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What is the enhancement in mind?
The current setup is fine. I do setup pitbull to look the same in all my classes (position / size / indicator wise).
Yet there are special cases where i want to configure Pitbull for class specific issues.
Examples:Warlocks / Mages / Priests have dog-tags for Banish / Polymorph / Shackle Undead with countdowns.
Maybe the Text-Tags would be extended to 'Show for Class:X'.
How should it look and feel?
The chosen Indicator would show up for Class:X, but would be ignored (save CPU time / space) while Class:Y is logged in.
It seems like this can already be handled using profiles. Perhaps profile support was not yet fully implemented when this ticket was originally opened.
The problem is that profiles do not _share_ data.
So if you have 10 'class' profiles and want to change the position of a single frame, the other profiles won't adopt this setup.
Copying does not work - it will require setting up the class specific stuff again or 10x manual tweaking.
I would oppose such a feature because I feel that it would needlessly complicate the configuration UI when a suitable solution is already available. Yes, changing 10 profiles does require 10 times more work for users who regularly play 10 classes and require separate unitframe features for each of them. I would argue that it's better for those few users to spend that extra time than to clutter up the configuration UI for the other 99% of users.
If you are interested simply in texts that only display (or change their display) when the player is a certain class, you can probably accomplish this using LuaTexts already.
Well as far as text tags you can already hide them based on class with the DogTags if syntax and with if conditionals in LuaTexts. E.G.
local _,class = UnitClass("player") if class == "MAGE" then -- something end
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