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UploadedJan 17, 2009
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.0.3
Andrew Holman (7):
e1a8a75: adding my modules
a240daa: removed DS_Store
fdcbe52: Fixed problem with division by nil when rested xp is non-existant.
974b16b: Added DruidManaBar module for PitBull4
a259ed1: Modified modules.xml to include DruidManaBar
3c4f940: Changed tabs from 4 spaces to a tab for commonality.
6e856a2: Added druid class checking to addon
Cameron Kenneth Knight (17):
d4bad92: Initial commit
bf1dcee: Make a bit of logic more understandable
abf29ba: Change name to PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
48ddd7d: Add Version to TOC
d73cfe4: Change @debug@ to @alpha@
2eab160: Add the ability to have * keys in tables, no ** yet.
2dc91db: Make sure to remove star defaults when logging out
d9ac7df: Small bugfixes, make it create initial frames (currently only player).
f405b7e: Add basic module support.
aa7818b: A whole bunch of changes.
8a5a4f5: Cleanup BetterStatusBar.lua
6dba16c: Separate out some logic, simplifying things.
fa24d4b: Rearrange some logic
01f51ae: Some doc fixes
9953ac7: Fix some minor typos
b57f3ba: Add some more comments.
40c8a3c: Add ReputationBar
Cameron Knight (185):
5911b48: add Options, doesn't do much, but it does allow positioning of bars.
9f1a0b7: possibly fix up .pkgmeta. Fix an issue in options.
cbc2a0e: Add CastBar
2b8abc5: make CastBar work a bit better. Show targettarget.
a210826: simplify some logic.
0b32697: .docmeta
4101557: fix .docmeta
0146943: Fix up some code, initial icon support
53586de: Fix the way module registered functions are called.
2c9871c: switch to using AceConfig-3.0. Add some actual options for bars.
36244d2: change .unitID to .unit, since that's what Blizzard expects for tooltips.
52ee2e3: move the module types into their own files. Add a method to add new module types easily.
a455b9c: add a way for modules to register options. Add the "Color by class" option to HealthBar.
f7ce9ed: actually position icons and provide options for icons. get rid of all magic numbers in the layout (I think).
d1492ef: add real layout handling. Add setting of the layouts on a per-classification basis.
f3e3f49: Add the ability on a per-classification basis to mirror the layout horizontally. This is useful if you have a player frame and a target frame the same layout but want the target layout to mirror it (e.g. bars go other direction, things on the other side, etc.)
769c4e7: Add vertical mirroring. Tbh, I'm not sure a layout that would use it, but it could be cool.
0c8565f: prepare for frame deletion
7dac629: Switch to using colon syntax most all places, as it was confusing to have some methods use colon syntax but some using dot syntax. Switch to using Ace3 for timers, events, module handling, and DB.
ce0b5e6: use self where it makes sense
abf7396: some options-related bugfixing.
465e5f8: Move some functions around
6c40e9f: change the naming of some things, split things up some more for clarity.
0bebf73: move some files around, use XML instead of the TOC to load up files.
aebe4a2: Move some more things around
7602a0d: Split up Options into its own sections, put it in its own folder
d6ef615: Move the module handling parts to its own folder
f7dcfd5: bgAlpha => background_alpha
ed68d50: small optimization
bc419fc: have a set ordering for the layout editor
f38e0a8: bugfix
51ce0be: remove StatusBarModule:SetColorFunction, now it's just assumed that :GetColor will be the method to call. Same for :SetValueFunction => :GetValue and IconModule:SetTextureFunction => :GetTexture.
84c0e3c: split up the icon module's :GetTexture and :GetTexCoord functions. Pass in value to StatusBarModule:GetColor, in the case where you want to change color based on value (like health bar).
96337cc: change background and highlight modules to make the control they create using the same casing as the module ID.
05bec11: Add the TextProviderModule type. Add the DogTagTexts module. Simplify some of the layout placement code.
5c80595: call module:RemoveFontString(font_string) when we're deleting it, so that the module can unregister it. Also some code cleanup.
5e24fa9: bugfix for UnitFrame:IterateControls()
2684fa3: typo in DogTagTexts
e3c0b49: Make frame disabling work. This is done on a per-classification basis and acts as a special layout.
b8e8e0d: Allow changing size of the unit frames on a per-layout basis.
