Supported WoW Retail Versions
- Track all own casts with timestamp and targets
- Add top-level tab "Progress" contains Units, Encounters and Combat Time
- Fix for deaths-tab. Deaths without releases until challenge ends now parsed and shown correctly.
- Fix overall enemy progress calculation
- Highlight players in the OwnCasts-tab
- Highlight amount columns for damage and heal tabs by spell
- Track
- Don't track avoidable debuffs separately (log-messages for them are removed)
- Track agro for death logs
- Track enemies friendly fire done by spells (but not DoTs)
- #118 Save logs related to party member before its death
- Track progress for enemy forces (both units and encounters tabs are updated)
- Compressing now is optional (check Performance-settings)
- Add "Current Week" filter for challenges
- Track friendly fire damage separately
- Improve Equip tab (show rings, trinkets and weapon separately)
- Add more avoidable debuffs
- Add report menu for swing damage done to party members
- Add gems counter to the Equip tab
- Add scale settings for UI
- #117 Can't see any details
- Calculate damage done by players more accurate (track MISSED too)
- Add UI-tabs for friendly-fire damage
- Add enemy-units portraits to the Units-tab (data from MDT-addon is used if it's installed)
- Fix log-messages about taken avoidable damage (again)
- Fix calculation for haste bonus from gems
- Fix death-icons placing on the Death-graph
- Fix buffs/debuffs uptime calculation
- Add Encounter blocks for Deaths graph
- Track death time for all party members
- Add Deaths tab
- Add russian locale
- Output log-messages about taken avoidable damage
- Add raid icons to messages about interrupts, dispels and passed casts
- Add secondary stats for Equipment-tab (for RU and EN only)
- Fix avg ilvl calculation (mostly for hunters)
- Fix interrupts tracking for pets
- Separate swing damage taken by party member from enemies
- Add Spiteful Shade Melee Damage (spell id 350163) as avoidable damage
- #116 Add filters for Units tab
- Add timeline with deaths to Summary tab
- Add controls for timeline with deaths
- Fix reports for encounters and challenges - don't post icons to target/party
- Save
for units appear in combat
- #114 Improve context menu for spells and npcs
- #115 Improve Tab for Buff and debuffs on units
- Add summary for some tables
- #111 Add Graph with combat/idle time
- #112 Show items level for each equiped item in the Roster/Equipment
- #110 New CN localizations
- Add report-menu for heal and damage done by each spell
- #113 Add context menu for Challenges table
- Add more auras to track for enemy units
- Track all units combat start/end
- Add UI-tab for all units combat start/end
- Add context menu for encounters-tab
- #13 Track average items level for party members
- Dark Stride is not avoidable
- Add more NPC to track and update id for some bosses
- #109 Add Links to Wowhead
- #75 Add ability to post table row to the chat (group or wisper)
- Add Explosion to avoidable spells
- #57 Add special casts in the De Other Side
- #61 Add special casts in the Mists of Tirna Scithe
- #58 Add special casts in the Halls of Atonement
- #62 Add special casts in the Sanguine Depths
- Save swing damage done by Spiteful Shade separately
- Fix Absorb tracker
- #105 Add Covenant blocks to Roster
- Track Spiteful Shade melee damage separately
- #14 Track party members talents
- Fix communication between party members
- Track timeline for idle time
- Highlight Manifestation of Pride in the "Damage Done to Units" tab
- Update aura trackers
- #107 Add Chinese localization (thanks wuhan890809)
- Fix tracker for summoned units
- Don't highlight 0 for avoidable damage
- Add more avoidable spells and auras (related to #34, #29, #32, #33, #30, #31, #28, #27)
- #102 Group damage done to all units and highlight important units
- #101 Show avoidable damage as part of all taken damage tab
- #93 Add units to track taken damage for Necrotic Wake
- #94 Add units to track taken damage for Plaguefall
- #95 Add units to track taken damage for De Other Side
- #96 Add units to track taken damage for Halls of Atonement
- #97 Add units to track taken damage for Spires of Ascension
- #98 Add units to track taken damage for Theater of Pain
- #99 Add units to track taken damage for Mists of Tirna Scithe
