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    Jan 24, 2023
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 10.0.2



  • Add missing MDT-integration for DF
  • Add missing icon for affix Thundering
  • Add some avoidable dmg


  • Hide Covenant-tab
  • Update templates for WA (mostly for dispels)
  • Update internal version for all WA-templates
  • Update list of Dungeons
  • Update list of bosses and adds for DF S1 dungeons
  • Add Spells to interrupt for DF S1 dungeons
  • Add avoidable damage for DF S1 dungeons
  • Add some avoidable debuffs


  • Update Interface version
  • Store and display new talents


  • Timewalking challenges should not be filtered out when "current week"-filter is used
  • Fix template for CastOnMe WA (improve caster's target checking)
  • Make compatible with 10.0.0


  • Fix template for GTFO-WA (remove hardcoded zone id)
  • Add some avoidable spells


  • Add WA-template GTFO
  • Improve custom code for PartyAura
  • Update meta-info for SL S4 dungeons
  • Bump game-version


  • Add kicked casts to the "Own Casts By Enemies"-tab
  • Show dispel-type on the "Dispels"-tab
  • Save player's secondary stats changes
  • Add SL S4 affix "Shrouded"
  • Add avoidable damage for SL s4 dungeons
  • Add avoidable debuffs for SL s4 dungeons
  • Add spells to interrupts for SL s4 dungeons
  • Add Dispel menu-item to WA-menu (page - Buffs and Debuffs on enemies)
  • Use correct spec ids for Enrage WA
  • Add WA-templates for spell cast start/success


  • Add Shift + Click handler to send spell links to the opened chat
  • Add Shift + Click handler to send item links to the opened chat
  • Fix logging damage from "nil" source
  • Add page "All Enemies Passed Casts"
  • Add WA-generators (available via context-menu in the tables)
  • Death logs tab is working now on not completed challenges
  • Fix Dispel tracker (save dispels done by pets to its owner and not separately)


  • Add spells and auras for Tazavesh
  • Fix ilvl parsing from item-tooltip


  • Bump WoW-version to 9.2


  • Fix unit id for PF (163857 - 173840)
  • Add LEGION's mechanics for TW


  • Add report-option for own buffs/debuffs tab


  • Add Guild as a report target
  • Fix lua-error on report posting (remove role-icons)


  • Try to detect covenants and soulbinds for party members
  • Add ability to automatically delete old challenges
  • Add ability to "star" some challenges (they won't be deleted automatically)
  • Fix context menu for friendly-fire tab


  • Add tracker for enemies healing
  • Add 9.1 trinkets
  • Add loot tracking


  • Fix layout issues with latest ElvUI


  • Add icon for SL season 2 affix
  • Add missing data about npc for myth+ progress
  • Fix percents column-modifier. Now percents less than 1% are shown correctly
  • Track anima powers collected by party members
  • Add role icons and class colors for tab-headers
  • Add avoidable spells damage for Season 2 affix
  • Fix report for encounters
  • Don't save timeline for party member auras (it's not shown anywhere)
  • Compress each mechanics data separately


  • Bump WoW-version to 9.1


  • Track all own casts with timestamp and targets
  • Add top-level tab "Progress" contains Units, Encounters and Combat Time
  • Fix for deaths-tab. Deaths without releases until challenge ends now parsed and shown correctly.
  • Fix overall enemy progress calculation
  • Highlight players in the OwnCasts-tab
  • Highlight amount columns for damage and heal tabs by spell
  • Track SPELL_AURA_BROKEN* separately
  • Don't track avoidable debuffs separately (log-messages for them are removed)
  • Track agro for death logs
  • Track enemies friendly fire done by spells (but not DoTs)


  • #118 Save logs related to party member before its death
  • Track progress for enemy forces (both units and encounters tabs are updated)
  • Compressing now is optional (check Performance-settings)
  • Add "Current Week" filter for challenges