4ea591c: change verticalMirror to vertical_mirror (and same for horizontal_mirror). Add a scale override on a per-classification basis.
2b40bf5: properly handle position with regard to scaling of both UIParent and the frame itself.
72b7138: make :OnDragStop() just call :RefreshLayout() to keep things DRY. This will also prevent taint issues.
6aa8f94: Add the ability to choose texture on a per-layout and a per-bar basis if LibSharedMedia-3.0 is available and has more than 1 statusbar texture. Same thing for fonts.
637608a: make the options frame wider by default so that it can fit 3 controls across the subgroup.
7c06591: change onlyShown to only_shown
42d02f2: if LibSharedMedia-3.0 can't be found, use ChatFontNormal:GetFont() instead of hard-coding Arial. This will make it work for non-Westerners. If it is found, then validate "Arial Narrow" or fall back to the default that LSM specifies.
113271e: Use AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets for the texture and font widgets if it is available.
abccf6f: change PitBull4:IterateFrames(only_shown) to PitBull4:IterateFrames(also_hidden)
a07b6e2: change PitBull4:IterateWackyFrames(only_shown) to PitBull4:IterateWackyFrames(also_hidden) and same for :IterateNonWackyFrames
9240a10: change PitBull4:IterateFramesForUnitID(unit, only_shown) to PitBull4: IterateFramesForUnitID(unit, also_hidden)
019677c: change PitBull4:IterateFramesForClassification(classification, only_shown) to PitBull4: IterateFramesForClassification(classification, also_hidden)
20783df: change PitBull4:IterateFramesForLayout(layout, only_shown) to PitBull4: IterateFramesForLayout(layout, also_hidden)
76ae9b0: rename the module types textprovider to text_provider and statusbar to status_bar.
bfd72c9: change PitBull4::IterateModulesOfType(module_type, enabled_only) to PitBull4: :IterateModulesOfType(module_type, also_disabled)
d9ab1a6: Make sure that :SetModuleType doesn't replace any values. Separate the "custom" module into its own file (even though it does practically nothing).
78bc1d6: standardize how updating and clearing frames works between modules. Remove the "OnUpdate", "OnPopulate", and "OnClear" script hooks, as they're pointless now.
50b81c8: allow PitBull4:IterateModulesOfType take a tuple of module types rather than just one. Add the custom_indicator module type, which acts like Icon, except that you're expected to create the frame. Change the way indicators are scaled.
f5d8a90: update .pkgmeta with some libs (not done yet)
9f7c15a: add DogTag to .pkgmeta
38c91d3: Add AceDB-3.0 now
dddd1b4: now AceConfig-3.0
a17db14: add the rest of the libs
ba3cc42: AceGUI has to be loaded before AceConfig
5685b79: add the "custom_text" module type. This is useful for modules such as CombatText.
c7d5d66: add the CombatText module.
3be9f41: make CombatText:UpdateFrame have a more accurate return value
74ee51e: clamp frames to screen.
26e1516: Allow :IterateFramesForUnitIDs to have true passed in on the end to iterate over hidden frames.
7889a03: don't fail on the npc unit id
632dfcf: add a button to open DogTag help.
a232146: add module-based options, including enabling/disabling modules on a global level.
f8bee10: Add the HideBlizzard module.
10374d8: indentation oddity
adf7ba7: add LeaderIcon module
72d1d22: add MasterLooterIcon. Bugfix in the Layout editor.
8031609: add PvPIcon
e78f684: add RaidTargetIcon.
4dc653b: add RestIcon
7489d94: add ReadyCheckIcon
562ff3e: remove an unnecessary check.
d8c9f37: add VoiceIcon (actually a custom_indicator, but mum's the word)
24bcff0: add Module:UpdateForGUID(guid). make VoiceIcon work on a guid basis rather than unit basis.
2688d54: add HappinessIcon
3086f05: add a special height modifier for custom indicator modules.
975ff89: add ComboPoints module.
d8cee02: make the status bar module type handle extra values properly
57954c9: make the reputation bar show colors properly
1e49f13: add the ExperienceBar module
c5e52e8: apparently some NPCs can be flagged as PvP, not flagged as PvP FFA, and not have a faction for some ungodly reason. In this event, show your own faction's PvP icon.
f2e7302: Add PitBull4:IterateFramesForGUIDs(...)
2782713: Make health and power bars update every tick for every frame with the player or pet guids rather than set unit ids.
