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UploadedSep 22, 2013
Size924.51 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 5.4.0
- Fix some typos that were fixed on nebula1169's branch.
- Remove some values I set to help debugging ticket #1050.
- Hopefully avoid the SetFont errors for sure now assuming that the problem is that GetFont() doesn't work immediately after a SetFont() while the game is still loading in.
- Missed wrapping a geterrorhandler() in pcall().
- Protect against Blizzard's error handler throwing an error, which is why the protection code didn't allow the frames to work even when the SetFont error was happening.
- Stash the DEFAULT_FONT and DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE so I can get people having the font problem to show me what's being stored.
- Wrap the SetFont and SetAlpha calls in pcalls() which should prevent errors with them from breaking frames entirely.
- Make the Vengeance fix backwards compatible.
Benjamin Staneck:
- use a different ID for vengeance that works in 5.4
- Remove unnecessary constants that I added on accident.
- Hopefully stop some rare errors in LuaTexts about SetFont.