  • Track friendly fire damage separately
  • Improve Equip tab (show rings, trinkets and weapon separately)
  • Add more avoidable debuffs
  • Add report menu for swing damage done to party members
  • Add gems counter to the Equip tab
  • Add scale settings for UI
  • #117 Can't see any details
  • Calculate damage done by players more accurate (track MISSED too)
  • Add UI-tabs for friendly-fire damage
  • Add enemy-units portraits to the Units-tab (data from MDT-addon is used if it's installed)


  • Fix log-messages about taken avoidable damage (again)
  • Fix calculation for haste bonus from gems
  • Fix death-icons placing on the Death-graph


  • Fix buffs/debuffs uptime calculation
  • Add Encounter blocks for Deaths graph
  • Track death time for all party members
  • Add Deaths tab
  • Add russian locale
  • Output log-messages about taken avoidable damage
  • Add raid icons to messages about interrupts, dispels and passed casts
  • Add secondary stats for Equipment-tab (for RU and EN only)
  • Fix avg ilvl calculation (mostly for hunters)
  • Fix interrupts tracking for pets
  • Separate swing damage taken by party member from enemies
  • Add Spiteful Shade Melee Damage (spell id 350163) as avoidable damage


  • #116 Add filters for Units tab
  • Add timeline with deaths to Summary tab
  • Add controls for timeline with deaths


  • Fix reports for encounters and challenges - don't post icons to target/party
  • Save lastCast for units appear in combat
  • #114 Improve context menu for spells and npcs
  • #115 Improve Tab for Buff and debuffs on units
  • Add summary for some tables


  • #111 Add Graph with combat/idle time
  • #112 Show items level for each equiped item in the Roster/Equipment
  • #110 New CN localizations
  • Add report-menu for heal and damage done by each spell
  • #113 Add context menu for Challenges table
  • Add more auras to track for enemy units
  • Track all units combat start/end
  • Add UI-tab for all units combat start/end
  • Add context menu for encounters-tab


  • #13 Track average items level for party members
  • Dark Stride is not avoidable
  • Add more NPC to track and update id for some bosses
  • #109 Add Links to Wowhead
  • #75 Add ability to post table row to the chat (group or wisper)
  • Add Explosion to avoidable spells


  • #57 Add special casts in the De Other Side
  • #61 Add special casts in the Mists of Tirna Scithe
  • #58 Add special casts in the Halls of Atonement
  • #62 Add special casts in the Sanguine Depths
  • Save swing damage done by Spiteful Shade separately
  • Fix Absorb tracker
  • #105 Add Covenant blocks to Roster
  • Track Spiteful Shade melee damage separately
  • #14 Track party members talents
  • Fix communication between party members
  • Track timeline for idle time
  • Highlight Manifestation of Pride in the "Damage Done to Units" tab
  • Update aura trackers
  • #107 Add Chinese localization (thanks wuhan890809)


  • Fix tracker for summoned units
  • Don't highlight 0 for avoidable damage
  • Add more avoidable spells and auras (related to #34, #29, #32, #33, #30, #31, #28, #27)
  • #102 Group damage done to all units and highlight important units
  • #101 Show avoidable damage as part of all taken damage tab
  • #93 Add units to track taken damage for Necrotic Wake
  • #94 Add units to track taken damage for Plaguefall
  • #95 Add units to track taken damage for De Other Side
  • #96 Add units to track taken damage for Halls of Atonement
  • #97 Add units to track taken damage for Spires of Ascension
  • #98 Add units to track taken damage for Theater of Pain
  • #99 Add units to track taken damage for Mists of Tirna Scithe
  • #100 Add units to track taken damage for Sanguine Depths
  • #103 Allow MDB to communicate with other party member


