Guild Shoppe
Guild Shoppe is being developed to allow you to manage your Guild bank as a shop.
Main planned features:
- Assign multiple shop-keepers. Only the guild-master can do this.
- Plug into the wow guild bank (might support alt guild banks as well)
- Track deposists and give credits for various donations to the guild bank
- Allow people to purchase things from shop keepers with transaction logging.
- Allow shop keepers/bankers to setup lists of pricing for items as well as how many credits will be given for items donated.
- Various price lists depending on your rank in guild.
- Will have a client side, where people can see the price lists etc. and request purchases via the mod.
Note: I have only recently started developement of this, so there are currently no files available for download.
Hi, any info on this addon? Is it still under development or have you abandoned it? It look like a really useful one, hope to see it finished.
I need this addon!!! Please finish it! :-)
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Could this feature be setup to be customized according to bank tabs, and individuals designated per each tab, thus allowing certain appointed members to be store/bank keepers of assigned/permitted tabs. Also allowing bank tabs to be customized in amounts, dues, and ect per each tab. Also I would reccomend a option designated by the guild leader on the limits,and abilities the assigned shoppekeepers have.
The limits should be for example:
*Should they have to pay for the items as well,and if so how much.
*And do they get to keep a percentage of profit as reward of handling the guild bank, and if so what percentage. ( This may give inncentive to handle more responsibly, while not making htem feel as if they are a pack mule.)
Another thing I would like to see is allowing guild leaders to set when you Guild dues are to be turned in, or due, by linking with the in game calendar if that is possible.
Lastly, is the all itmes sold from guild bank generate the gold towards the the gold in the guild bank, so that the gold may be used in purchasing more tabs, guild tabards, and other things for the guild.
I beleive that if this addon takes this into consideration, and is looking to fufill what I have already read, that this will be an excellent addon for every guild to have. It will prevent the guild bank abuse, such as theft, items being taken, and sold for personal profit without the guild seeing some compensation. This addon overall allow a more friendly, and secure guild banking enviroment.
I hope that you find my feedback helpful.
Thank you
does that mean if i have a bank alt with their own bank, may main guild can buy stuff from it?