All Namespaces
- - list all aliases; supply <keyword> to search for matching aliases (cmd aliases: /listallaliases)
- Text
- %d alts found for %s: %s
- %d total user defined substitutions
- %s alts imported from LOKWhoIsWho
- %s settings.
- %s total alts linked to mains
- %s() called with blank string!
- %s() called with nil argument!
- (%w+)%s?(.*)
- (.-)'s? [Aa]lt
- ([^%s%p%d%c%z]+)'s alt
- .*[Aa]lts?$
- .*[Tt]wink.*$
- /%s aliased to "/%s"
- /%s aliased to: /%s
- /tt
- |cffff0000warning:|r subtitution "%s" already defined as "%s", overwriting
- <alias> - remove the alias <alias> (cmd aliases: /delalias, /remalias)
- <alt name> (eg, /altnames del Personyouthoughtwassomeonesaltbutreallyisnt)
- <command>[ <value>] - alias <command> to be executed as <value>, or return the value of the currently defined alias for <command> if <command> has not been assigned a value. eg: "/alias /examplehello /say hello there" - typing "/examplehello" will now cause your character to say "hello there"; "/alias examplehello" - \s "/examplehello is aliased to /say hello there" (cmd aliases: /addalias)
- <keyword> - finds all aliases matching <keyword> (cmd aliases: /findalias)
- <main> (eg /altnames listalts Fin)
- <noguild>
- <notarget>
- <search term> (eg, /altnames find fin)
- <string>
- <string>
- A module to automaticaly enable chat and combat logging.
- A module to play sounds on certain chat messages.
- A module to provide basic chat filtering.
- A module to provide basic chat substitutions.
- Achievement Links
- Active Alpha
- activealpha
- Actively Query Player Info
- add
- Add a custom channel
- Add a pattern to search for.
- add an alias
- Add Channel Abbreviation
- Add Nickname
- Add Pattern
- addnick_desc
- Addon message options.
- AddonMsgs
- Adds an alternate name to show in popups.
- Adds clear text slash commands (/clear)(/cls)(/clearall)(/clsall).
- Adds telltarget slash command (/tt).
- adjustlinks_desc
- adjustlinks_name
- afkdnd_desc
- afkdnd_name
- alias "/%s" does not exist
- All
- allevents_desc
- allevents_name
- alpha_desc
- alpha_desc
- alpha_name
- alpha_name
- alt
- Alt
- alt name exists: %s -> %s; not overwriting as set in preferences
- alt of ([^%s%p%d%c%z]+)
- AltNames
- Alts:
- Always
- Angled
- Are you sure - this will delete all user defined substitutions and reset defaults?
- Are you sure?
- As Guide
- As Newcomer
- Attach edit box to...
- Attach to...
- Auto Restore Font Size
- autoabbreviate_desc
- autoabbreviate_name
- autoguildalts_desc
- autoguildalts_name
- Autohide
- autoload_desc
- autoload_name
- Background color
- Background Inset
- Background texture
- Bar colour
- BBCode
- Be quiet
- bgjoin_desc
- bgjoin_name
- Blank
- Block Message
- bn_whisper_desc
- bn_whisper_name
- bnet_removed
- bnet_removed
- bnetclienticon_desc
- bnetclienticon_name
- Border color
- Border colour
- Border texture
- Border width
- Bottom
- Bottom
- Bottom
- Brackets
- Brackets Common Color
- Brackets Use Common Color
- buttonframe_desc
- buttonframe_name
- buttonpos_desc
- buttonpos_name
- Buttons
- can't find substitution index for a substitution named '%s'
- Center
- Change Font Color On Message
- Change the color of the URL.
- chanlink_desc
- chanlink_name
- Channel
- Channel %d
- Channel %d
- Channel Data
- Channel name abbreviation options.
- Channel to send output text to.
- ChannelColorMemory
- ChannelNames
- ChannelNames
- channelnick_desc
- channelnick_name
- ChannelSticky
- character removed: %s
- Chat Alert Timeout
- Chat channel sticky options.
- Chat history options.
- Chat log recorded to <WoW Installation>\Logs\WoWChatLog.txt only upon logout.
- Chat Log: Disabled
- Chat Log: Enabled
- Chat window button options.