  • Add spell id for Overflowing Anima Cage
  • #34 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Sanguine Depths
  • #29 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for De Other Side
  • #93 Add units to track taken damage for Necrotic Wake
  • #94 Add units to track taken damage for Plaguefall
  • #97 Add units to track taken damage for Spires of Ascension
  • #32 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Theater of Pain
  • #33 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Mists of Tirna Scithe
  • #30 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Halls of Atonement
  • #31 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Spires of Ascension
  • #54 Add Usable PvP Trinkets
  • #53 Add Usable Professions Items
  • #52 Add Usable Raid Trinkets
  • #28 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Plaguefall
  • Remove BfA-related tracker-calls (don't delete trackers)
  • Fix Summary-tab when no deaths were while challenge
  • #27 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Necrotic Wake
  • Add second covenant abilities to track
  • #93 Add units to track taken damage for Necrotic Wake
  • #55 Add special casts in the Necrotic Wake
  • #43 Add spells to interrupt for Necrotic Wake


  • #43 Add spells to interrupt for Necrotic Wake
  • #44 Add spells to interrupt for Plaguefall
  • #45 Add spells to interrupt for De Other Side
  • #46 Add spells to interrupt for Halls of Atonement
  • #47 Add spells to interrupt for Spires of Ascension
  • #48 Add spells to interrupt for Theater of Pain
  • #49 Add spells to interrupt for Mists of Tirna Scithe
  • #50 Add spells to interrupt for Sanguine Depths
  • #28 Add avoidable spells and debuffs for Plaguefall
  • #94 Add units to track taken damage for Plaguefall
  • #92 Track main covenant's abilities
  • Version 9.0.2 is for SL now
  • #91 Update format for buffs and debuffs stored for party members and units


  • #21 Separate all buffs and all debuffs for each player and show their duration
  • #90 Add version 9.0.2 to BfA
  • Add more spells to track like party member's own casts
  • #89 Improve pet's owner tracking


  • #88 Routing on Summary table is broken


  • #87 Use PARTY-MEMBERS-SUMMON to check pets and summoned units in the all trackers
  • #86 Add percentage columns for Summary Table
  • #85 Make Summary table interactable
  • #84 Add spell filter for own casts timeline
  • #16 Reformat "Details"-tab to "Summary"-tab
  • #82 MDB window should be closable via ESC pressing
  • #83 Add percentage column for tables "Heal by Spell" and "All Damage Done"


  • #78 Row with currently viewed challenge should be highlighted
  • #81 Show interrupts done by Quaking affix
  • #80 Deaths count is not set when challenge is abandoned
  • #79 Add extra settings for verbose options for mechanics


  • #77 Don't track heal done to enemy units
  • #76 Shield/offhand item sometimes is shifted to the second row
  • #74 Reset viewed challenge info when MDB is closed
  • #73 Show heal done by each spell
  • #64 Don't store challenges info uncompressed


  • #72 Add missing AceHook lib to embeds.xml
  • #71 Duration for 60+ minutes is shown incorrectly


  • #63 Track pets damage and show it on the UI
  • #69 Add toggle to show counts for all casts
  • #68 Don't save "0" for party member spec
  • #67 "infM" is shown when there are no crits
  • #66 Don't track **-MISSED for party damage


  • #15 Track all damage done by party members
  • #7 Add trackable own casts ("OwnCastsDoneByPartyMembers") for party members
  • #26 Add icons for the new affixes


  • Fix path for external libs


  • #25 Use externals and don't publish "public" libs
  • Force to update players info on challenge start
  • #24 Show each party member's race
  • #23 Add filters for challenges table
  • #22 Add date for challenge details title
  • #2 Add custom changelog and not use git commits
  • #1 Allow to delete challenges
  • Make Debug-messages disabled by default


  • Add Race Specific spells to be tracked via "OWN-CASTS-DONE-BY-PARTY-MEMBERS"
  • 1st stage of heal tracking done by party members
  • Fix pet tracking via tooltip
  • Fix Solar Beam tracking
  • Track party member casts and not npcs
  • Add missing L-entries for help-messages
  • Fix label for "Time Format" option
  • Add options for date and time formats. Add option for icons format (flatten or not)

Additional Files

Type Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
405.47 KB Jan 24, 2023 10.0.2 47