- #100 Add units to track taken damage for Sanguine Depths
- #103 Allow MDB to communicate with other party member
- Add spell id for Overflowing Anima Cage
- #34 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Sanguine Depths
- #29 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for De Other Side
- #93 Add units to track taken damage for Necrotic Wake
- #94 Add units to track taken damage for Plaguefall
- #97 Add units to track taken damage for Spires of Ascension
- #32 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Theater of Pain
- #33 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Mists of Tirna Scithe
- #30 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Halls of Atonement
- #31 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Spires of Ascension
- #54 Add Usable PvP Trinkets
- #53 Add Usable Professions Items
- #52 Add Usable Raid Trinkets
- #28 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Plaguefall
- Remove BfA-related tracker-calls (don't delete trackers)
- Fix Summary-tab when no deaths were while challenge
- #27 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Necrotic Wake
- Add second covenant abilities to track
- #93 Add units to track taken damage for Necrotic Wake
- #55 Add special casts in the Necrotic Wake
- #43 Add spells to interrupt for Necrotic Wake
- #43 Add spells to interrupt for Necrotic Wake
- #44 Add spells to interrupt for Plaguefall
- #45 Add spells to interrupt for De Other Side
- #46 Add spells to interrupt for Halls of Atonement
- #47 Add spells to interrupt for Spires of Ascension
- #48 Add spells to interrupt for Theater of Pain
- #49 Add spells to interrupt for Mists of Tirna Scithe
- #50 Add spells to interrupt for Sanguine Depths
- #28 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Plaguefall
- #94 Add units to track taken damage for Plaguefall
- #92 Track main covenant's abilities
- Version
is for SL now
- #91 Update format for buffs and debuffs stored for party members and units
- #21 Separate all buffs and all debuffs for each player and show their duration
- #90 Add version
to BfA
- Add more spells to track like party member's own casts
- #89 Improve pet's owner tracking
- #88 Routing on Summary table is broken
- #87 Use
to check pets and summoned units in the all trackers
- #86 Add percentage columns for Summary Table
- #85 Make Summary table interactable
- #84 Add spell filter for own casts timeline
- #16 Reformat "Details"-tab to "Summary"-tab
- #82 MDB window should be closable via ESC pressing
- #83 Add percentage column for tables "Heal by Spell" and "All Damage Done"
- #78 Row with currently viewed challenge should be highlighted
- #81 Show interrupts done by Quaking affix
- #80 Deaths count is not set when challenge is abandoned
- #79 Add extra settings for verbose options for mechanics
- #77 Don't track heal done to enemy units
- #76 Shield/offhand item sometimes is shifted to the second row
- #74 Reset viewed challenge info when MDB is closed
- #73 Show heal done by each spell
- #64 Don't store challenges info uncompressed
- #72 Add missing AceHook lib to embeds.xml
- #71 Duration for 60+ minutes is shown incorrectly
- #63 Track pets damage and show it on the UI
- #69 Add toggle to show counts for all casts
- #68 Don't save "0" for party member spec
- #67 "infM" is shown when there are no crits
- #66 Don't track **-MISSED for party damage
- #15 Track all damage done by party members
- #7 Add trackable own casts ("OwnCastsDoneByPartyMembers") for party members
- #26 Add icons for the new affixes
- Fix path for external libs
- #25 Use
and don't publish "public" libs
- Force to update players info on challenge start
- #24 Show each party member's race
- #23 Add filters for challenges table
- #22 Add date for challenge details title
- #2 Add custom changelog and not use git commits
- #1 Allow to delete challenges
- Make Debug-messages disabled by default
- Add Race Specific spells to be tracked via "OWN-CASTS-DONE-BY-PARTY-MEMBERS"
- 1st stage of heal tracking done by party members
- Fix pet tracking via tooltip
- Fix Solar Beam tracking
- Track party member casts and not npcs
- Add missing L-entries for help-messages
- Fix label for "Time Format" option
- Add options for date and time formats. Add option for icons format (flatten or not)
Additional Files
343.90 KB
Jun 7, 2021