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UploadedOct 29, 2008
Size193.42 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.0.2
Xinhuan (12):
07967b2: Add zhCN localization from ananhaid.
ce9fc90: Update zhCN.
40fb526: Update koKR and zhTW localization.
06fab05: Add show threat values and % options.
d91cd40: Readd Aoogah! sound from Omen2.
120abe4: Fix Omen's overall alpha setting not applying on login.
bf32177: Add option to not use class colors and instead use a common color for all bars.
1eb3dbd: Fix bug which causes ghost bars to show when some classes are not selected to be shown.
5845422: Add Tank Bar Color option.
3f3d022: Add "Always Show Self" option to Omen.
b05e63e: Minor optimization by replacing custom clearTable() function with wipe()
8ff091d: Add Show/Hide Title bar option.