<big>This version is no longer maintained! I'm working as fast as I can to get the new version to a better state but it does have base line functionality.
Check out the new true OneBag as it's being developed! </big>
OneBag is a replacement for the default game bags that combines all the bags into one frame. There are already addons out there that do this, so why OneBag? Mainly because I wanted a simpler, more system-friendly bag. OneBag doesn't entirely rewrite the bag-handling interface like others do. It simply rearranges the bags into one and allows the default UI to continue managing the bag slots. This means that addons such as KC_Items, ItemSync, LootLink, and SellValue should be inherently supported. As long as an addon is compatible with the default game bags, it should work with OneBag. This was my goal, anyway. For my uses OneBag has succeeded. Hopefully you will have similar results.
- Combines all your character bags into one.
- Customizable number of columns.
- Displays the total number of slots, by slots used and type. Types being that ammo, soul bags, and professions bags all get a seperate count.
- Inherent support for addons such as KC_Items, ItemSync, LootLink, and SellValue, with no need for special code.
- Color coded slots by item rarity or bag type.
- Will automatically open for you when you visit the auction house, bank, mailbox, merchant, or when entering a player trade.
- Customizable display of only certain bags, either but slot number, or by type.
- Gives you a bag bar for easy manipulation of your bags.
- You can mouseover the bags on the bar to highlight the slots from that bag. You can also lock this highlight by clicking.
- Customize the scale and alpha of the frame.
- Provides an easy to use graphical config menu.
when loging in appears this message:
Fehler:bad argument #2 to `format´ (string expected got nil) Datei:Interface/AddOns/OneView/OneStorage.lua Zeile:143 Fehler Nummer:1
does this mod automatically sort the items in the bags!? shown on one screen, all items are sorted - result from 'onebag' or did that the author manually sort the items instead?
Why dont this mod show up in key bindings?
I want to bind a key so I can view the content in my bank, because I cant seem to find any command that opens it up when I write /obb.
Thank you.
is it possible to change the color for the default slot border?
it is way too bright for my taste :)
GiantCow: yes, via the OneView plugin. (comes in the same zip) abricot: that bug has been fixed and will be redistroed in my next zip. steffteel: doiny /ob will get you into the options menu so you can change it without clicking :) Aular: those settings and behaviors will be coming back.
Sorry for being away so much, I've been busy working on the website and have not had a chance to work on this stuff that much, but will be back working on 2.1 soon.
In the older version of onebag, I recall settings to prevent the mod from closing automatically. Can we get that back or built into the menu? I want to be able to prevent Onebag from closing my inventory automatically at the:
- Mailbox - AH - Trade Window
It'd be nice if each setting were independent.
If I click on the one bag minimap icon the bank and bags come up. Though my backpack doesn't show up, even though it is selected to show in the config menu. Then if I try to hit B to open my backpack all my bags open in a vertical line, and I can't see the menu to try and change it.
Got this message when i log
Onebag\libs\Acelocale\ACelocale -2.1.lua:151: attempt to call field '?' ( a nil value)
and One bad doesn't launch
version 2.0.8412 is working fine :)
Ok, i updated all my mods over the weekend, and it's fixed, everything loads without errors, thx Kealten !
Does this allow viewing the contents of your bank when not at the bank?
Will post my FRAMEXML.log tonight when i log in.
works with SCTD
that was something I didn't have...didn't think I'd need it, but works flawlessly :)
Nvm. I think that was the dumbest thing I have said in a long time.
just bind w/e you want to the Open all bags keybind in blizz's UI.
For me.. I bind "B" to open One bag :P
Ok. Why is there no Onebag Keybind available?
the Oneview does not allow you to move / equip things...
rexxen: can you paste your FRAMEXML.log file with the new OneBag loaded?
Figured urs would be newer :D Installing the new version gives the following error: Error: Interface\AddOns\sct\sct.lua:12: Cannot find a library instance of AceAddon-2.0. And both sct and onebag are not working.
So for now i'm back on the old version with the "patched" toc.
Maybe it's just me, but I simply can't find the keybinding for OneBag in these never versions? There used to be one in the "old" OneBag add-on.
thats not really a very good fix all in all, as OneBag's libs are actually newer than SCT's.
I've attempted to reproduce the issue and I've not be able too. It may be that something to inadvertently fixed. Can someone tell me if they still have that problem with the newest version.
@Kaelten: Thx for your support...
With just this modified in the onebag.toc it works for me (inc. dmg)
..\sct\libs\Ace2\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua ..\sct\libs\Ace2\AceOO-2.0\AceOO-2.0.lua ..\sct\libs\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua ..\sct\libs\Ace2\AceDB-2.0\AceDB-2.0.lua ..\sct\libs\Ace2\AceConsole-2.0\AceConsole-2.0.lua ..\sct\libs\Ace2\AceHook-2.0\AceHook-2.0.lua ..\sct\libs\Ace2\AceAddon-2.0\AceAddon-2.0.lua
I'll try the new version tonight. btw: make sure u have the latest version of sct(d) installed (reinstall to make sure).