Latin American Spanish
All Namespaces
- %s's Professions
- Actions
- AH coloring
- AH scan button
- All Recipes
- alt
- Alts
- Are you sure you want to reset the ProfessionsVault database and wipe all data?
- Autoclose
- Automatically close the ProfessionsVault window when opening a profession
- Bag coloring
- Bank coloring
- Bind a key to toggle the ProfessionsVault window
- Character
- Character colors
- Chat Tooltips
- Color
- Color character names in tooltips
- Color character names in window
- Color recipes in bank and guild bank with ProfessionsVault character data
- Color recipes in mailbox with ProfessionsVault character data
- Color recipes in player bags with ProfessionsVault character data
- Color recipes in the AH window with ProfessionsVault character data
- Color recipes in the merchant window with ProfessionsVault character data
- Config
- Craftable by
- Crafted Item Tooltips
- Cross-faction
- Currently Hidden Entries
- Debug
- Delete this entry
- Dump
- Dump the database to chat window
- Enable the AH scanning button on the auction frame
- Enchant
- Enhance crafted item tooltips with ProfessionsVault character data
- Enhance recipe tooltips with ProfessionsVault character data
- ERROR: Missing entry in pattern database: %s Please report this bug!
- ERROR: unrecognized client version %s, Please download an update from %s.
- Favorite
- Favorites
- Figurine
- for config
- for menu
- General
- General Options
- Group By
- hidden
- Hide this entry
- Human
- If you have more patterns to learn, just ignore this window until you are done.
- Include alts
- Include cross realm
- Include opposite faction
- Include others
- Include profession data from alts
- Include profession data from characters on other realms
- Include profession data from non-alts
- Include profession data from opposite faction
- Include profession data from self
- Include self
- Invite this player
- Is an alt
- Keybinding
- Known
- Last Scan
- LDB/Minimap Tooltip Options
- Learnable
- Left Click
- Mail coloring
- Merchant coloring
- Middle Click
- Minimap icon
- My Professions
- No professions detected! (try again later?)
- Not Known
- Not sure
- Options
- Orc
- Others
- Outdated profession links have been removed.
- Primary
- Print a reminder when you can train a new profession rank
- Print messages to the chat window to show database updates
- Profession
- Profession Pane
- Profession Scan complete!
- ProfessionsVault
- professionsvault
- Profiles
- Prompt to perform an update scan when a new recipe is learned
- pv
- Recipe colors
- Recipe Data Options
- Recipe Options
- Recipe Scan
- Recipe Tooltips
- recipes
- Requires
- Reset
- Reset complete.
- Reset the database
- Results.
- Right Click
- Save
- Save this trade skill to ProfessionsVault
- Saved %s's %s
- Scan Auctions
- Scan for learnable recipes using ProfessionsVault
- Scan My Professions
- Scan on recipe learn
- Scanning the auction house for patterns..
- Secondary
- Self
- Send a whisper to %s to activate this button
- Shift Left Click
- Show
- Show All Recipes
- Show Favorites
- Show minimap icon
- Show My Professions
- Show the ProfessionsVault configuration window
- Show tooltips for trade links in the chat window
- Show tooltips in the ProfessionsVault window
- Show/Hide the ProfessionsVault window
- skill points
- Skill too low
- System
- This is a known Blizzard bug.
- to link in chat
- to open
- to toggle the window
- Toggle debugging output
- Tooltip names
- Tooltips
- Training reminder
- Transmute
- Unhide All
- Unhide Entries
- Unhide Selected
- unhide_desc
- Update Messages
- Updated %s's %s
- Visit a %s trainer!
- WARNING: This version of ProfessionsVault was compiled for a different version of WoW (%s) than you are running (%s). Some features may be broken. Please download an update from %s
- Warning: Tradeskill %s has no link available to be used.
- Whisper this player
- Window names
- Would you like to scan your professions into ProfessionsVault?
- You can avoid this prompt in the future by having your tradeskill window open while learning patterns.
- You must be at an auctioneer to scan the auction house for patterns.