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I noticed they weren't working.
I saw this mentioned in the description "Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved."
Upon reviewing how z-perl does their cast bars (where they do work), I saw they use UnitCastingInfo() and UnitChannelInfo(). I think these functions can enable party castbar functionality.
No idea if this is the right way to implement this, but I did implement this in CastBar.lua and managed to get a castbar of a party member to show up!
local LibClassicCasterino = LibStub("LibClassicCasterino", true)local UnitCastingInfo = function(unit) if unit == "player" then return CastingInfo() else return UnitCastingInfo(unit)-- elseif LibClassicCasterino then-- return LibClassicCasterino:UnitCastingInfo(unit) endendlocal UnitChannelInfo = function(unit) if unit == "player" then return ChannelInfo() else return UnitChannelInfo(unit)-- elseif LibClassicCasterino then-- return UnitChannelInfo(unit)--LibClassicCasterino:UnitChannelInfo(unit) endend
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