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UploadedMar 25, 2011
Size634.07 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.3.5
tag 4.1
freebaser <ishee.heath@gmail.com>
2010-07-01 21:09:59 -0500
version 4.1
- version up 4.1
- fix health error, try real unit in name tag
- healcomm and oUF update, add ML icon
- fix scaleRaid script
- try scaling with roster update, handle buffs in the debuffs module >.>
- don't use scale on the anchors
- add the movable options panel, version bump
- really fix the time to load for anchors
- fix movable, update healcomm
- update toc
- update oUF tags for better frequentupdates
- make sure movable loads before spawning
- fix nil colors and ns in debuffs, add option for multiple headers
- version bump 4.0
- more debuff tweaks that work correctly, hopefully
- actually use the raid icon element, debuff tweaks
- remove unwanted debuffs from the icons table
- strip auras and make it a separate element
- rewrite movable, spawn multiple headers for better groups sorting
- another debuff tweak
- debuff support instances
- tweak rescomm, and fix config healbar alpha
- option tweak
- lets not get crazy here
- option for frequent updates
- don't really need that anymore
- new debuff system, ouf update, ouf factory support
- disable framebg and blizzparty option, add LFD icon option and new Range syntax
- update oUF
- might as well add LFDrole
- low mana highlighting
- add reverse color support to power
- hide the power bar if not type mana
- whoops!
- attributes are cool
- override oUF threat module instead
- include threat module
- header show thyself!
- port to oUF 1.4
- healcomm update