MrCurrency is a simple Data Broker plugin for displays like Fortress, TitanPanel, and so on. It displays the amount of money you have, as well as any special currency that is trackable in the currency window. Additional features like tracking all the currency available to all your characters on a server are currently being worked on.
If you have a feature request, or a bug report, please Create a Ticket. You can View all Tickets to see if your request is already being tracked, add your own comments, or participate in the discussion of a feature request.
A later beta should have better options which will let you handle things like display order, display it through DataBroker or the tooltip, etc, etc...
Ahh ignore request 2. Just noticed i can click unused in currency options & it removes from the panel. Sorry about that.
Hi Kolenka,
Just tried this out, very nice. 2 things i noticed with version 1.0b2. It seems to cut off the copper icons in the tooltip (for me at least). The other thing is the icons/amounts in the panel seem like they just want a slight nudge down as they seem a little high compared to the main coins icon.
Also have a few feature requests that i hope you might consider for a future version.
1) Being able to display both current logged in character & total gold on the panel at the same time. Not sure if thats what you meant in the description, (sorry if it is). Most let you show 1 or the other but not both.
2) Being able to select what is shown on the panel. Example, i would only have gold (character & total) showing on my panel unless im farming say justice points in which case i would show that also.
3) Character names coloured by class.
4) Earned this session feature like in TitanGoldTracker. Very handy feature imo so i dont spend to much hehe
Anyway, thought id ask & many thanks for your time on this & the excellent MrTrader.
Is there any chance to implement (maybe optinal) leading zeros for the money values? (e.g. "07")
I just installed this addon and fell in love with it over the others like it I've used before...
until i saw the 0s issue.
It would look nicer overall if money was always in a xg xxs xxc format
I've also got another addon which has gotten a pretty big burst of user activity with the 4.0.1 patch, so I'm having to divide my efforts, and still remain somewhat active in my guild and real life. It's a bit of a juggle. :)