Brazilian Portuguese
All Namespaces
- *Not in Party*
- |cffff0000Error:|r Omen cannot use shake warning if you have turned on nameplates at least once since logging in.
- <Unknown>
- > Pull Aggro <
- A collection of help pages
- Alpha
- Always Show Self
- Always show your threat bar on Omen (ignores class filter settings), showing your bar on the last row if necessary
- Ambience
- Animate Bars
- Attach to minimap
- Autocollapse
- Autocollapse Options
- Background Color
- Background Options
- Background Texture
- Background Tile Size
- Bar BG Color
- Bar Height
- Bar Inset
- Bar Label Options
- Bar Settings
- Bar Spacing
- Bar Texture
- Border Color
- Border Texture
- Border Thickness
- Causes Omen to play a chosen sound effect
- Causes the entire game world to shake momentarily. This option only works if nameplates are turned off.
- Causes the entire screen to flash red momentarily
- Center
- Center Omen
- Clamp To Screen
- Click Through
- Click|r to toggle the Omen window
- Collapse to show a minimum number of bars
- Configure
- Configure bar settings.
- Configure title bar settings.
- Control the font size of the labels
- Control the font size of the title text
- Controls the frame strata of the main Omen window. Default: MEDIUM
- Controls the scaling of the main Omen window.
- Controls the transparency of the main Omen window.
- Controls whether the main Omen window can be dragged offscreen
- Disable while tanking
- Display large numbers in Ks
- Enable Screen Flash
- Enable Screen Shake
- Enable Sound
- Enable Warning Message
- FAQ Part 1
- FAQ Part 2
- Font
- Font Color
- Font Outline
- Font Size
- Frame Strata
- Frame's background color
- Frame's border color
- Frequently Asked Questions
- FuBar Options
- General Settings
- Grow bars upwards
- Heading background color
- Heading BG Color
- Height of each bar
- Height of the title bar. The minimum height allowed is twice the background border thickness.
- Help File
- Hide minimap/FuBar icon
- Hide Omen
- Hide Omen entirely if it collapses to show 0 bars
- Hide Omen on 0 bars
- However, hide Omen if any of the following are true (higher priority than the above).
- Ignore Player Pets
- Invert Bar/Text Colors
- Left
- Lock Omen
- Locks Omen in place and prevents it from being dragged or resized.
- Makes the Omen window non-interactive
- Master
- Max bars to show
- Max number of bars to show
- Music
- 'My Bar' BG Color
- Name
- None
- Omen Quick Menu
- Open Config
- Open Omen's configuration panel
- Open the configuration dialog
- Outline
- Passed %s%% of %s's threat!
- Pet Bar Color
- Position
- Print a message to screen when you accumulate too much threat
- Profiles
- Pull Aggro Bar Color
- Right
- Right-click|r to open the options menu
- Scale
- Sets how far inside the frame the threat bars will display from the 4 borders of the frame
- Short Numbers
- Show a bar for the amount of threat you will need to reach in order to pull aggro.
- Show bars for these classes
- Show Classes...
- Show column headings
- Show Headings
- Show icon
- Show minimap button
- Show Omen
- Show Omen when any of the following are true
- Show Omen when you are alone
- Show Omen when you are in a 5-man party
- Show Omen when you are in a raid
- Show Omen when you have a pet out
- Show Omen when...
- Show Pull Aggro Bar
- Show text
- Show the Omen minimap button
- Show the Omen Title Bar
- Show Threat %
- Show threat per second values
- Show Threat Values
- Show Title Bar
- Show TPS
- Show When...
- Slash Command
- Smoothly animate bar changes
- Sound Channel
- Sound to play
- Spacing between each bar
- Switch the colors so that the bar background colors and the text colors are swapped.
- Tank Bar Color
- Tells Omen to additionally check your 'focus' and 'focustarget' before your 'target' and 'targettarget' in that order for threat display.
- Tells Omen to enter Test Mode so that you can configure Omen's display much more easily.
- Temp Threat Bar Color
- Test Mode
- Test warnings
- Texture to use for the frame's background
- Texture to use for the frame's border
- The background color for all threat bars
- The background color for pets
- The background color for players under the effects of Fade, Mirror Image, Tricks of the Trade and Misdirection
- The background color for your Pull Aggro bar
- The background color for your tank's threat bar
- The background color for your threat bar
- The color of the labels
- The color of the title text
- The font that the labels will use
- The font that the title text will use
- The outline that the labels will use
- The outline that the title text will use
- The size used to tile the background texture
- The texture that the bar will use
- The thickness of the border
- Thick Outline
- This section controls when Omen is automatically shown or hidden.
- Threat
- Threat [%]
- Tile Background
- Tile the background texture
- Title Bar Background Options
- Title Bar Height
- Title Bar Settings
- Title Text Options
- Toggle Focus
- Toggle Omen
- TPS Window
- Turning this on will cause Omen to hide whenever you are in a battleground or arena.
- Turning this on will cause Omen to hide whenever you are in a city or inn.
- Turning this on will cause Omen to hide whenever you are not in combat.
- Use !ClassColors
- Use !ClassColors addon for class colors for the background color of threat bars
- Use a different colored background for the tank's threat bar in Omen
- Use a different colored background for your threat bar in Omen
- Use Auto Show/Hide
- Use Class Colors
- Use Focus Target
- Use 'My Bar' color
- Use Same Background
- Use standard class colors for the background color of threat bars
- Use Tank Bar color
- Use the same background settings for the title bar as the main window's background
- Warning Settings
- Warning Threshold %
- Warrior
- You are alone
- You are in a battleground
- You are in a party
- You are in a raid
- You are not in combat
- You are resting
- You have a pet
Phrase Key:
*Not in Party*
Base Namespace
*Not in Party*
Revision history:
*Não está em Grupo*