive (updating) bid results
- Show ALL results - enable to show results even if you are not involved in the auction
- Autoclose results - enable to automatically close results frame when the masterlooter clicks the MorgDKP2 award frame
- Combat lockdown - enable to not have results frames pop up in combat (bid frames still will)
- Bid result/DKPlist lines - number of lines to show on the respective tooltip
- Grow direction - direction results frames will populate on top of each other (up/down/left/right)
- Font and frame options - self explanatory
If you change any setting such as font the frames will popup and you can move them where you would like them to be situated. Frames are designed so when you close one they rearrange and pop into the spot of the frame you closed so ideally you dont have to move your mouse to bid/close frames.
Note: If you have the disappearing result frame problem (only appears first time) then turn on Autoclose results and it will not happen anymore. If you turn it on AFTER the frame has already disappeared you will need to reloadUI.
Oh and check your overbid to be sure you wont always see the you have exceeded your overbid message anymore.
Can I get your SV files for morgbid/morgdkp. Are the people who couldn't bid any higher or didn't get a new bidpopup the same who got the error? Was EVERYONE on the newest morgbid2? There should not be anyway that TAKE can appear above NEED unless you have person bidding NEED is set to offspec in the classes (ie healing mail and you set shammy to onspec, pally to offspec in classlist)
That error would only happen when they hover over the TAKE tooltip with tooltips ON that's why only some get it. English client?
using latest versions of both addons, I've set text for need = Mainspec, take = Offspec which is displayed correctly in the list of bidders. I've checked all values manually when people said they couldn't bit higher and they certainly did have the dkp for it. normally when they go to their max value of DKP they get whispered and I didn't see me whisper anything either.
I think its for Morgdkp2 which doesn't show the Need 50 bid above Take 60. In my situation any Need bid should cancel all Take bids. if you know what i mean.
I got the error when starting an auction for an item.I'm not the only one in the raid who got it but it seems to be really random. theres like 11 people in a raid of 25 who got that error.
Did you assign NEED/TAKE etc to be different words? If so what words? When do you get this error? What version are you using?
What do you have overbid set to? They may not be able to increase their bid because they don't have enough DKP. ie they have 50 DKP overbid = 50 then they can not bid more than 100.
So your saying in MorgDKP2 the NEED 50 is below the Take 60? or in the results frame of morgbid2?
Localisation is translated on the new.
Thanks I will fix "true" error for next version. Is there anything new in the ruRU locale you changed?
At a choice of any action there is an error: interface\AddOns\MorgBid2\MorgBid2.lua:1230: attempt to compare number with nil
Find and fix error in MorgBid2.lua:
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("MorgBid2", "deDE", true)
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("MorgBid2", "ruRU", true)
For this reason localisations did not work, I have corrected it and have updated ruRU localisation it is possible to load here
Great morgalm and thanks a lot :)
Yeah I know that is the issue will have a workaround in a future version thanks.
Just a thought here but I noticed that the value in the member dkp window on the bid frame is the same as the value in the bid results popup frame. It's as if the member dkp variable used in the dkp bid frame gets it's value from the variable in the bid results pop up frame somehow.
Which would explain why MANTYS and me got that problem at the beginning of feb with the member dkp being 0 in the bid frame : Since there were no bids entered yet, the value in the bid results frame was 0 so the member dkp in the bid frame reported 0 as well.
Now at the start of bids the dkp in the results frame is the actual amount of dkp the member has and so the amount of member dkp in the bid frame is the the same. But when they enter their bid, the amount in the results frame changed to the bid amount, so the member dkp in the bid frame when it pops up again is the amount of that bid.
Yeah that is not really a bug per se. When the initial query goes out the data sent includes the members current dkp. But when they bid their bid replaces their current dkp in the data. So when it is sent back it picks up the bid. I will work on a workaround though.
Sorry morg, I just went for another test run and payed close attention to what happens (also used developer mode and can't see any issues there).
I've amended the previous post to reflect what actually happens.
And to answer your question : I do mean the amount of dkp in the member DKP window, not the actual bid scoll window.
Assuming you mean that when looking at the bid window frame. the order of information is [member dkp window] [scroll bid window]then the need / greed / pass buttons.
Hmm I will have to check that I didn't think that number should change at all. You do mean just the DKP not the actual bid scroll window right?
Hey Morg dude. I thought I would post here as it's more appropriate to the problems I have been having. I was having the same problem as MANTYS but the next update kinda fixed it. On first bids, each raiders total dkp is now reported correctly at the left of the bid window. The raiders can enter a first bid with no problems now. When they are entering the next bid though, the raiders total dkp reported, to the left of, the bid window seems to have been set to the amount of the last bid they made.
So at initial bids the member dkp is reporting fine, but then the members dkp seems to get set to the last bid amount that they made.
I'm using fixed dkp, bid war. Also using bidstep at 50 and overbid set to 0.
Changed comm method slightly so users with pre2.8 versions may see some unexpected results with result tooltip. ie it won't pop up when expected.
I havent seen an item which doesn't show this problem we'll see if this new version fixed it.
Added a fix for member dkp not showing up.
But it is only certain items correct? Not all the time right?
we do see the items and everything. people just can't bid on them because the addon says they don't have any DKP. allthough MorgDKP2 tells me otherwise. so its defenetly the link between morgbid2 and morgdkp2, I've been trying to get an error message but no luck so far.