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UploadedMar 5, 2008
Size4.70 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.3.3
r63665 | yleaf | 2008-03-05 06:20:27 -0500 (Wed, 05 Mar 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/oRA2_PvPDetection/Pvp.lua
oRA2_PvPDetection: update zhCN locale
r63125 | rabbit | 2008-02-28 02:19:37 -0500 (Thu, 28 Feb 2008) | 10 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/FuBar_oRA2CooldownFu/oRA2CooldownFu.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Core.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Leader/Durability.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Leader/Invite.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Leader/Item.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Leader/Latency.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Leader/Loot.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Leader/MainTank.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Leader/RaidWarn.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Leader/Ready.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Leader/Resist.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Libs
M /trunk/oRA2/LoadOnDemand.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Optional/CoolDown.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Optional/Group.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Optional/MainTank.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Optional/PlayerTarget.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Optional/Resurrection.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Optional/Version.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Optional/Zone.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Participant/Item.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Participant/MainTank.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Participant/Participant.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Participant/RaidWarn.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/Participant/Ready.lua
M /trunk/oRA2/embeds.xml
M /trunk/oRA2/oRA2.toc
M /trunk/oRA2_PvPDetection/Pvp.lua
* Invites based on rank now also accept the index, and if the rank you specify can listen to officer chat, the invite message will be posted there instead of guildchat.
* Cleanups of all modules, :IsValidRequest removed, replaced by some :IsPromoted and UnitInRaid checks where applicable.
* Roster-2.1 removed completely, since Unit* functions accept names.
* When players join a raid, they will now request the main tank list from the leader.
* Menus reworded and re-descriptionized slightly.
* Colors player names in the menus for main/player tanks.
* 3rd party PvP module now uses oRA addon messages, like it should.
* oRA_MainTankUpdate no longer randomly passes the main tank table around as an event argument. Just read oRA.maintanktable if you're interested.
* oRA no longer tracks AFK and DND status, since UnitIsAFK and UnitIsDND were added some time ago.