9784a28: Allow "custom" modules to show layout options properly. If they return true as their first return, then they will be placed in the top-level menu of the layout editor instead of under Other. Add options for Background and Highlight.
994f254: if a module is disabled, don't show its options in the layout editor.
04439e8: along with unit scale override, there is now a width and height multiplier.
ace7b94: separate the Layout and Enable options (for units)
e93060b: make DogTagTexts' default n is 8 instead of 7, since I added the experience text.
bfbb1ee: bugfixings due to UnitGUID("player") not being available on first login.
8678219: Initial group support. Currently only party will work.
184f1ee: I think my last commit was odd.
9b32b69: Merge git://git.wowace.com/wow/pitbull4/zenom into zenom
0083a09: Remove the Hello Kitty module as a real module and put it into a doc file.
871912e: tweak to the docs
802d18f: simplify some unnecessary logic
96271b0: make ThreatBar work for party and raid members as well. Get the threat text working.
8b66378: make ThreatBar's :GetColor use GetThreatStatusColor
6c3adc8: Clarify some logic in DruidManaBar. Add the Druid mana text.
28f627b: Add the 'fader' module type. Add the CombatFader module.
8703505: rename x.hidden to x.enabled and negated it. this makes more sense in most places. Disable the combat fader by default.
043ddf7: add RangeFader module.
2d0c553: Add ManaSpark module.
2fbeeb2: add Portrait module. Currently it's a custom indicator, so it's not placed as a bar as in PB3.
25d4957: do a check for frame.guid and module enable state before passing it to the module's :UpdateFrame, removing a lot of repeated code.
3cc0d5a: add initial config mode support. This doesn't show hidden frames, but it will show icons and bars that wouldn't normally exist. Note: there is an outward-facing API for config mode for addons like NShakedown.
cfcfc08: make the frames show in config mode.
31b9fb0: make DogTagTexts module show [Name of Text] if the guid is nil and force_show is true.
c51840e: rename :HandleFontString to :AddFontString
acefade: make CombatText show in config mode
a2c416b: make ComboPoints show in config mode
57a8a5b: Get VoiceIcon working in config mode
a4f02fc: disable portrait module by default. Make the unit frame smaller by default.
3019672: Add localization (modules not done yet)
76638d8: bugfix
75b0a94: AceLocale-3.0 is necessary now.
e0561d5: localization fixes
9406b63: localize all modules.
85792a7: Add options to change the x/y positions of units.
a398edb: Get config mode working with party frames.
07571b6: support party-based groups, e.g. partypet, partytarget, etc. Force a fake unit id on fake frames.
b149562: introduce the concept of super-classifications. party, partypet, partytarget, partypettarget would all have the super-classification of "party", since certain options such as sort method and direction would be the same.
713bbee: Allow spacing to be set per group. Add units per column/row, allowing you to have 2x2 party frames and such. Allow you to specify which way groups grow.
60b5b1f: user power token instead of power type where applicable. this will make fuel and ammo show up on vehicles.
2a2e81b: add bar spacing and padding.
92abe08: properly use AceLocale-3.0, now that the silent flag has been implemented. It only acts silent when in development mode.
e94ec09: split off the layout parts from UnitFrame.lua
cdb069b: split up the LayoutEditor into multiple files, as it was getting unwieldy.
9056567: move general options for bars and indicators (none there yet) under a general tab.
e2af627: possibly fix a weird bug with DogTagTexts
f136d70: possibly fix a weird bug with DogTagTexts
8a0ea35: handle enabling and disabling of headers properly. Handle enabling/disabling of classifications in config mode properly.
2d1275d: make bar position show in a lot saner format
42a3c06: make indicator position show in a lot saner format
0382a28: add Click-through support.
dc20b4b: position texts so that they no longer overlap. Fixes http://www.wowace.com/projects/pitbull4/tickets/44-texts-should-not-overlap/
09dc377: change the layout editor's layout a bit. Add a way to delete layouts.
984cd3a: add a way to lock frame movement.
bfea2f9: Convert a whole bunch of indicator spacing constants into layout options.
864aeb6: Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:wow/pitbull4/mainline
3c8795a: mess with some locale stuff
67d28db: fake commit to kick the packager
de6c6e0: remove the general options section, just stick it at the top, available all the time
3870ace: Fix http://www.wowace.com/projects/pitbull4/tickets/47-config-mode-enables-target-frame/
4fbe5d5: properly change the scale of groups.
d62e00a: Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:wow/pitbull4/mainline
2ee3efb: Various fixes
16d01b7: fix a bug in auto_table__mt.
