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UploadedJul 29, 2007
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.1.3
- removed MapLibrary from the package as optional dependency in favour of embedded Astrolabe by Esamynn which does the same job but with more up-to-date zone coordinates and better efficiency, it will also be used in a later version to render icons on the world/mini maps. you should remove the MapLibrary folder entirely if no other addons depend on it
- lots and lots of internal code cleanup:
- more performance and memory improvements when accessing all-sorts of internal table data
- split the code into separate file modules (suggest to delete your previous Nauticus directory before extracting this version)
- moved all remaining global functions into single Nauticus (Ace) object (yes the main addon is now Ace'd, using the better event driver for now - AceComm to follow, see below...)
- previous versions used the local system clock to keep track of the times, resulting in wildly innaccurate timings due to drifting clocks (some overclocked systems and where the clock is sync'd over the 'net etc.)- now refreshes the main UI window flip direction while dragging
- zero-padded timers to be a bit more human readable
- recalibrated all transport round-trip-times (again, but using the right formula to work it out properly this time - d'oh). accuracy should be *significantly* improved now! i.e. assuming Blizzard's server clocks don't drift much (which they rarely seem to do), our timers shouldn't drift by more than a second or three for every coupla days without new sync or trigger data
- completely rewritten sync logic, replacing request-response with delayed differential tell mechanism. what this means is significantly reduced bandwidth needed to exchange timers, by ensuring only new data is broadcast and by one person instead of everyone who thinks they know it all (thus it scales extremely well when lots of people are in the sync channel). AceComm will be used in the next revision when the Ace team have fixed a small bug.