Mylune's Champions
Don't underestimate your little critters!
Mylune's Champions will add some more personality to your companions, mounts, and combat pets by adding auto-emotes as reactions on other emotes or on events such as low health of their master. In addition, it adds chat commands to easily create manual emotes for your companions (/ce), mounts (/mte), and combat pets (/pe).
- You are at low health: "Nyyr's companion Mr. Chilly tries to save its master. Rwarrr!"
- You cheer at your companion: "Nyyr's companion Mr. Chilly is excited and squeaks."
Create your own companion personality!
There is an in-game editor which allows you to easily personalise existing personalities or to create completely new ones. Play around!
Multilanguage Support!
Personalities are currently available in English (enUS) and German (deDE). If you are interested in maintaining personalities for another language, send me a PM!
Mylune needs you!
Satisfied with your new creation? Like to share it with others players? Just open a ticket and attach your configuration file to it! You can find your configuration file for this addon in "World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<your account name>\SavedVariables\MylunesChampions.lua".
Just checked again, seems to still work as intended. Do you have any other chat addons active? Anything modifying emotes etc.?
hmm i have Speakinspell,but i hardly use it anymore,let me try and remove it :)
thank you for reading!
nope still doesn't work,i removed all other chat/communication related addon and it still doesn't work :/
it's just that the Mylune add-on works with some compagnions and mounts,but then it doesn't with others like per example my sinister squasling (my Fav. critter) it gives me a message in the chatbox saying : Mylune Champions: you do not have an active compagnion.
and then with other critters like per example a proto-drake,there everything works fine.
I guess I found the reason: emotes currently only seem to work with the companions you learned with the current charakter. Companions that previously only were known by another of your charakters are not found by Mylune's Champions (although they are now account-wide). That's some inconsistency in Blizzard's API - I try to find a way to fix it!
Thanks for finding this strange bug! ;)
Found a preliminary fix, so all of your companions should do emotes again. The new interface offers some nice things, so expect more to come this winter! ;)
woohoo i did something good lol
thanks for finding the problem :))
i'll reload the add-on and try again,thank you :))
Hi there. I am putting this as a feature request. My apology if it has been asked.
Considering the amount of time we spent on our Mounts, it would be interesting to see some emotes when we're idling on our mounts, mounting, dismounting etc. It would be nice if the addon can be extended to cover mounts as well. If not, perhaps a separate addon?
That's a great idea, thanks! I'll try to get something in soon.
Initial mount support is added (mainly for manual emotes and for random / auto emotes). Events for mounting/dismounting following soon.
That's awesome! I am glad you like the idea and decided to implement it! Thanks for the time and effort put in writing/maintaining this great addon!
Hi, I was hoping you could do something along the lines of pet specific genders? Meaning, for example, right now you have to say all cats are male or female, however, I want my one cat to be male, and my other to be female, is this possible?
With v0.4, you should now be able to add individual pets to the list of combat pets and assign individual personalities and genders. Let me know, if it works for you ;)
Thanks for testing ;)
Currently, your hunter pet shouldn't do any emotes automatically when out of combat. Only those low-health emotes when in-fight - but these happen only, when auto emotes are not on 'cooldown'. This cooldown, however, is also triggered by your companion pet.
I'm still juggling around with those CDs and soon will provide a configuration option, so that you can play around with them.
/wave, /greet etc at your hunter pet should work, however.
I have had this for two days now and all I ever see are emotes from my companion pet but nothing whatsoever from my Hunter Pet.
Not sure if that is how it is supposed to be.