Invalid arg2: set must be a string #32

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  • Defect
Assigned to wobin_dwonderdog
  • Fred7 created this issue Feb 16, 2011

    This happens once in a while. It seems to be only on one char, when optimizing (right click on minmap button) the bank.

    1x LibPeriodicTable-3.1-90311:277: Invalid arg2: set must be a string
    LibPeriodicTable-3.1-90311:277: in function `ItemInSet'
    MrPlow-10.1\PlowEngine.lua:265: in function `?'
    MrPlow-10.1\PlowEngine.lua:881: in function <MrPlow\PlowEngine.lua:869>
    self = <table> {
     ItemSearch = <function> @ DataStore\libs\LibPeriodicTable-3.1\LibPeriodicTable-3.1.lua:339:
     GetSetString = <function> @ DataStore\libs\LibPeriodicTable-3.1\LibPeriodicTable-3.1.lua:239:
     IsSetMulti = <function> @ DataStore\libs\LibPeriodicTable-3.1\LibPeriodicTable-3.1.lua:244:
     ItemInSet = <function> @ DataStore\libs\LibPeriodicTable-3.1\LibPeriodicTable-3.1.lua:275:
     AddData = <function> @ DataStore\libs\LibPeriodicTable-3.1\LibPeriodicTable-3.1.lua:299:
     embedversions = <table> {}
     IterateSet = <function> @ DataStore\libs\LibPeriodicTable-3.1\LibPeriodicTable-3.1.lua:259:
     sets = <table> {}
     GetSetTable = <function> @ DataStore\libs\LibPeriodicTable-3.1\LibPeriodicTable-3.1.lua:234:
    item = "66936"
    set = nil
    assert = <function> defined =[C]:-1
    type = <function> defined =[C]:-1
    getItemID = <function> @ DataStore\libs\LibPeriodicTable-3.1\LibPeriodicTable-3.1.lua:50:
    cache = <table> {
     InstanceLoot.The Shattered Halls.Warbringer O'mrogg = <table> {}
     CurrencyItems.Chef's Award = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Naxxramas.Grand Widow Faerlina = <table> {}
     InstanceLootHeroic.Sethekk Halls.Talon King Ikiss = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.The Temple of Atal'Hakkar.Mijan = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Blackrock Depths.Panzor the Invincible = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Blackrock Depths.Ok'thor the Breaker = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Upper Blackrock Spire.Warchief Rend Blackhand = <table> {}
     Reputation.Reward.Undercity = <table> {}
     InstanceLootHeroic.Auchenai Crypts.Shirrak the Dead Watcher = <table> {}
     CurrencyItems.Mark of the Illidari = <table> {}
     InstanceLootHeroic.Ulduar Hub = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Upper Blackrock Spire.The Beast = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Karazhan.Trash Mobs = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Blackrock Depths.Grizzle = <table> {}
     Tradeskill.Crafted.Engineering.Gnomish = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Razorfen Downs.Glutton = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Mana-Tombs.Tavarok = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Zul'Farrak.Zul'Farrak Dead Hero = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.The Violet Hold.Moragg = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Blackrock Depths.Magmus = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Lower Blackrock Spire.Spirestone Lord Magus = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Black Temple.Gurtogg Bloodboil = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Naxxramas.Maexxna = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Razorfen Downs.Ragglesnout = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Dire Maul Arena.Mushgog = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Dire Maul.Tendris Warpwood = <table> {}
     CurrencyItems.Bolt of Embersilk Cloth = <table> {}
     InstanceLootHeroic.Icecrown Citadel.Prince Valanar = <table> {}
     InstanceLootHeroic.Naxxramas.Sapphiron = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.The Obsidian Sanctum.Sartharion = <table> {}
     InstanceLootHeroic.The Steamvault = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Maraudon.Veng = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Ragefire Chasm.Bazzalan = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Halls of Lightning = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Naxxramas.Patchwerk = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Shadowfang Keep.Deathsworn Captain = <table> {}
     InstanceLootHeroic.The Arcatraz.Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Uldaman.Ironaya = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.Moam = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Blackrock Depths.Seeth'rel = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Upper Blackrock Spire.Jed Runewatcher = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Razorfen Downs.Amnennar the Coldbringer = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom.Prince Taldaram = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.The Stockade.Hamhock = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Zul'Farrak.Dustwraith = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Serpentshrine Cavern.Fathom-Lord Karathress = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Naxxramas.Four Horsemen Chest = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Dire Maul.Zevrim Thornhoof = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Karazhan.Nightbane = <table> {}
     InstanceLoot.Stratholme.Ramstein the Gorger = <table> {}
  • Fred7 added the tags New Defect Feb 16, 2011

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