Questing minion
August 20, 2009: I have started the tear-down/rebuild of this addon and will keep this description updated as I go. My path will be:
1) DONE - Thanks Fyrye. Update the libraries so we can get it working without yelling at you, albeit with a bit of tweaking
2) Update the code to work with the new questlog api
3) Recode and reduction of external library dependancy
It's not a conflict with other addons either. I tried logging in with empty WTF, Cache, and Addons folders (except for Addons/nQuestLog), and I still had the issue.
I love this mod. (Obviously; otherwise I wouldn't've gone to such effort.) So I hope a fix to this bug can be found, please. :)
For now you can just go to the config menu > Notifications and uncheck Notifications. It's not ideal, you won't see quest completion notifications etc anymore, but at least you get to keep the awesome nQuestLog functionality!
Still hoping this gets fixed, but I'm relieved I don't have to uninstall it.
This being updated anytime?
If not, anyone know a good replacement?