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What does the provided patch do?
These changes will fix the problems with the reported time being wrong and showing other players' DoTs that were caused by the changes to the ShowDebuff function in the WoW 3.0.2 patch "Echoes of Doom". (See for description of the changes to the API in 3.0.2.)
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To fix DotDotDot in the most recent release r74120.11, replace the UpdateDebuffs function in core.lua with the following:
function DotDotDot:UpdateDebuffs(unit) self = DotDotDot if (UnitExists(unit)) then for num = 1, 40 do local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, isMine, isStealable = UnitDebuff(unit, num) if (isMine) then if (duration) then if (self.shortcode[name]) then local guid = (UnitGUID(unit) .. "-" .. self.shortcode[name]) local timeLeft = expirationTime - GetTime() if unit == "target" then self:ShowCandyBar(self.shortcode[name].." - "..(UnitName(unit) or ""), guid, timeLeft, BS:GetSpellIcon(name), true, self.db.profile.highcolor) else self:ShowCandyBar(self.shortcode[name].." - "..(UnitName(unit) or ""), guid, timeLeft, BS:GetSpellIcon(name), false, self.db.profile.basecolor) end end end end end endend
Or, implement this list of changes (to the original DotDotDot r74120.11 core.lua):line 392: replace line with "local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, isMine, isStealable = UnitDebuff(unit, num)"line 393: replace line with "if (isMine) then"line 396: insert prefix "local "line 397: add new line "local timeLeft = expirationTime - GetTime()"line 405: add new line "end"
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