PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
The guide linked above can help you with that. You can have as many different layouts as you can make.
I'm still fiddling with PB4, tweaking to get everything how i want it, and I've run into a problem (which I'm gonna assume is cos I'm having a blonde week!) I can't find the raid icon section at all!
I've set all my raid groups up separately, and want to have the skull, X etc showing when people are marked, but I just can't find it. I have the option checked to have that module active (I have rest icon, ready check icon etc etc) I just can't see it under indicators (or anywhere else for that matter) to turn it on in the config screen.
Am I just totally doing something wrong here? I just installed the latest version as well, in case I screwed something up somewhere along the line, just cant see it! Please help! =)
I recently started using pitbull, took me a while to figure out how to manage each layout but now that i have greater knowledge with it, its amazing :D
i have a few questions for you tho
1. How can i disable the buff count, or put the buff count on the actual buff, on my targets i have the buff count way under the actual buff frame and its random little numbers.
2. How can i disable debuffs except for my own debuffs on my target frame, Basically i just want my own debuffs, like flame shock, stormstrike to show.
3. I have my buffs enabled on my target, and they will not show up for some reason, they were working fine before, and now its just like there gone? Could you help me out
2) Layout editor, Aura, Filters. Choose Default Debuffs, mine in the Debuff dropdown on that tab.
3) Sure you don't have a filter? Same place check that the filter's set to None for Buffs.
My own AddOn, PitBull (http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/settheory.aspx) integrates with Talented (and other AddOns/UI features) and allows you to create sets of AddOn configurations which can then be activated with a couple of clicks. For example, you can define a healing set that activates your talents, prompts you to switch in the correct glyphs, equips your healing gear, activates your healing buffs, changes your keybinds, configures your bars, activates the right indicators (e.g. Power Auras), loads different addons, change your unit frames and select profiles for any Ace-enabled addon. In short you can radically change your UI in a few seconds whenever you want to change play-styles.
There's much more you can do, find out more information at: http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/settheory.aspx .
Thanks, Dan.
There's a ticket to add support for that. It's unlikely you'll ever get support for them exactly like they were in PB3. To be honest, I don't understand why anyone would like that format. The buffs and debuffs were no determinstic. Lots of people were confused by what was and was not a buff/debuff. With the change to properly color code the aura borders, it would create even more confusion. Additionally, it would complicate the aura layout a lot. Why don't you just split the auras so that half of the top of the frame is buffs and the other half is debuffs.
There's also a ticket for offsets, but they're complicated by how we handle anchoring. There will be solutions to this eventually. It's just not in there now.
All in all I don't think your issues are worthy of moving back to PB3. PB3 isn't supported, has a lot of bugs and lacks a lot of support for some recent changes to the game.
1) When I put text and indicator icons in the same place (eg Blank Space > Middle) the alignment goes wonky. Instead of being centered around the true center of the block of stuff it seems to center around the number of items in the block. When I add the master looter and leader icons along with my name everything shifts quite far to the right. I'd be happy with either centering around everything, or centering around the text, then slapping the icons on the side and not realigning at all.
2) I have my targets buffs on top of the target frame and aligned to the left. I have debuffs above and right. In Pitbull3 they wouldn't overlap, they would avoid each other. They don't seem to do that in Pitbull4. Here's a screenshot of the Pitbul3 config (note the debuffs don't actually move up, they are still lined up with the buffs, but the first row becomes shorter if need be) http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c138/SycoBob/WoW UI/WoWScrnShot_060110_163954.jpg
And one small suggestion/feature request: a way to fine tune the positions of indicator icons and text would be fantastic. In addition to being able to choose, say, Health Bar > Right let us also have Offset X/Y. I have textures around my frames so I like to move things a little to make it all line up nicer.
That is great. Can't wait :D
@Devius, If you mean that you want a more than one player and target frame with different layouts. You can't do this right now but it is coming soon. I can't tell you when but the code for it is mostly done, I just keep running into kinks that keep me from releasing it.