PitBull Unit Frames 3.0
Please note that PitBull3 is no longer being actively developed. On top of lack of active development itself, it's based on the Rock framework which itself is no longer maintained either.
I strongly recommend that users migrate to PitBull4. You can not convert your config from PitBull3 and must reconfigure.
PitBull4 itself can be found at:
You can find guides for setting it up at:
And the FAQ here:
While PitBull4 is still in beta it is fully functional and has more features than PitBull3. It is actively developed on and bug fixes made regularly.
I do not plan on making any fixes to PitBull3 once Cataclysm releases. So you have plenty of time to make the migration.
Accepting paypal donations to [email protected]
PitBull is a Unit Frames addon that provides maximal customization and undergoes rigorous efficiency testing. It is created in a modular framework, which allows for mulitple authors to put their skills to work creating this great project.
It has support for many different kinds of units: player, target, pet, pet's target, target of target, target of target of target, focus, focus' target, party, party pets, party targets, party pet targets, raid, raid pets, raid targets, main tanks, main tank targets, main assists, main assist targets, etc.
Note: Almost all texts are configurable using the LibDogTag-3.0 format. See http://old.wowace.com/wiki/LibDogTag-3.0 for details or type '/dog' in-game.
- Aura - track any buffs or debuffs on the shown units. Also has the ability to highlight based on a curable debuff.
- Banzai - highlight units that have threat on them.
- BarFader - allow for smooth fading when units gain or lose health/mana.
- CastBar - attach a cast bar to the applicable units: covers player, pet, party, target, focus, etc.
- CombatIcon - show an icon when the unit is in combat.
- CombatFader - fade unit out when out of combat.
- CombatText - show realtime damage/healing text on the unit frame.
- ComboPoints - for Rogues and Druids, show combo points.
- DruidManaBar - for Druids, show a mana bar when in Cat/Bear form.
- ExperienceBar - for the player and hunter pets, show an experience bar.
- HealthBar - show current health.
- HappinessIcon - show an icon on the pet frame to indicate its happiness.
- HideBlizzard - hide unneeded Blizzard frames .
- Highlight - show a highlight when hovering over a frame or targetting said frame.
- LeaderIcon - show the leader of the party.
- MasterLooterIcon - show the master looter of the raid.
- Portrait - show a 3D, 2D, or class portrait.
- PowerBar - show a mana/energy/focus/rage bar.
- PvPIcon - show an icon when the unit is in PvP mode.
- RaidTargetIcon - how the raid target icon (Skull/Triangle/etc.)
- RangeCheck - fade the unit frame slightly when the unit is out of range.
- ReadyCheckIcon - show Ready Check icon based on if the unit is ready or not.
- ReputationBar - for the player, show a reputation bar.
- RestIcon - show an icon if the player is resting.
- Spark - Graceful display of energy ticks and the spellcasting five-second-rule.
- ThreatBar - show a threat bar on the unit frame.
- TotemTimers - shows Totem timers for the PitBull player frame.
- VisualHeal - for healers, shows a bar showing the estimated heal amount while casting.
- VoiceIcon - show an icon based on whether or not the unit is talking.
Note: all modules can be enabled or disabled on-demand. Disabled modules don't take up any extra memory or CPU power.
Great unitframes to be sure. I can deal with it i guess, but if anyone could tell me how to turn off the "offline x:xx" next to my player name, i'd appreciate it. I don't even understand it's purpose. Thanks in advance.
You don't "turn it off" ... you have to change the "name" text (under the node text)
Change it to 'custom' and copy paste use the dogtags you want
One Feature id like to request is the ability to set opacity based on combat state or other factors.
That way i can have bars only show in combat, which I want.
Also the ability to set the opacity of the background of 3d models, which ive been unable to find anywhere. My target frame has a big full body 3d model of anyone I target and id like to reduce the opacity of the background to 0, so it just looks like a guy standing on top of his own healthbar.
I've always loved this addon - great job with it.
There's only one thing that I've seen that's a little odd right now. When you check the reverse button for health and/or power bars it has a strange effect. The bar texture reverses properly, but whenever damage is dealt or regenerated there's a strange flicker. It almost looks like the chunk of damage (that is normally being removed) is displayed at the front of the bar before it's removed.
I'm using SharedMedia... I don't remember the texture off of the top of my head. Anyway, does anyone else have this issue? Does anyone know if there's a fix I can do through the options or should I just wait on an update?
Can you post a picture of your addon please? Thanks!
This is a very good mod, especially if you were used to Discord UF...
I'm waiting for some updates and some bugfixes, but in the mean time, I have the frames I want now :-)
Very nice
I cant seem to configure pitbull with Fubar on, i get the same error message that Dantebear posted.
Ive got the Fubar pack from this site, and when i shut those addons off i can configure Pitbull no prob.
Also is there a combat bar frame in this like Xperl has?
If not id like to request that feature, other then that im loving pitbull ofcourse.
Errored out when I typed /pitbull to config it, although my bars seem to have changed....
Date: 2008-04-22 00:13:48
ID: 3
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: LibRockConfig-1.0: Bad return from function "args" for `PitBull'. Expected "table", got "string" ("@cache").
...s\FuBar\libs\LibRockConfig-1.0\LibRockConfig-1.0.lua:2813: Select()
...s\FuBar\libs\LibRockConfig-1.0\LibRockConfig-1.0.lua:746: OpenConfigMenu()
...s\FuBar\libs\LibRockConfig-1.0\LibRockConfig-1.0.lua:828: value()
[C]: ?
