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UploadedApr 14, 2008
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.4.3
r69853 | xinhuan | 2008-04-15 04:34:09 -0400 (Tue, 15 Apr 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Expiration/Expiration.lua
M /trunk/Expiration/Expiration.toc
Expiration: Localize many commonly used functions for faster access. Remove all getn() function calls, it is deprecated in Lua 5.1 and replaced with the # operator. Removed redundant floor() calls, the numbers get floored when passed into %d or %x of format(). Replaced math.fmod calls with % operator. Update TOC from 20100 to 20400. Add dependency on Blizzard_CombatLog.
r69852 | xinhuan | 2008-04-15 04:22:54 -0400 (Tue, 15 Apr 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Expiration/Expiration.lua
Expiration: Strip action codes from text to be transmitted. Convert spellinks (if any) into transmittable spellinks. Cleanup icon replacement function not to create a new function and table on every message to be sent. Do a tail call for speed efficiency.
r69678 | slake333 | 2008-04-13 23:52:45 -0400 (Sun, 13 Apr 2008) | 29 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Expiration/Expiration.lua
M /trunk/Expiration/Expiration.toc
M /trunk/Expiration/changelog.txt
Expiration: 2.2.0
- Grouped configuration options together into a subcommand
- Added the 'deaths' command, which lists the available reports in the last specified amount of minutes
- Added a shorter slash command: '/exp'
- Added the 'refresh' command, which updates the unit tracking tables if (in rare cases) they are out of date
- Rewrote the basic history storage mechanism
- Expiration now saves copies of the current history when a unit being tracked dies, which are accessable separately later
- Added a new option to control the number of reports saved per unit
- Removed the 'say' option as a valid report channel
- Added the ability to report to custom channels
- Added the ability to whisper reports
- Modified the way the report command works:
usage: /expiration report <name> <report# or 'last'> [dest[:target]] [lines]
name - name of the player or pet to report on.
Just typing /expiration report <name> will list the available reports for that unit.
report# - The report number (from above) or 'last' for the last saved report.
dest[:target] - The destination for the report, along with an optional target.
Valid destinations are:
'console' - reports to the console, includes all appropriate combat string tags
'party' or 'p' - reports to your party
'raid' or 'r' - reports to your raid
'guild' or 'g' - reports to guild chat
'officer' or 'o' - reports to officer chat
'whisper' or 'w' - reports in a whisper to the specified target
'channel' or 'c' - reports to the specefied chat channel target
lines - the number of lines (from the death event) to report. Line numbers are listed in the report.
So, for example, the command '/exp report bob last w:sam 10' would report the last 10 events that happened to bob on his latest death report as a whisper to sam.
r67961 | slake333 | 2008-04-03 20:38:25 -0400 (Thu, 03 Apr 2008) | 6 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Expiration/Expiration.lua
M /trunk/Expiration/Expiration.toc
M /trunk/Expiration/changelog.txt
Expiration: 2.0.0
- Updated to work with patch 2.4
- Filter options removed
- Threshold option added
- Pets are now tracked
- Greatly improved event filtering logic