PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
Is there a way (with another addon perhaps) to do single click casting? something like vuhdo so i can cast a spell by clicking on the raid frame? this seems to be the way all the major healing addons work and it would be great to have with PB. BTW great work guys!
I have one problem with Pitbull 4. I've created a layout for the target. I try to config the auras. I can only see the buffs and debuffs my class can do on the target.
I want to see all buffs and debuffs. I figure there is a checkbox somewhere that says "only show your buffs/defuffs" or something thats checked in but I can't find it. Very annoying since I cant see the number of Impales on a tank for example. What am I doing wrong?
Please let me know why this is happening and how i can fix it
I suspect they're just unit frames that you haven't configured or turned off.
Those folders are not in my addon list, disappeared aswell. My version is: v4.0.0-beta8-17-gb055fcf, the most recent one.
Edit: After redownloading the most recent file again, it contained the Rangefader and Roleicons again. I still don't know what happend, but I guess it's fixed now. Thanks alot for the help!
@Niightblade: http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/GetGuildInfo
@Lottelientje: Can you verify that there are folders named PitBull4_RoleIcon and PitBull4_RangeFader in your Interface/AddOns folder? Also which version do you have installed atm, can be found by doing /pitbull and looking in the top right corner of the config window.
There's no text tag for showing guild name? Or am I missing something?
(I would search the comments here but I can't seem to work out how...)
No, they are not in the addon list, also not in the modules list. This is the Logs/FrameXML.log file, I think: 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading add-on Atlas 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading table of contents Interface\AddOns\Atlas\Atlas.toc 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading file Interface\AddOns\Atlas\Atlas.xml 1/17 11:32:57.109 AtlasSearchEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading add-on AtlasLoot 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading table of contents Interface\AddOns\AtlasLoot\AtlasLoot.toc 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading file Interface\AddOns\AtlasLoot\Core\AtlasLoot.xml 1/17 11:32:57.109 AtlasLootSearchBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading file Interface\AddOns\AtlasLoot\DefaultFrame\AtlaslootDefaultFrame.xml 1/17 11:32:57.109 AtlasLootDefaultFrameSearchBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading add-on CallOfElements 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading table of contents Interface\AddOns\CallOfElements\CallOfElements.toc 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading file Interface\AddOns\CallOfElements\COE_Config.xml 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading file Interface\AddOns\CallOfElements\COE_ConfigTemplates.xml 1/17 11:32:57.109 Virtual object named COE_ConfigPanelTemplate already exists 1/17 11:32:57.109 Virtual object named COE_ConfigSubPanelTemplate already exists 1/17 11:32:57.109 Virtual object named COE_ConfigPanelButtonTemplate already exists 1/17 11:32:57.109 Virtual object named COE_ConfigSubPanelButtonTemplate already exists 1/17 11:32:57.109 Virtual object named COE_ConfigCheckButtonTemplate already exists 1/17 11:32:57.109 Virtual object named COE_ConfigComboBoxTemplate already exists 1/17 11:32:57.109 Virtual object named COE_ConfigComboBoxLongTemplate already exists 1/17 11:32:57.109 Virtual object named COE_ConfigSetButtonTemplate already exists 1/17 11:32:57.109 Virtual object named COE_ConfigEditTemplate already exists 1/17 11:32:57.109 Virtual object named COE_ConfigOrderTemplate already exists 1/17 11:32:57.109 Virtual object named COE_ConfigSliderTemplate already exists 1/17 11:32:57.109 Couldn't find inherited node: OptionFrameBoxTemplate 1/17 11:32:57.109 Couldn't find inherited node: OptionFrameBoxTemplate 1/17 11:32:57.109 Couldn't find inherited node: OptionFrameBoxTemplate 1/17 11:32:57.109 Couldn't find inherited node: OptionFrameBoxTemplate 1/17 11:32:57.109 Couldn't find inherited node: OptionFrameBoxTemplate 1/17 11:32:57.109 Couldn't find inherited node: OptionFrameBoxTemplate 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading add-on DeuceCommander 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading table of contents Interface\AddOns\DeuceCommander\DeuceCommander.toc 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading file Interface\AddOns\DeuceCommander\embeds.xml 1/17 11:32:57.109 Error loading Interface\AddOns\DeuceCommander\Libs\AceDebug-2.0\AceDebug-2.0.lua 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading add-on eCastingBar 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading table of contents Interface\AddOns\eCastingBar\eCastingBar.toc 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading file Interface\AddOns\eCastingBar\eCastingBar.xml 1/17 11:32:57.109 Couldn't find relative frame: eCastingBarDragButton 1/17 11:32:57.109 Couldn't find relative frame: eCastingBarTargetBarDragButton 1/17 11:32:57.109 Couldn't find relative frame: eCastingBarFocusBarDragButton 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading file Interface\AddOns\eCastingBar\eCastingMirrorBar.xml 1/17 11:32:57.109 Couldn't find relative frame: $parentDragButton 1/17 11:32:57.109 Couldn't find relative frame: $parentDragButton 1/17 11:32:57.109 Couldn't find relative frame: $parentDragButton 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading file Interface\AddOns\eCastingBar\eOptions_Menu.xml 1/17 11:32:57.109 Couldn't find frame parent: eCastingBarMenuControlTemplate 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading file Interface\AddOns\eCastingBar\eOptions.xml 1/17 11:32:57.109 Error loading Interface\AddOns\eCastingBar\eCastingBar_Settings.lua 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarWidthEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarHeightEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarLeftEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarBottomEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarMirrorWidthEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarMirrorHeightEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarMirrorLeftEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarMirrorBottomEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarTargetBarWidthEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarTargetBarHeightEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarTargetBarLeftEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarTargetBarBottomEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarFocusBarWidthEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarFocusBarHeightEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarFocusBarLeftEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarFocusBarBottomEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 eCastingBarSaveNameEditBox: FontString element overriding font ChatFontNormal 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading add-on Prat-3.0 1/17 11:32:57.109 Loading table of contents Interface\AddOns\Prat-3.0\Prat-3.0.toc 1/17 11:32:57.109 Couldn't open Interface\AddOns\Prat-3.0\
Do they show in the addon list before you login? Do they show in the modules list (and if so what is displayed if anything under the enable checkbox) inside the PitBull4 configuration panel? Can you post a copy of your Logs/FrameXML.log file located under your wow install?
No, I didn't, the modules just disappeared. I've tried to re-download it and download an older file, but it keeps missing.
Gonna guess you have the Vigor Glyph but not the Vigor talent.
Using a rogue and showing energy, if you use the vigor glyph (giving 10 more max energy) it still shows me having only 100 energy, is there a fix for this? It will correctly show 110 energy when using the season 1 4pc bonus
You sure you didn't turn the modules off?
My role icons and the rangefader are still gone. Is that just me or should that be fixed?