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UploadedNov 3, 2008
Size223.06 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.0.2
Xinhuan (11):
f8060ff: Fix error that occurs on changing Clamp To Screen option.
c93f240: Update frFR from Pettigrow.
97fea07: Update koKR localization from Sayclub.
dbe3740: Update zhCN localization from ananhaid.
c6d780f: Add option to change the Pet Color.
0a91f77: Changed code so that we no longer create the LibDBIcon-1.0 minimap button if Broker2FuBar or FuBar exists as we have direct FuBar support.
f82c78c: Fix bugs with "Hide Omen on 0 bars" option not working properly.
d6f8ca3: Change default pet color from white-washed green to violet.
2cc0892: Update TOC to Omen v3.0.2
3310c42: Localize a few more globals after looking a GETGLOBAL grep pass.
5f28000: Update deDE localization from Stanzilla.