Error log while getting mail #20

  • Defect
  • Accepted
Assigned to wobin_dwonderdog
  • _ForgeUser3661287 created this issue Mar 25, 2010

    Submitted Via

    Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0

    Installed Version



    Date: 2010-03-25 02:32:32 ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: attempt to yield across metamethod/C-call boundary Debug: [C]: ? [C]: yield() MrPlow\PlowEngine.lua:305: ?() MrPlow\PlowEngine.lua:827: MrPlow\PlowEngine.lua:813 AddOns: Swatter, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) AckisRecipeList, v1.0 @project-revision@ AdvancedTradeSkillWindow, v Altoholic, v3.3.002 AtlasLoot, vv5.10.01 AtlasLootFu, vv5.10.01 AucAdvanced, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) AucDb, v5.1.DEV.3583 AucFilterBasic, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) AucFilterOutlier, v5.7.4568.2531 AucMatchUndercut, v5.7.4568.2531 AucScanData, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) AucStatClassic, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) AucStatHistogram, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) AucStatiLevel, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) AucStatPurchased, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) AucStatSales, v5.7.4568.2842 AucStatSimple, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) AucStatStdDev, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) AucStatWOWEcon, v5.7.4568.2530 AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.7.4568.3311 AucUtilAppraiser, v5.7.4568.2530 AucUtilAskPrice, v5.7.4568.3175 AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.7.4568.3142 AucUtilCompactUI, v5.7.4568.2530 AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.7.4568.3583 AucUtilFixAH, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) AucUtilGlypher, v5.7.4568.2545 AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.7.4568.3108 AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.7.4568.2545 AucUtilScanButton, v5.7.4568.2530 AucUtilScanFinish, v5.7.4568.2530 AucUtilScanProgress, v5.7.4568.2530 AucUtilSearchUI, v5.7.4568.3655 AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.7.4568.4553 AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.7.4568.2530 AutoProfitX, v2.04 Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.130 BeanCounter, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) BonusScanner, v5.3 Carbonite, v3.32 CarboniteTransfer, v1.01 Configator, v5.1.DEV.130 DataStore, v3.3.001 DataStoreAchievements, v3.3.001 DataStoreAuctions, v3.3.001 DataStoreCharacters, v3.3.001 DataStoreContainers, v3.3.001 DataStoreCrafts, v3.3.001 DataStoreCurrencies, v3.3.001 DataStoreInventory, v3.3.001 DataStoreMails, v3.3.001 DataStorePets, v3.3.001 DataStoreQuests, v3.3.001 DataStoreReputations, v3.3.001 DataStoreSkills, v3.3.001 DataStoreSpells, v3.3.001 DataStoreStats, v3.3.001 DataStoreTalents, v3.3.001 DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.130 Dominos, v1.16.2 DXELoader, v ElkBuffBars, v2.2.5-150 Enchantrix, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) EnchantrixBarker, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) FluidFrames, v FreeRefills, v97 FuBar, v FuBarMoneyFu, vv1.2.3 GreedBeacon, v3.3.0.8 InFlightLoad, v3.3.004 InlineAura, v1.4 Jamba, v0.5d JambaDisplayTeam, v0.5d JambaFollow, v0.5d JambaFTL, v0.5d JambaItemUse, v0.5d JambaMacro, v0.5d JambaProc, v0.5d JambaPurchase, v0.5d JambaQuest, v0.5d JambaSell, v0.5d JambaTalk, v0.5d JambaTaxi, v0.5d JambaToon, v0.5d Khaos, v2.4.1 Mappy, v2.4.2 MikScrollingBattleText, v5.4.77 MrPlow, v10.1 pError, v30300.4-Release PhoenixStyle, v1.481 Postal, v3.3.1 PowerAuras, v3.0.0E Proculas, v1.6.10 SexyCooldown, v0.6.16 SharedMediaAdditionalFonts, v1.0 SlideBar, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) SmartBuff, v3.3c Stubby, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala) TBag, v TidyPlates, v5.10 TidyPlatesCleanPlates, v1.9g TidyPlatesGrey, v1 TidyPlatesThreatPlates, v3.0.1 TidyPlatesAlvara, v5a BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v3.3.3.30300 <us> (ck=bce)