- Chat window button options.
- Chat window event name options.
- Chat window font options.
- Chat window frame parameter options
- Chat window paragraph options.
- Chat window scrolling options.
- Chat window tab options.
- Chat window timestamp options.
- ChatFrame
- chatframesink_desc
- chatframesink_name
- ChatLog
- chatmenu_desc
- chatmenu_desc
- chatmenu_name
- chatmenu_name
- ChatType
- Class
- Class colour
- Class Icon
- Class Label
- Clear
- Clear all
- Clear all links between alts and main names.
- Clear Channel Abbreviation
- Clear Nickname
- Clearall
- Clears all chat frames.
- Clears alternate name to show in popups.
- Clears an abbreviated channel name.
- Clears the current chat frame.
- Click the edit box to open it up for editing. Only available if Autohide is disabled.
- Clickable
- colon_desc
- colon_desc
- colon_name
- colon_name
- Color border by channel
- Color by Level Difference
- Color GMOTD
- Color URL
- color_desc
- color_name
- coloreverywhere_desc
- coloreverywhere_name
- Colors the GMOTD label
- colortimestamp_desc
- colortimestamp_name
- Colour
- Combat log recorded to <WoW Installation>\Logs\WoWCombatLog.txt only upon logout.
- Combat Log: Disabled
- Combat Log: Enabled
- Command History Options
- command_header_name
- completed
- Control whether text is added to the frame at the top or the bottom.
- Copy a list of active and loaded modules
- Copy all of the text in the selected chat frame into an edit box
- Copy Selected Chat Frame
- Copy Text
- Copy Text Format
- Copy text from the active chat window.
- Copy this text and include it in a Github issue when requested.
- Copy To Editbox
- CopyChat
- copytimestamps_desc
- copytimestamps_name
- currently_broken_alt_behavior
- current-prompt
- Custom Channels
- customGrats_defualt
- customGrats_desc
- customGrats_name
- customGratsText_desc
- customGratsText_name
- Date Format
- dd/mm
- dd/mm/yy
- dealiasing command /%s to /%s
- DebugModules
- Default
- Default
- Default
- defaultframealpha_desc
- defaultframealpha_name
- defined %s: expands to => %s
- delaygmotd_desc
- delaygmotd_name
- Delete a character's link to another character as their main.
- Delete all
- Delete alt
- Delete substitution
- Deletes a user defined substitution
- Deletes all user defined substitutions
- deleting alias "/%s" (previously aliased as "/%s")
- Disabled
- disableflash_desc
- disableflash_name
- disablewhisperflash_desc
- disablewhisperflash_name
- Display a player's alts in the tooltip
- Display a player's main name in the tooltip
- Display extra information in the chat frame when commands are dealiased
- Display main names in the same colour as that of the alt's class (taking the data from the PlayerNames module if it is enabled)
- Display main names in the same colour as that of the main's class (taking the data from the PlayerNames module if it is enabled)
- display_desc
- display_name
- divider
- Dont display the channel/chat type name
- Don't overwrite existing aliases when using /addalias
- Don't overwrite existing alt <-> main links when importing or adding new alts.
- Don't overwrite existing links
- don't use
- Don't use data from the PlayerNames module at all
- dontShowAchievements_desc
- dontShowAchievements_name
- duration_desc
- duration_name
- Edge Size
- Editbox
- Editbox options.
- Editbox options.
- Enable Alt-Invite
- Enable Alt-Invite
- Enable Arrowkeys
- Enable Invite Links
- Enable Invite Links
- Enable TabComplete
- Enable using arrowkeys in editbox without the alt key.
- Enabled
- err_notfound
- err_tooshort
- ERROR: some function sent a blank message!
- EventNames
- Expand aliases as you are typing
- Extra data for WHISPER (target) and CHANNEL (channel name or num)
- extras_desc
- extras_name
- female
- Filter Name
- Filtering
- find aliases matching a given search term
- Find characters
- find_results
- findaliases
- Fix alts
- Fix corrupted entries in your list of alt names.
- Flash Color
- Font
- Font
- Font Color
- font_desc
- font_name
- fontsize_desc
- fontsize_name
- foreveralert_desc
- foreveralert_name
- Format All Timestamps
- format_desc
- format_name
- formatting_desc
- formatting_name
- Forward
- Forward the message to a chat channel.
