All Namespaces
- A buff/debuff icon will blink when it expires in less than X seconds, set to 0 to disable
- Abbreviated
- Anchor X offset
- Anchor y offset
- Ascending
- Blink speed
- Blink start time
- Blinking speed as number of blink cycles per second
- Border brightness
- Bottom
- Brightness of the default non-colored icon border ( 0 -> black, 1 -> white )
- Buffs
- Changing some of the values might require reloading the UI to take effect. Watch out for the red text in the options tooltip description!
- Colored border
- Debuffs
- Descending
- Duration
- Duration font
- Duration font color
- Duration font outline
- Duration font size
- Duration horizontal offset
- Duration position
- Duration time format
- Duration vertical offset
- For any kind of profile change to fully take effect, you need to reaload UI!
- General
- Highlight debuffs and weapon enchants with a different border color
- Horizontal offset
- Horizontal row offset
- How to sort the buffs/debuffs
- Icons/Row
- Index
- Left
- Monochrome
- Nagative or positive numbers expected
- Name
- None
- Number of Rows
- Outline
- Positive values adjust to the right, negative values adjust to the left
- Positive values adjust upwards, negative values adjust downwards
- Profile
- Right
- Scale
- Show duration bar
- Show duration spiral
- Show duration text
- Show weapon enchaments
- Show/Hide Anchor
- Show/Hide test anchor frame
- Sort method
- Sort type
- Stack font
- Stack font color
- Stack horizontal offset
- Stack outline
- Stack size
- Stack vertical offset
- Stacks
- Thick outline
- This change requires reloading UI to take effect
- Time
- Top
- Use Masque (ButtonFacade)
- Vertical offset
- Vertical row offset