Uploaded by
UploadedDec 24, 2008
Size205.15 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.0.3
2008-12-24 Vilth <Vilth>
* .pkgmeta, Bindings.xml Locale/Localization.deDE.lua
Locale/Localization.enUS.lua Locale/Localization.esES.lua
Locale/Localization.frFR.lua Locale/Localization.koKR.lua
Locale/Localization.zhCN.lua Locale/Localization.zhTW.lua
MrPlow.lua MrPlow.toc PlowEngine.lua embeds.xml
Branching from last working version
[aa1061d99199] [tip]
2008-12-23 Vilth <Vilth>
* MrPlow.toc
Updated .toc
2008-10-31 wobin <wobin>
* .pkgmeta:
Fixed AceDebug reference
* .pkgmeta:
update to point to correct externals
* .pkgmeta, Bindings.xml Locale/Localization.deDE.lua
Locale/Localization.enUS.lua Locale/Localization.esES.lua
Locale/Localization.frFR.lua Locale/Localization.koKR.lua
Locale/Localization.zhCN.lua Locale/Localization.zhTW.lua
MrPlow.lua MrPlow.toc PlowEngine.lua embeds.xml
Partial conversion to Ace3
2008-09-30 root <root>
* .pkgmeta:
Hopefully fix .pkgmeta
2008-09-29 root <root>
* .pkgmeta:
Facilitate WowAce-on-CurseForge transition
* Importing old repo data under /trunk
2008-09-16 wobin <wobin>
* MrPlow.toc
MrPlow - Nothing to see, adding email
2008-07-31 joshborke <joshborke>
* MrPlow: fix externals to be svn not dev
2007-12-05 fenlis <fenlis>
* Localization_deDE.lua Localization_enUS.lua Localization_koKR.lua
MrPlow.lua MrPlow.toc embeds.xml
- updated toc file
- change PeriodicTable-3.0 to LibPeriodicTable-3.1
- added item type - 'Gem'
2007-11-09 ensabahnur <ensabahnur>
* Localization_deDE.lua
MrPlow - add German Locale
* MrPlow.toc
- add German Locale
2007-03-10 fenlis <fenlis>
* Localization_koKR.lua MrPlow.toc
MrPlow - Added localization koKR
2007-03-05 sylvanaar <sylvanaar>
* MrPlow.toc
MrPlow - When i added x-embeds to the toc, i accidentally included
fuber, which should only be optdep
2007-03-02 sylvanaar <sylvanaar>
* MrPlow.toc
MrPlow - OptionalDependancies is not a toc keyword OptDeps its
correct. Also added X-Embeda
2007-01-30 kergoth <kergoth>
* MrPlow.toc
.Line ending fixups in .toc files (they werent in my
.subversion/config autoprops)
2007-01-23 kergoth <kergoth>
* Bindings.xml Localization_enUS.lua MrPlow.lua
.Line ending fixups part 2: trunk/ (script ended prematurely).
2007-01-23 rabbit <rabbit>
* MrPlow.lua MrPlow.toc
* Now uses a per-character database for the ignore lists.
* Fixed ignoring items.
2007-01-22 wobin <wobin>
* MrPlow.lua
MrPlow - Fixed ignoring (hopefully) and normalised the commands for
2007-01-19 rabbit <rabbit>
* MrPlow.lua
MrPlow: Fix GetLink().
2007-01-17 rabbit <rabbit>
* MrPlow.lua
MrPlow: Think I fixed the bank.
2007-01-13 nymbia <nymbia>
* MrPlow.toc
MrPlow: fixed line ends ;)
* MrPlow.toc
MrPlow: Added PT3 Misc embed so that special bags are recognized.
2007-01-13 rabbit <rabbit>
* MrPlow.lua
MrPlow: Don't collectgarbage() in the middle of a Works run.
2007-01-13 nymbia <nymbia>
* MrPlow.lua
MrPlow: Minor cleanup to PT code. collectgarbage() after plowing.
2007-01-13 rabbit <rabbit>
* MrPlow.toc
MrPlow: And update TOC+libs.
* MrPlow.lua
MrPlow: Convert to PeriodicTable-3.0.
2007-01-12 rabbit <rabbit>
* MrPlow.lua
* Stop referring to ourselves in 3rd person.
* Register events at OnEnable, not OnInit.
2007-01-11 rabbit <rabbit>
* MrPlow.lua
MrPlow: Cleanup, ClickToRun defaults to true.