- Forward the message to a custom chat channel.
- ForwardCustom
- ForwardMessage
- ForwardMessageCustom
- Found alt: %s => main: %s
- framealpha_desc
- framealpha_desc
- framealpha_name
- framealpha_name
- framealphastatic_desc
- framealphastatic_name
- Frames
- Free-floating
- Free-floating, Locked
- full_description
- gem_desc
- gem_name
- grats_donthave_1
- grats_donthave_10
- grats_donthave_2
- grats_donthave_3
- grats_donthave_4
- grats_donthave_5
- grats_donthave_6
- grats_donthave_7
- grats_donthave_8
- grats_donthave_9
- grats_have_1
- grats_have_10
- grats_have_2
- grats_have_3
- grats_have_4
- grats_have_5
- grats_have_6
- grats_have_7
- grats_have_8
- grats_have_9
- grats_link
- group_lead_desc
- group_lead_name
- Guide
- Guide Icon
- Guide Label
- Guild Channel
- guild member alts found and imported: %s
- guild_desc
- guild_desc
- guild_name
- guild_name
- her
- hers
- HH:MM (12-hour)
- HH:MM (24-hour)
- HH:MM AM (12-hour)
- HH:MM:SS (12-hour)
- HH:MM:SS (24-hour)
- HH:MM:SS AM (12-hour)
- Hidden
- Hide Border
- Hide the border around the edit box.
- Hide the edit box after you have pressed enter.
- hide_desc
- hide_name
- Highlighting/Flashing
- Hilight Color
- Hilight Match Text
- him
- his
- History
- hoverhilight_desc
- hoverhilight_name
- How long any highlights/flashes should last
- How to color other player's level.
- How to color player's name.
- Icon
- icons_desc
- icons_name
- Import from Guild Greet database
- Import from guild roster
- Import options
- Imports alt names from a Guild Greet database, if present
- Imports alt names from the guild roster by checking for members with the rank "alt" or "alts", or guild / officer notes like "<name>'s alt"
- Imports data from LOKWhoIsWho, if present (drop your SavedVariables\LOKWhoIsWho.lua in the Prat directory to be able to use this).
- In newcomers chat
- In normal chat
- inactivealpha
- Inbound
- inchannels_desc
- inchannels_name
- incoming
- Incoming Sounds
- Individual
- infinite loop detected for alias /%s - ignoring
- inline
- Instance Channel
- Is this pattern enabled for use?
- it
- Item Level
- Item Links
- Item Type
- its
- justification_desc
- justification_name
- Keep Info
- Keep Lots Of Info
- Keep player information between session for all players except cross-server players
- Keep player information between session, but limit it to friends and guild members.
- leavejoin_desc
- leavejoin_name
- Left
- Left
- Let TasteTheNaimbow set the common color for unknown player names.
- Level Color Mode
- Line Spacing
- link <alt name> <main name> (eg, /altnames link Fin Finjathealtoffin)
- Link alt
- Link someone's alt character with the name of their main.
- linked alt %s => %s
- linkifycommon_desc
- linkifycommon_name
- List all
- list all aliases
- List all links between alts and their main names.
- List alts
- List alts for a given character
- List of available substitutions
- List of available substitutions defined by this module. (NB: users may define custom values for existing substitutions, but they will revert to the default value if the user definition is deleted.)
- List substitutions
- listaliases
- Lists all current subtitutions in the default chat frame
- load_desc
- load_desc
- load_disabled
- load_disabledonrestart
- load_enabled
- load_enabledonrestart
- load_name
- load_no
- localtime_desc
- localtime_name
- Lock editbox position if undocked.
- Lock Position
- LOKWhoIsWho data not found
- LOKWhoIsWho import
- LOKWhoIsWho lua file not found, sorry.
- lowdown_desc
- lowdown_name
- Main
- main
- Main name position
- Main:
- mainchatonload_desc
- mainchatonload_name
- mainpos_desc
- mainpos_name
- male
- MapLoc
- MapPos
- MapXPos
- MapYPos
- MapZone
- Match Options
- matching aliases found: %d
- maxchatheight_desc
- maxchatheight_name
- maxchatwidth_desc
- maxchatwidth_name
- Maximum number of lines of command history to save.
