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Adding gcd and swing timers for the player unit frame/cast bar would be one of the last steps in making pb4 a complete replacement for Quartz.
I don't know whether I'd prefer to see separate bars for these, or just have different coloured sparks (just like the Mana Spark module, just more of them).
It would be most configurable if we just had Swing Spark, GCD Spark and Mana Spark modules, and could tell them to anchor to any bar or just the unitframe itself. I'm imagining my own configuration with the GCD spark on the whole unitframe and the Swing Spark on the Power Bar (with the Mana Spark disabled).
Perhaps either as part of the Swing Spark module, or as a separate Shoot Spark module, it would be nice to give an option for players using their wands or ranged weapons.
If there was an option on each of these Spark modules to configure them as bars then we would be able cater for those players that want separate bars.
Sorry for hijacking this ticket. :P Disregard my comment if it doesn't value-add to this ticket. :)
Two duplicates:
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