not showing #132

  • Nitroreflex created this issue Oct 19, 2024

    Date: 2024-10-20 00:00:16
    ID: 1
    Error occured in: Global
    Count: 1
    Message: Interface/AddOns/Omen/Omen.lua line 8:
    attempt to call global 'GetAddOnMetadata' (a nil value)
    [string "@Interface/AddOns/Omen/Omen.lua"]:8: in main chunk
    Omen = <table> {
    modules = <table> {
    defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
    name = "Omen"
    orderedModules = <table> {
    enabledState = true
    defaultModuleState = true
    L = <table> {
    HUNTER = "Hunter"
    Height of each bar = "Height of each bar"
    Passed %s%% of %s's threat! = "Passed %s%% of %s's threat!"
    Show Omen when you are alone = "Show Omen when you are alone"
    Show threat per second values = "Show threat per second values"
    Turning this on will cause Omen to hide whenever you are in a battleground or arena. = "Turning this on will cause Omen to hide whenever you are in a battleground or arena."
    Tells Omen to additionally check your 'focus' and 'focustarget' before your 'target' and 'targettarget' in that order for threat display. = "Tells Omen to additionally check your 'focus' and 'focustarget' before your 'target' and 'targettarget' in that order for threat display."
    TPS Window = "TPS Window"
    PET = "Pet"
    Show Classes... = "Show Classes..."
    'My Bar' BG Color = "'My Bar' BG Color"
    Show Omen when any of the following are true = "Show Omen when any of the following are true"
    Center Omen = "Center Omen"
    Click|r to toggle the Omen window = "Click|r to toggle the Omen window"
    Alpha = "Alpha"
    > Pull Aggro < = "> Pull Aggro <"
    Control the font size of the labels = "Control the font size of the labels"
    Master = "Master"
    Show Pull Aggro Bar = "Show Pull Aggro Bar"
    DEMONHUNTER = "Demon Hunter"
    The font that the labels will use = "The font that the labels will use"
    Background Tile Size = "Background Tile Size"
    SHAMAN = "Shaman"
    Click Through = "Click Through"
    Display large numbers in Ks = "Display large numbers in Ks"
    Use !ClassColors addon for class colors for the background color of threat bars = "Use !ClassColors addon for class colors for the background color of threat bars"
    A collection of help pages = "A collection of help pages"
    Clamp To Screen = "Clamp To Screen"
    Tank Bar Color = "Tank Bar Color"
    Frame's border color = "Frame's border color"
    Title Bar Background Options = "Title Bar Background Options"
    Max bars to show = "Max bars to show"
    Open the configuration dialog = "Open the configuration dialog"
    Font Outline = "Font Outline"
    Heading background color = "Heading background color"
    Turning this on will cause Omen to hide whenever you are not in combat. = "Turning this on will cause Omen to hide whenever you are not in combat."
    Tile Background = "Tile Background"
    Configure title bar settings. = "Configure title bar settings."
    Frame's background color = "Frame's background color"
    Border Texture = "Border Texture"
    General Settings = "General Settings"
    This section controls when Omen is automatically shown or hidden. = "This section controls when Omen is automatically shown or hidden."
    Grow bars upwards = "Grow bars upwards"
    Omen Quick Menu = "Omen Quick Menu"
    Show the Omen minimap button = "Show the Omen minimap button"
    Border Thickness = "Border Thickness"
    IGNORE_PLAYER_PETS_DESC = "Tells Omen to skip enemy player pets when determining which unit to display threat data on.

    Player pets maintain a threat table when in |cffffff78Aggressive|r or |cffffff78Defensive|r mode and behave just like normal mobs, attacking the target with the highest threat. If the pet is instructed to attack a specific target, the pet still maintains the threat table, but sticks on the assigned target which by definition has 100% threat. Player pets can be taunted to force them to attack you.

    However, player pets on |cffffff78Passive|r mode do not have a threat table, and taunt does not work on them. They only attack their assigned target when instructed and do so without any threat table.

    When a player pet is instructed to |cffffff78Follow|r, the pet's threat table is wiped immediately and stops attacking, although it may immediately reacquire a target based on its Aggressive/Defensive mode.
    Causes Omen to play a chosen sound effect = "Causes Omen to play a chosen sound effect"
    Control the font size of the title text = "Control the font size of the title text"
    Show the Omen Title Bar =
    Swatter, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs)
    Auctionator, v11.0.12
    Auctioneer, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs)
    AuctioneerStatsOverTime, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs)
    AuctioneerUtilDealFinder, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs)
    AuctioneerUtilValuer, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs)
    BigWigs, vv366.1
    DBMCore, v11.0.21
    DBMStatusBarTimers, v11.0.21
    DBMVPVEM, v6dbaa27
    FPSMSTracker40, vv4.0
    GTFO, v5.14
    HealthBarColor, v
    HHTD, v2.4.22
    Omen, v3.2.4
    SlideBar, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs)
    Stubby, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs)
    BlizRuntimeLib v11.0.2.56819(EU) <enUS>


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