- Message From : %s
- minchatheight_desc
- minchatheight_name
- minchatwidth_desc
- minchatwidth_name
- mm/dd
- mm/dd/yy
- modified_speed
- modified_speed_desc
- module:buildUserSubsIndex(): warning: module patterns not defined!
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_desc
- module_info
- module_info
- module_info
- module_info
- module_name
- module_name
- module_name
- module_name
- module_name
- module_name
- module_name
- module_name
- module_name
- module_name
- module_name
- module_name
- module_name
- modulecontrol_desc
- modulecontrol_name
- monochrome_desc
- monochrome_name
- MouseoverTargetName
- mousewheel_desc
- mousewheel_name
- msg_loadfailed
- msg_nosettings
- msg_settingsloaded
- msg_stored_data_cleared
- Newcomer Icon
- NewcomersChat
- Next Chat Tab
- No additional coloring
- No aliases have been defined
- no alts found for character
- no alts or mains found matching "%s"
- No arg string given to :addAlt()
- no characters called "%s" found; nothing deleted
- No Guild Greet database found
- No main name suPLied to link %s to
- No main name supplied to link %s to
- no matches found
- no substitution name given
- no substitution name supplied for deletion
- No target selected.
- no user defined subs found
- no value given for subtitution "%s"
- noclobber
- noclobber set - skipping new alias: /%s already expands to /%s
- None
- None
- None
- Not Active Alpha
- NoTarget
- notices_desc
- notices_name
- Officer Channel
- officer_desc
- officer_name
- Only output the message portion of the chat text, leave out the channel, and playername etc.
- Options
- Options for altering the behaviour of Alias
- Options for setting and removing user defined substitutions. (NB: users may define custom values for existing substitutions, but they will revert to the default value if the user definition is deleted.)
- options_header_name
- Original Buttons
- OriginalEditbox
- Other Formatting Options
- otheropts_desc
- otheropts_name
- Outbound
- outgoing
- Outgoing Sounds
- Outline
- outlinemode_desc
- outlinemode_name
- Output Channel
- Output Message Only
- overwriting existing alias "/%s" (was aliased to "/%s")
- Padding
- Paragraph
- Party Channel
- party_desc
- party_name
- Pattern Info
- Pattern Options
- Per chat type options.
- pet_battle_tab
- Plain
- Play a sound for a certain channel name (can be a substring)
- Play a sound when this message is output to the chatframe
- Play Sound
- Player Color Mode
- Player Links
- Player name formating options.
- player_desc
- player_name
- PlayerAverageItemLevel
- PlayerCurrentMana
- PlayerHealthDeficit
- PlayerHP
- PlayerManaDeficit
- PlayerMaxHP
- PlayerMaxMana
- PlayerName
- PlayerNames
- PlayerPercentHP
- PlayerPercentMana
- Popup
- PopupMessage
- Post-Timestamp
- prat
- Prat CopyChat
- Prat Debug Information
- Prat Keybindings
- Prat TellTarget
- Prat_Playernames: Stored Player Data Cleared
- Pre-Timestamp
- Prevent the message from being displayed
- preventdrag_desc
- preventdrag_name
- Query the server for all player names we do not know. Note: This happpens pretty slowly, and this data is not saved.
- quiet
- quiet_desc
- quiet_desc
- quiet_name
- quiet_name
- Race Label
- Raid Channel
- Raid Warning Channel
- raid_desc
- raid_name
- RandNum
- Random
- randomclr_desc
- randomclr_name
- realidcolor_desc
- realidcolor_name
- reflow_desc
- reflow_name
- refusing to alias "/%s" to anything in the interests of Not Buggering Everything Up
- reload_required
- rememberfont_desc
- rememberfont_name
- rememberframepositions_desc
- rememberframepositions_name
- Remembers the colors of each channel name.
- reminder_desc
- reminder_name
- Remove a custom channel
- remove an alias
- Remove an existing pattern.
- Remove Channel Abbreviation
- Remove Nickname
- Remove Pattern
- removeclamp_desc
- removeclamp_name
- Removes an alternate name to show in popups.