    Steps to Reproduce

    Was getting mail using Postal

    Installed Addons

    Ace2 - r1098 Ace3 - Release-r907 Ackis Recipe List - r20100325084504 Advanced Trade Skill Window - v0.7.8 Altoholic - Altoholic 3.3.002 Atlas - Atlas v1.15.2 Atlasloot Enhanced - v5.10.01 Auctioneer - Auctioneer Suite 5.7.4568 AutoProfitX - AutoProfitX-r81555.2 AutoTrack - AutoTrack 1.2 Babble-2.2 - Babble-2.2-r81991 BigBrother - v3.0.4-Release Carbonite - 3.32 CurseProfiler 2.0 - v47 cyCircled - v0.5.1 cyCircled VolGold - r65772_2 cyCircled_Vol - cyCircled_Vol-r69868 Deadly Boss Mods - Deadly Boss Mods 4.44-r3851 Deus Vox Encounters - v477 Dominos - 1.16.2 Elkano's BuffBars - 2.2.5 - r150 FishingAce - Release-0.4.5j Fluid Frames - 1.8 FreeRefills - r97-release FuBar 3.6 - v3.6.5 FuBar_AmmoFu - r65603.3 FuBar_DominosFu - v1.2-Release FuBar_DurabilityFu - r127 FuBar_InscriptionFu - v1.11 FuBar_MailFu - v3.1.3-1 FuBar_MoneyFu - v1.2.3 FuBar_OutfitterFu - FuBar_OutfitterFu-r36815.1129 FuBar_PetInfoFu - v3.3.0 GearScore - GearScore 3.1.14 - Release GreedBeacon - InFlight Taxi Timer - 3.3.004 Inline Aura - 1.4 ItemDataCache - LibBabble-CreatureType-3.0 - 3.3-release13 LibBabble-Zone-3.0 - 3.3-release13 LibRock-1.0 - WoW-3.0-release-3 Loot Hog - Loothog 3.3.0 Mappy - 2.4.2 MBB - v3.3 MikScrollingBattleText - v5.4.77 MobInfo3 - MrPlow - v10.2.6.3-Beta MultiTool - MultiTool_V0.3.02 Omen Threat Meter - v3.0.9 OmniCC - 2.5.9 Outfitter - 4.10 PallyPower - v3.2.11 pError - 30300.4-Release PhoenixStyle - 1.481 Polite Whisper - Polite Whisper trunk build #46 Postal - v3.3.1 Power Auras Classic - 3.0.0E-30300 Prat 3.0 - 3.3.7 Proculas - 1.6.10 ProculasFu - v1.0 Proximo - v2.321 Quartz - 3.0.2 RatingBuster - 1.4.8 Recount - v3.3g release RecountFu - RecountFu 0.2 SexyCooldown - v0.6.17 SharedMediaAdditionalFonts - 1.0.4-release SimpleBossWhisperer - r42 simpleMinimap - v30000-5 SmartBuff - 3.3c SpellBinder - 2.0-release TB Core - r119-release TB Process Watcher - r29-beta TB Reputation Watcher - r40-release TBag-Shefki - 20100304-366 Tidy Plates - 5.10 Tidy Plates: Clean Plates - v1.9g Tidy Plates: Threat Plates - 3.0.1 TidyPlates: Alvara - TidyPlatesAlvara_v5a TrinketMenu - Trinketmenu - wrath update X-Perl UnitFrames - 3.0.8 Release

  • _ForgeUser3661287 added the tags New Defect Mar 25, 2010
  • _ForgeUser23487 posted a comment Jul 4, 2010

    This is a 100% duplicate of the earlier ticket #17 from January.

  • Wobin_dWonderdog removed a tag New Sep 4, 2011
  • Wobin_dWonderdog added a tag Accepted Sep 4, 2011

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