All Namespaces
- Above Threshold
- Aimed Shot
- Aimed Shot cast time
- Aimed Shot Threshold in seconds
- Beast Mastery
- Below Threshold
- Cobra Shot
- Cobra Shot cast time
- Cobra Shot Threshold in seconds
- Current Haste Percent
- Current Haste Rating
- Enable Aimed Shot Threshold
- Enable Cobra Shot Threshold
- Enable or disable addon
- Enable Rabid Power Threshold
- Enable Steady Shot Threshold
- Enable/Disable Debug
- Enabled
- Font color above the required Aimed Shot cast value
- Font color above the required Cobra Shot cast value
- Font color above the required Rabid Power stack value
- Font color above the required Steady Shot cast value
- Font color below the required Aimed Shot cast value
- Font color below the required Cobra Shot cast value
- Font color below the required Rabid Power stack value
- Font color below the required Steady Shot cast value
- Font for the spell and cast display
- Font Size
- Font Style
- Haste
- Hunter Displays
- Justification
- Lock or unlock anchor
- Main Font
- Marksmanship
- MosphetCookies help commands
- Open
- Pet Attack Power
- Pet Displays
- Position Reset
- Rabid
- Rabid Power
- Rabid Power Stack
- Rabid Power stack Threshold
- Refresh Rate
- Resets the frame position
- Select a font size (between 8 and 26)
- Select the anchor justification
- Select the font style
- Set the refresh rate in seconds to update the displays (Default: 1 second)
- Steady Shot
- Steady Shot cast time
- Steady Shot Threshold in seconds
- Survival
- Talents not loaded yet
- Threshold (Default: %.1f)
- Thresholds
- To access the MosphetCookies options, use the button below or one of the following commands: /mc or /cookies
- Toggle the anchor lock
- Unable to detect spec
- Use this section of the configuration to set threshold values & color behaviour for certain abilities.