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UploadedApr 17, 2016
Size249.26 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.2.4
SLOKnightfall <SLOKnightfall@gmail.com>
2016-04-17 16:44:59 -0700
Tagging changes
- Added SharedMediaLibary to .pkgmeta file Added dropdown to config file to allow user to change key font to any SharedMedia fonts. Added slider to config file to allow user to change key font size.
- Updated Key to show killed mobs that have tracking quests. Changed completed achievement mobs Key icon.
- Tweak to get the path mouse over tooltips to play nice and not block other tooltips.
- Tweaked some of the overlay paths. Re-enabled the detection ring. Added Worldmap & Minimap toggles in the config menu for detection ring. Added handler that will periodically remove detection rings to keep things from getting cluttered. Added toggle for displaying path names mouseover tooltips to config menu.
- Removed un-needed binding declaration
- Cleaned up locale database to remove un-needed mobs. Added mob paths for new 6.2.2 mobs. Added mob paths that were missing Cleaned up a lot of Draenor paths Possible fix for random parts of unselected paths flashing along with the proper route.
- Re added control icon to minimap. Added minimap icon toggle to config menu. Removed some ui elements from the Key frame and lowered some of the size parameters to reduce its footprint. Updated Key frame to be a scroll window and set it to max out at a percentage of current map size. The percentage is user defined via the config menu. Added Max Key Size selector to the config menu. This will allow the user to select what percentage of the map window the Key will max out at. Default = 75% Added Key Auto Hide option to config menu. When enabled the key will change it's alpha value to a user selected value. On mouse over the key will revert to full alpha. Added Auto Hide selector to config menu for users to set the what alpha the Auto Hide feature will be set as. Default = 25% Cleaned up duplicate colors in the Constants file as they are now un needed do to the ability to reuse the color table when needed colors exceed what is on the table. Added the ability to display mob names via tooltip when the mouse enters a path on the map. Updated the Carbonite module to fix some of the errors. More work is needed to make sure that it functions fully with the new version (6.+). Removed un needed save variable from toc. Some code cleanup.