- Removes an an abbreviated channel name.
- removespam_desc
- removespam_name
- removing user defined substitution "%s"; previously expanded to => "%s"
- Replace
- Replacement Text
- Requires the Alt key to be held down to move the cursor in chat
- Reset settings
- Reset Settings
- Restore default settings and resets custom channel list
- Restore default settings, and delete stored character data.
- Right
- Right
- Right, Inside Frame
- Right, Inside Frame
- Right, Outside Frame
- Right, Outside Frame
- Save Command History
- save_desc
- save_name
- Saves command history between sessions (for use with alt+up arrow or just the up arrow)
- Say
- Scroll
- Scrollback
- Scrollback Options
- scrollbackduration_desc
- scrollbackduration_name
- scrollbacklen_desc
- scrollbacklen_name
- scrollReminder_desc
- scrollReminder_name
- Search Format String
- Search Pattern
- Search the list of linked characters for matching main or alt names.
- searched for: %s - total matches: %s
- Secondary Output
- Select the font to use for the edit box
- Send to a secondary output
- Server name abbreviation options.
- ServerNames
- Set
- Set Alpha
- Set Chat Lines
- Set ChatFrame%d Display Mode
- Set ChatFrame%d Font Size
- Set Color
- Set Command History
- Set common color of unknown player names.
- Set Ctrl+MouseWheel Speed
- Set Display Mode
- Set Flash Color
- Set Flash On Message
- Set Font Face
- Set Font Size
- Set MouseWheel Speed
- Set number of lines mousewheel will scroll when ctrl is pressed.
- Set number of lines mousewheel will scroll.
- Set Position
- Set Position
- Set Position
- Set Separately
- Set Separately
- Set Strata
- Set substitution
- Set tab display mode for each chat window.
- Set tab display to always, hidden or the Blizzard default.
- Set text font size for each chat window.
- Set text font size.
- Set the alpha of the editbox.
- Set the amount of padding inside the edit box
- Set the edit box background colour
- Set the edit box border colour
- Set the format for the day/month/year
- Set the frame strata of the editbox.
- Set the line spacing for all chat windows.
- Set the number of lines of chat history for each window.
- Set the position of the editbox.
- Set the text font face for all chat windows.
- Set the texture of the chat edit box
- Set the timestamp format
- Set the value of a user defined substitution (NB: this may be the same as an existing default substitution; to reset it to the default, just remove the user created definition).
- Set the width of the edit box's border
- Set the width of the editbox.
- Set TheLowDown Delay
- Set time to wait before jumping to the bottom of chat windows.
- Set Timestamp Color
- Set Width (NB: only enabled if the editbox is undocked)
- Sets alpha of chat tab for active chat frame.
- Sets alpha of chat tab for not active chat frame.
- Sets common color of brackets to use around player names.
- Sets position of chat menu and arrows for all chat windows.
- Sets position of chat menu and arrows for all chat windows.
- Sets style of brackets to use around player names.
- Sets the color of the timestamp.
- Sets the frame's border color to the color of your currently active channel
- shadowcolor_desc
- shadowcolor_name
- shorten_desc
- shorten_name
- Should the copied text be plain, or formatted so you can see the colors.
- Show
- Show All Popups
- Show alts in tooltip
- Show Arrows
- Show Arrows
- Show Brackets
- Show Chat%d Arrows
- Show Chat%d Arrows
- Show events on chatframes
- Show Group
- Show Level
- Show main in tooltip
- Show Popups
- Show Popups for all chat windows.
- Show Popups for each window.
- Show Raid Target Icon
- Show Tab Textures
- Show Timestamp
- show_desc
- show_desc
- show_desc
- show_desc
- show_name
- show_name
- show_name
- show_name
- show_perframedesc
- show_perframedesc
- show_perframename
- show_perframename
- showall_desc
- showall_name
- showbnet_desc
- showbnet_name
- showbutton_desc
- showbutton_name
- showchannel_desc
- showchannel_name
- showCompletedDate_desc
- showCompletedDate_name
- showGratsLink_desc
- showGratsLink_name
- showmenu_desc
- showmenu_name
- showminimize_desc
- showminimize_name
- Shows debug information to help resolve bugs.
- Shows messages in a popup window.
