Patch 8.* #61

  • Patch
  • Bloodnaix created this issue Aug 8, 2018

    Can it be updater for newer patch? It's almost 1 months and no updates, it's not working atm.
    Due to comments It's not rly hard to do.

  • Bloodnaix added a tag Patch Aug 8, 2018
  • Nirgali42 posted a comment Aug 18, 2018

    I've had no success trying to get in touch with the author.  I will likely fork the project until oscar returns to active status.  What you can do in the meantime is replace all the ace libraries. They can be grabbed from other updated addons or from the ace downloads. Keep in mind the directory names must match what is in paste's libs directory, otherwise, paste's code will need to be updated.  At the time of this writing, there has been no major version change with the libs used by paste, e.g., AceConfig-3.0 is still AceConfig-3.0. I am uncertain with LibStrataFix, your guess is as good as mine there. After you update the libs, you will want to change the Interface line in the paste.toc to "## Interface: 80000"

    Edited Aug 18, 2018
  • Nirgali42 posted a comment Aug 19, 2018

    I created a fork of Paste called CopyPasta. It works for me but I am waiting for curse to review it. It comes with all of the same localizations, including incomplete and in review.

  • Nirgali42 posted a comment Aug 19, 2018

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