All Namespaces
- %d%% Compliance.
- %s is missing:
- 100% Compliance, Thank You.
- Allow 250 Stat Food
- Allow 275 Stat Food
- Allows food buffs that only provide 250 stats to pass the food check
- Allows food buffs that only provide 275 stats to pass the food check
- Announcements
- Battle Elixir
- Battle Elixirs
- Block Outgoing Whispers
- Broadcast the percent compliance to the raid after running a check.
- Check Consumables
- Check the raid for consumable usage
- Combat produces irregular results, aborting check.
- Compliance Broadcast
- Custom Channel Name
- Custom Channel Report
- Enter the name of the channel.
- Flask
- Flasks
- Food
- Food Buffs
- Guardian Elixir
- Guardian Elixirs
- Hide "Time to Check" Alert Message
- Hide the message that alerts the raid to an incoming RX Check
- How to announce Prescriptions
- Officer Report
- Prescription Drugs
- Print consumable report for yourself
- Raid Report
- RX Check Delay
- RX Check running now!
- RX Check will be run in %d seconds!
- Self Report
- Send consumable reports to a user specified channel
- Send consumable reports to officer chat
- Send consumable reports to raid chat
- Set the delay before a Prescription check is run.
- Toggle checking for Battle Elixirs
- Toggle checking for Flasks
- Toggle checking for Food Buffs
- Toggle checking for Guardian Elixirs
- Toggles blocking of outgoing <Rx> whispers
- What do you want to check for?
- Whisper Players
- Whisper players missing consumables
- You are missing:
- You are not in a raid!