- Shows messages with your name in a popup.
- showvoice_desc
- showvoice_name
- Smart Group Channel
- smartgroup_desc
- smartgroup_name
- Sound selection for incoming chat messages
- Sound selection for outgoing (from you) chat messages
- Sounds
- space_desc
- space_desc
- space_name
- space_name
- Spell Links
- Square
- Start
- Sticky %s
- Sticky Per Chat Frame
- storage_char
- storage_desc
- storage_name
- storage_server
- Store the chat lines between sessions
- subname -- NOTE: sub name without the prefix '%'
- subname = text after expansion -- NOTE: sub name without the prefix "%"
- substitution: %s defined as => %s
- Substitutions
- Supplied pattern is a format string instead of a pattern
- Tab completion :
- tabcomplete_name
- Tabs
- Target does not exist.
- Target is not a player.
- TargetClass
- TargetGender
- TargetGuild
- TargetHealth
- TargetHealthDeficit
- TargetIcon
- TargetLevel
- TargetManaDeficit
- TargetName
- TargetPercentHP
- TargetPossesive
- TargetPronoun
- TargetRace
- TargetTargetName
- TellTarget
- TellTarget
- Text scroll direction
- textfade_desc
- textfade_name
- Texture
- The colour of an alt's main name that will be displayed
- There is no alias current defined for "%s"
- Thick Outline
- Tile Size
- Timestamp Text Format
- Timestamps
- Toggle
- Toggle Chat Log
- Toggle chat log on and off.
- Toggle Combat Log
- Toggle combat log on and off.
- Toggle group invites by alt-clicking hyperlinked keywords like 'invite'.
- Toggle group invites by alt-clicking hyperlinked keywords like 'invite'.
- Toggle group invites by alt-clicking on player name.
- Toggle group invites by alt-clicking on player name.
- Toggle level showing.
- Toggle raid group showing.
- Toggle remembering the chat type last used per chat frame.
- Toggle replacing this channel.
- Toggle setting options separately for each chat window.
- Toggle setting options separately for each chat window.
- Toggle showing brackets on and off.
- Toggle showing chat arrows for each chat window.
- Toggle showing chat arrows for each chat window.
- Toggle showing the raid target icon which is currently on the player.
- Toggle showing timestamp for each window.
- Toggle tab completion of player names.
- Toggle the module on and off.
- Toggle the URL color on and off.
- Toggle using a common color for brackets around player names.
- Toggle using a common color for unknown player names.
- Toggles navigation arrows on and off.
- Toggles navigation arrows on and off.
- Toggles sticky on and off for %s.
- Too many matches (%d possible)
- Top
- Top
- Top
- total aliases: %d
- Trade
- tradespam_desc
- tradespam_name
- training_desc
- training_name
- transparent_desc
- transparent_name
- tried to show value for alias "%s" but undefined in module.Aliases!
- twocolumn_desc
- twocolumn_name
- unalias
- Undocked
- Unknown Common Color
- Unknown Common Color From TasteTheNaimbow
- unknown sex
- Unknown Use Common Color
- unloaded_desc
- unused_alpha
- URL formating options.
- UrlCopy
- Use a custom replacement for the chat %s text.
- Use Alt key for cursor movement
- Use Channel Color
- Use class colour (from the PlayerNames module)
- use class colour of alt
- use class colour of main
- Use LibAlts Data
- Use Player Color
- Use Popup
- Use popup window to show URL.
- Use the data available via the shared alt information library.
- Use toon name for RealID
- useai_desc
- useai_name
- used_alpha
- user defined substition "%s" not found
- User defined substitutions
- user substitutions index (usersubs_idx) doesn't exist! oh dear.
- usersub_
- Various ways to import a main's alts from other addons
- verbose
- Visibility
- warning: alt %s already linked to %s
- warnUser() called with nil argument!
- warnUser() called with zero length string!
- Where to display a character's main name when on their alt.
- Whether to report to the chat frame or not.
- Whisper
- whisper_desc
- whisper_name
- whisper_tabs
- Workaround a Blizzard bug which changes the font size when you open a system menu.
- Forums
- Yell
- You are not in a guild
- You have not yet linked any alts with their mains.
- Your name for this filter