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UploadedApr 24, 2009
Size77.35 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.1.0
- Fixes to adding a link, so that it won't fail if you don't already have the chat editor up.
- No changes, was accidentally released without any.
- No longer claims to be incompatible with 3.1
- Items in the menu now have better tooltips
- Characters of the opposite faction will now show up in the menu, tinted red.
- You can now ignore characters and remove them from the list until you decide otherwise. For now you will need to log into the ignored character and select 'Unignore' from the menu to undo this.
Due to changes to the DB in 0.3, you might run into the following issues:
- Tinting of characters won't work until you login.
- You will need to log into characters of both factions before the DB is properly merged so that you can see both factions at the same time.
If you run into issues with links not working, login to the character whose links aren't working to refresh them. Changes to skills in 3.1 make links saved before the patch not work.
- Allows removing a character from the menu, so you don't get deleted characters clogging up the menu.
- Cleanup of the code to make WoWAce and lib owners happier.
- MrTrader should use spellIDs now, so we can let WoW localize skill names for us.
- Fixed a debug spew issue.
- Initial release. View and link skills. Whee.