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UploadedJun 27, 2011
Size1.16 MB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 4.1.0
2011-06-27 sylvanaar <sylvanaar@mindspring.com>
[6b1a1de234fb] [tip]
* modules/PlayerNames.lua
coloring realid names by class is now the default
* debug/globalcomplete.lua
add script and run to the list of autocomplete commands
2011-06-25 sylvanaar <sylvanaar@mindspring.com>
* debug/globalcomplete.lua
fix highlighting of the common part of the tab complete, make it case insensitive
* debug/globalcomplete.lua
try to prevent completions when there is no match for the globals prematch
2011-06-22 sylvanaar <sylvanaar@mindspring.com>
* .pkgmeta:
pick up the new acetab
* debug/globalcomplete.lua
pick up the new acetab
2011-06-21 sylvanaar <sylvanaar@mindspring.com>
* debug/globalcomplete.lua
complete functions with ()
* debug/globalcomplete.lua
make the completions look a bit nicer, show the common text as white and the variant as green
* debug/globalcomplete.lua
remove debug
* debug/globalcomplete.lua
support :, and only display a list of functions. for widgets the : is the only way to display functions, . just shows fields due to the functions being in the metatable.
2011-06-20 sylvanaar <sylvanaar@mindspring.com>
* modules/PlayerNames.lua
tested realid class coloring - thanks pompy and ackis
* modules/AltNames.lua
move creation of LibAlts to the init function
* modules/PlayerNames.lua
found a usage of the global event
* modules/PlayerNames.lua
untested realid coloring by class - not a very good implementation either
* debug/globalcomplete.lua
code cleanup
* debug/globalcomplete.lua
incremental autocompletion of table fields
* debug/globalcomplete.lua
autocompletion of table fields too
* addon/addon.lua debug/globalcomplete.lua
include a working version of global autocomplete that doesnt require the patch to ace-tab
* addon/addon.lua debug/globalcomplete.lua debug/includes.xml debug/namespacemerge.lua
support for new autocompletion of globals in debug mode
* pullouts/Prat-3.0_Experimental/Experimental.lua
changes require patch to ace-tab
* pullouts/Prat-3.0_Experimental/Experimental.lua
cool global autocompletion for debugging - in experimental pullout for now
2011-06-11 sylvanaar <sylvanaar@mindspring.com>
* modules/Editbox.lua
remove unused function
* modules/Editbox.lua
remove commented out code, and run the code formatter
2011-06-10 sylvanaar <sylvanaar@mindspring.com>
* addon/addon.lua addon/locales.lua addon/modules.lua addon/options.lua modules/AddonMessages.lua modules/Alias.lua modules/AltNames.lua modules/Buttons.lua modules/ChannelColorMemory.lua modules/ChannelNames.lua modules/ChannelSticky.lua modules/ChatFrames.lua modules/ChatLog.lua modules/Clear.lua modules/CopyChat.lua modules/CustomFilters.lua modules/EventNames.lua modules/Fading.lua modules/Filtering.lua modules/Font.lua modules/History.lua modules/Keybindings.lua modules/OriginalButtons.lua modules/OriginalEditbox.lua modules/Paragraph.lua modules/PlayerNameGlobalPatterns.lua modules/PlayerNames.lua modules/PopupMessage.lua modules/Scroll.lua modules/ServerNames.lua modules/Sounds.lua modules/Substitutions.lua modules/TellTarget.lua modules/Timestamps.lua modules/UrlCopy.lua services/channelapi.lua services/chatsections.lua services/classcolor.lua services/classgenderfix.lua services/events.lua services/links.lua services/patterns.lua services/textcolor.lua
remove the ancient file headers
2011-06-09 sylvanaar <sylvanaar@mindspring.com>
* modules/Bubbles.lua
prevent chat bubbles from growing too large. re-ran the source formatter
* Merge
* services/unitpopupmenus.lua
looks like the global "button" was being leaked - thats generic enough that it could cause all sorts of taint issues
2011-06-06 sylvanaar <sylvanaar@mindspring.com>
* .pkgmeta:
tools-used: idlua
* .pkgmeta:
tools-used: IDLua
* .hgtags:
Added tag 3.4.20 for changeset 019ff7c5434d