OneBag3 is part of a long line of bag replacements for the default game bags that will combine all of your bags into one frame.
OneBag has a long history of minimalism and OneBag3 will continue to uphold the standard of easy of use and simplicity it's predecessors set. Like the earlier versions, OneBag3 will continue to offer powerful options for those who wish to delve a little deeper.
Also in the vein of earlier iterations I've kept to the philosophy of doing as little work as possible, as a result the code base is very small, and most of it is in the OneCore library. As of the time of writing there are only 268 lines of code unique to OneBag3, and only 1804 lines of code in OneCore itself. LoC is a horrible stat in general, but it's fun none the less, and I cheat horribly since I build off the powerful Ace3 libraries.
- Now with Search
- Combines all of your bags into one.
- Customizable number of columns
- Inherent support for addons that interact with the default bags
- Color coded slots by item rarity or bag type
- Will automatically open and close for you when visiting the auction house, bank, mailbox, merchant or when trading with another player.
- Allows only certain bags to be displayed, either by slot or type
- Custom bag bar which will highlight it's associated slots on mouseover. This highlighting can be locked in place by clicking.
- Customizable scale, background color, alpha, and more.
- Clean and powerful graphical configuration
- Exposes WoW's built in bag sorting
Search Syntax
Search inside of OneBag3 is powered by the LibItemSearch library by Jalibroc. As a result it supports many advanced search options.
Advanced Filters:
- Quality: q:[quality] or quality:[quality]. Example: q:epic
- Level: l:[level], lvl:[level] or level:[quality]. Example lvl:30
- Type or Subtype: t:[search], type:[search] or slot:[search]. Example t:weapon
- Name: n:[name] or name:[name]. Example: n:lockbox
- Sets: s:[set] or set:[set]. Example: s:fire
- Tooltip Info: tt:[term], tip:[term] or tooltip:[term]. Example: tt:binds
Search Operators
- Logical NOT: "!q:epic" matches items that are NOT epic.
- Logical OR: "q:epic | q:rare" matches items that are either epic OR rare.
- Logical AND: "q:epic & t:weapon" matches items that are epic AND weapons.
- Greater Than: "lvl: > 30" matches items that are higher than level 30.
- Less Than: "lvl: < 30" matches items that are less than level 30.
- Greater or Equal to: "lvl: => 30" matches items that are lvl 30 or greater.
- Lesser or Equal to: "lvl: <= 30" matches items that are lvl 30 or less.
Special Keywords
- soulbound, bound, bop - Bind on pickup items.
- bou - Bind on use items.
- boe - Bind on equip items.
- boa - Bind on account items.
- quest - Quest bound items.
The Family
- OneCore
- The brains and the brawn of the outfit, Core does all the heavy lifting both logic and layout wise. This is embedded in OneBag by default, and you shouldn't need to worry about installing it unless you're running no-lib builds.
- On WowAce
- On Curse
- OneBank3
- OneBag's brother who always like the safety of town, Bank does pretty much the exact same job for your bankslots as OneBag does for your character's bags.
- On WowAce
- On Curse
Localization is powered by WowAce's built in translation system. Please use the following links to contribute to localization.
Bug Reports & Suggestions
Please report all bug reports to my tracker on WowAce.
I want to thank all the users who've been using OneBag and OneBank for so long.
Earlier, in the amount of gold was spaces, and now they're there any way to fix it?
Will there be an opportunity to view a variety of currencies in this addon?
In reply to Evangelionix:
I think other currencies are one of the longest-standing feature requests that for some reason I've just never gotten around to adding. Such a mark of shame for me :(
I wonder if the gold spacing changes you're seeing are something that changed in the default UI. I've definitely not changed anything related there.
In reply to Kaelten:
Gold is displayed after correcting Wipie_CS and in version 3.11.1 is preserved...
In reply to Evangelionix:
interesting. I'll dig in and see if I can find it :)
In reply to Evangelionix:
Looking at things locally, I think the spacing is correct. We're you saying that the 3.11.1 version I posted is correct or the one you're seeing the issue in?
In reply to Kaelten:
In version 3.11.1 the problem remained.
In reply to Evangelionix:
Can you post a screenshot of what you're seeing?
In reply to Kaelten:
For example:
Was 1 293 500
Became 1293500
In reply to Evangelionix:
Actually on my version there is no spacing so its clearly on your side Evangelionix:)
If you find a way to space it just tell me I always wanted to do it too :P
In reply to Evangelionix:
When I look at mine I see ``"1,293,500"
Onebag uses a standard SmallMoneyFrame as defined in WoW's UI. This makes me think any differences are likely to be related to Locale settings used during localization.
Is it safe to assume you're not in the US? or at least that your computer is not set to US English as the locale?
In reply to Kaelten:
In reply to Evangelionix:
Right. Unfortunately, that would indicate the change isn't something that I can respond to easily as the control is a built-in and the localization system isn't a thing I can touch directly. :(
v3.11.1 should provide you guys with 9.0 compatability. Sorry for the delay!
In reply to Kaelten:
It works just fine, now.
Please don't apologise. You do good work and we're lucky to have the addon.
Be well.
In reply to jlrm365:
*tips his hat*
Thanks for the help @wipie_cs!
I'll be spending some more time with these issues as well as getting proper support in for classic in the near future.
With covid and WFH situations I've not been able to have a proper gaming/dev environment for personal projects in a long time. However, that's all changing this weekend so I hope I'll get you guys the support you deserve very soon. :)
/!\ 9.0 Prepatch FIX /!\
I was in the situation where I also was looking for a fix. But seeing no one giving one I decided to put my hands into the code and I came up with a 100% working fix. I can't tell if this is going to work trought 9.0.2 Shadowlands release but for the time being it works again
There is two way of fixing OneBag3.
Way 1 for non-lazy people: Go into your WorldOfWarcraft Folder
Example: C:/Program Files(x86)/World of Warcraft/_retail/Interface/AddOns/OneBag3/libs/OneCore-1.0/OneCore-1.0 and open OneFrame-1.0
At Line: 169
Replace it with
local frame = CreateFrame('Frame', framename, UIParent, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate")
Way 2: Download my working copy of OneBag3 and just replace it in your WoW folder
DL link on my github:
OneBag3 Working fix (GitHub)
In reply to Wipie_CS:
This works, thanks.
In reply to Wipie_CS:
Thanks, that resolved the issue
In reply to Wipie_CS:
Ty very much! But there is one mistake only: You was writting
CreateFrame('Frame', framename, UIParent, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate")
TWO times:) Edit it, please:)