[C]: ChatEdit_ParseText()
..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2724: ChatEdit_SendText()
..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2745: ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed()
[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1:
[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1
ArcHUD2, v2.2
AtlasLoot, vAtlasLoot Enhanced v4.02.01
AucAdvanced, v5.0.PRE.3024
AucFilterBasic, v5.0.PRE.3024 (BillyGoat)
AucStatClassic, v5.0.PRE.3024 (BillyGoat)
AucStatPurchased, v5.0.PRE.3024 (BillyGoat)
AucStatSimple, v5.0.PRE.3024 (BillyGoat)
AucStatStdDev, v5.0.PRE.3024 (BillyGoat)
Auctioneer, v5.0.PRE.3024
Bartender3, v3.1.2 r56537
BeanCounter, v5.0.PRE.3024 (BillyGoat)
cgProfiler, v1.69899
CooldownCount, v2.1
cyCircled, v0.5
cyCircledChococat, v1.0
cyCircledGoldOrbs, v1.0
cyCircledHKitty, v1.0
cyCircledHelloween, v1.0
cyCircledPooh, v1.0
cyCircledCross, v1.0
cyCircledOnyx, v2.3.0.0
cyCircledPanda, v1.0
cyCircledPirates, v1.0
cyCircledsimpleSphere, v1.0
cyCircledsimpleSquare, v1.0
cyCircledSmurfs, v1.0
cyCircledVolGold, v2.3.0.0
cyCircledVolM, v2.3.0.0
cyCircledVol, v1.0
DrDamage, v1.2.1
Enchantrix, v5.0.PRE.3024
enchantrixbarker, v5.0.PRE.3024 (BillyGoat)
EnhTooltip, v5.0.PRE.3024
FuBarArenaFu, v0.8
FuBarBagFu, v2.0
FuBarBattlegroundFu, v2.0
FuBarClockFu, v3.0
FuBarDurabilityFu, v2.0
FuBarFuXPFu, v3
FuBarGuildFu, v2.4
FuBarLocationFu, v2.0
FuBarMailFu, v2.0
FuBarMoneyFu, v20000-1
FuBarPerformanceFu, v2.0
FuBarPvpFu, v0.5.2
FuBar, v50710
Informant, v5.0.PRE.3024
MobInfo2, v3.60
Omen, v2.1r55025
PitBull, vr65512
Prat, v2.0 57869
RatingBuster, v1.3.0 (r56707)
sct, v5.7
sctd, v2.4
simpleMinimap, v20100-6
Skillet, v1.10-55300
SpellAlerter, v1.33
SSPVP2, v$Revision: 458 $
Stubby, v52
Swatter, v5.0.PRE.3024
XLoot, v0.9
Is it possible to have animated unitframes? I had Pitbull pre 2.4 and it worked fine, now I cannot seem to find how to get the frames animated.
Did ckknight take this feature out?
Thanks in advance.
Newest version not working.
Date: 2008-04-21 03:49:00
ID: 51
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: LibRockConfig-1.0: Bad return from function "args" for `PitBull'. Expected "table", got "string" ("@cache").
...grapher\libs\LibRockConfig-1.0\LibRockConfig-1.0.lua:2813: Select()
...grapher\libs\LibRockConfig-1.0\LibRockConfig-1.0.lua:746: OpenConfigMenu()
PitBull\PitBull.lua:5125: func()
..\FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua:363: SecureActionButton_OnClick()
..\FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua:401: SecureUnitButton_OnClick()
[string "*:OnClick"]:1:
[string "*:OnClick"]:1
AucAdvanced, v5.0.PRE.2823
AucFilterBasic, v5.0.PRE.2823 (BillyGoat)
AucStatClassic, v5.0.PRE.2823 (BillyGoat)
AucStatPurchased, v5.0.PRE.2823 (BillyGoat)
AucStatSimple, v5.0.PRE.2823 (BillyGoat)
AucStatStdDev, v5.0.PRE.2823 (BillyGoat)
Bartender3, v3.1.2 r49924
BeanCounter, v5.0.PRE.2823 (BillyGoat)
Cartographer, vr56775
Enchantrix, v5.0.PRE.2823
EnchantrixBarker, v5.0.PRE.2823 (BillyGoat)
EnhTooltip, v5.0.PRE.2823
Informant, v5.0.PRE.2823
LightHeaded, v229
OneBag, v2.0.49995
PitBull, vr70475
QuestHelper, v0.39
Stubby, v52
Swatter, v5.0.PRE.2823
Package works fine, thank you for it. But I got some problems after 2.4 and updating it... target's buffs and debuffs moved below its frame. I tried to drag it, didn't work. I also tried to adjust it through target>other>auras and I couldn't find anything about their positions. Any help will be really appreciated:)
Spell name and time don't show in the castbar! I only see the icon and the progress bar. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?
PitBull_MetaLayout.lua still uses the command HideZero instead of Hide(0). A quick search and replace should fix it. Cheers.
People might want to look here for latest development version.
symlink to latest release :
Does this have the option to have a health/debuff check and range check combined? For example, it only highlights party/raid members who are within range AND need a heal/debuff.
I use X-Perl mainly for this reason, but would like to try pitbull out, but dont want to lose that feature.
Modules : Turn on Range Checking.
Then, Range Checking : Set opacity for out of range unitframes.
Is there an addon that can basicaly tell me in 2v2 When my druid is casting cyclong or root on a target and it shows that message as a Raid warning or something if so please tell me :)
Im not sure but i think this is what proximo does
Would be really amazing if there was a way to set it so only certain buffs/debuffs were displayed. for example, sometimes i only want to know if theres a magic buff or debuff on targets so i know whether i need to dispel or not. having extra buff's everywhere can be troublesome.
Global settings -> Aura : Friends/Enemies (de)Buff Filtering