91d5c92: bugfix
60601d6: bugfix
fc920bf: Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:wow/pitbull4/mainline
2af98fe: Make partypet frames actually work.
aaf5b13: Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:wow/pitbull4/mainline
f5513eb: make healthbar color work for units that are friendly but out of range (partypets)
5c7a51e: Fix http://www.wowace.com/projects/pitbull4/tickets/77-flashing-text-with-outline/
428e7df: Rename Modules in the Layout Editor to Other, since it only shows a small subset of modules.
ec5558c: Some portrait fixes
79fd23e: a frame after setting a 3d portrait, verify that the model exists, if not, clear and update again. This fixes http://www.wowace.com/projects/pitbull4/tickets/38-portrait-refresh-updating/
c48af2c: implement :GetExampleValue for CastBar
6ff2150: add a Colors section. Make HealthBar use it. Currently only allows overrides for class.
c24fcec: add a separator between the colors and the reset button.
1df5ce0: Add changing power colors. Make PowerBar and DruidManaBar use it.
89d940c: add reaction color options. Make the reputation bar and health bar use it.
d92bd91: add custom coloring for all bars.
ce60957: add color options to Background and Highlight
99af98b: make it possible that :GetExampleValue (and the like) might pass in nil as the frame
f7a9060: Make Module:SetColorOptionsFunction have the last return be a function that resets all colors.
99aef25: add color options to HealthBar
67c13c9: Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:wow/pitbull4/mainline
344edf1: un-break Aura
c36c54d: allow changing the low/med/high health colors.
82dedb6: reverse some reverse logic.
1dea5e4: fix an indicator positioning issue for Outside, Bottom
738eade: Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:wow/pitbull4/mainline
4bfd803: Make frames snap to one another, for easy positioning.
ae994a5: disable a bunch of options when in combat lockdown.
4adf99e: Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:wow/pitbull4/mainline
Shefki (36):
efda597: Initial addition of the Aura module.
31445c7: Fix some inconsistent casing in the options text for the Aura module.
ba392cc: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.wowace.com/wow/pitbull4/mainline
2d48223: Make some strings use the localization system that were missed.
514e899: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.wowace.com/wow/pitbull4/mainline
cd7825d: Add a missing period to a description.
eeedd58: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.wowace.com/wow/pitbull4/mainline
940ca83: Get rid of cooldown to describe the time remaining on an aura.
e36f273: Add BlankSpace module.
110ec24: Add RemoveFrameScriptHook to compliment the AddFrameScriptHook method.
53ef7d2: Remove script hooks when disabling Highlight module to avoid errors.
195e851: Add coloring by hostility, tapped, disconnected, dead, and so on to
193339a: Small typo with adding coloring to Healthbar.
e7c8b25: Fix a typo in the color setting for civilian.
2f47975: Fix bug with Hostility Color NPCs option not working.
d090486: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.wowace.com/wow/pitbull4/mainline
258ad43: Color by class is only done for player units not NPCs so adjust some
c497585: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.wowace.com/wow/pitbull4/mainline
15ddb00: Prevent errors on unknown debuff types.
169d93d: Helps when you actually set the variable.
cb907e5: Deal with Enrage debuffs that have the wrong debuff type set.
97ae408: Fix localization on sample auras. The debuff_type should only be
7fa35db: Fix an error while mousing over auras in config mode.
17793a1: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.wowace.com/wow/pitbull4/mainline
8291184: Add support for temporary weapon enchants to the Aura module.
df61036: Move color options for Auras into the new color system.
9e539bf: Allow Aura colors to be reset to default.
056728e: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.wowace.com/wow/pitbull4/mainline
4d45c00: Use a pool of table entries to allow us to remove entries from the aura
d0a2292: Switch to using GUIDs to track what needs updating in Aura module.
d1d4b89: Add initial sorting implementation to the Aura module.
b67ee1a: Upvalue changes.
a8d642f: Add Sample Weapon Buffs in Config mode.
7b8ca5a: Sorting and Config mode improvements.
ba03acb: New border graphic for Aura. Similar to the one used by CaithUI.
2ca097f: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.wowace.com/wow/pitbull4/mainline