[CastTarget] Script not working #56

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  • Defect
  • _ForgeUser430548 created this issue Nov 25, 2008

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Install pitbull from scratch with no configurations
    2. Invite someone to party.
    3. Cast a heal on any target, you'll notice the cast target name is shown, which could be different from the target using /cast [target=focus] or /cast [target=mouseover]
    4. Now convert to raid, and turn off "Show 5-man raid as a party" and cast a heal on any target. You will notice that the cast target name is not shown at all.
    5. Now turn on "Show 5-man raid as a party" and cast a heal on any target. You will notice that the cast target name is shown again.
    6. Ask the other party member to cast a heal on you and even though they have heal communication libraries, they will not transmit the CastTarget name even in party or raid frames, EVEN THOUGH the health bars are estimated for the target they're healing, SO they do have the libraries.

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    [CastTarget] function is not working in raid frames, not for anyone.
    [CastTarget] function is working in party frames only for yourself and no one else.
    The VisualHeal functions work in party and raid frames, since this is true, the add-ons are somehow communicating the CastTarget names, but the [CastTarget] function is not displaying the name for some reason.

    What version of the product are you using?
    Pitbull r1861

    Do you have an error log of what happened?

    Please provide any additional information below.
    [CastTarget] should display the target for the heal for myself and other players.

    So if there was a healer targetting a boss and casting heals using
    /cast [target=mouseover] Flash of Light
    I would have a hard time figuring out who that person is spamming heals on without [CastTarget] displaying names.

  • _ForgeUser430548 added the tags New Defect Nov 25, 2008

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