Love this raid addon and dont want to lose it but CTRA is just to laggy and bulky for my taste. Any possible chance of making this able to work with this mod?
Hello, I was wondering if compatability with ORa2 is on a ToDo list? I resently converted from CTRA and i love my new ORa2 raidmod. Only problem is that my guild mates no longer recieve my outgoing heal info :/ Best regards, Fulnir, with fingers crossed.
hi... i would like to contact you , i found this mod great but it has some issues with another mod, CastOptions, which i mantain. it works but it just does not detect the right rank of the spell, it is a hook problem...
Try actually using the macro. Really actually in a fight. You will notice it picks up the heals after the first actual real spellcast. That's because it can't figure out the amount the spell heals in advance. So it checks your combat log to see how much it healed for. And then adjust it for the next time you use the macro.
In conclusion: actually really use the addon for real in an actual battle before posting here :)
For macros like /cast Heal it works just like you describe, however, for macros like /cast Heal(Rank 2) it just shows 0.0... or more specifically, it uses whatever information is specified by these lines (170-173):
if not rankdata then rankdata = { plushealing = 0, amount = 0, minimum = 0, maximum = 0 } spelldata.ranks[ranktext] = rankdata end
I did try it with only Incoming Heals and CTRA as the active mods, and got the same results, so I don't *think* it is any sort of weird conflict going on.
I just had a quick look at the ctra code for 1.12, and they have keept the CT_RA_SendMessage function, and it looks like they only check GetNumRaidMembers() == 0) to check if they should return, or send the message. They do not modify the outgoing message at all, so it looks like with a bit of luck that you might not have to do any work at all ;-)
It seems that the CTRA team are making rather big changes to the way CTRA communicates with the raid membes.
The new version for patch 1.12 states.
[quote] That is correct, CTRA no longer requires the channel. There is no more broadcasting, joining, or leaving of a channel. Blizzard has finally given us the ability to use a 'hidden' raid channel to convey messages between mods.
NOTE: This change of no longer requiring a channel has the side effect of making CTRA version 1.54 no longer backwards compatible. PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF CT_RaidAssist WILL NOT WORK WITH 1.54. This means everyone in your raid will need to upgrade to the latest version to ensure compatibility. /quote
Do you have any plans to modify this addon so it will keep working ?
I use oRA + Squishy and I won't go back to CTLag. I'd love to see an approach taken that wasn't dependant on CTRA.
Love this raid addon and dont want to lose it but CTRA is just to laggy and bulky for my taste. Any possible chance of making this able to work with this mod?
Just curious, I used to know someone with that name.
would be really nice if we didn't need ra in order for this mod to work.. i for one stopped using ctra along time ago.. ora user :)
Hello, I was wondering if compatability with ORa2 is on a ToDo list? I resently converted from CTRA and i love my new ORa2 raidmod. Only problem is that my guild mates no longer recieve my outgoing heal info :/ Best regards, Fulnir, with fingers crossed.
Thank you so much! The addon is great...keep doin' what you need to IRL!
Kinda busy ATM with raiding and /afk aka RL
That's your opinion :)
For healers, this mod is much better, in my opinion. Reason is it shows the info right on the CTRA windows, where you need it.
The current version works perfectly with 1.12. You just have to enable "load out of date addons".
This is a good mod but Forecast has a much better layout and provides TON's more information.
Will there be a 1.12 update soon?
hi... i would like to contact you , i found this mod great but it has some issues with another mod, CastOptions, which i mantain. it works but it just does not detect the right rank of the spell, it is a hook problem...
btw if you can, please contact me @[email protected]
Try actually using the macro. Really actually in a fight. You will notice it picks up the heals after the first actual real spellcast. That's because it can't figure out the amount the spell heals in advance. So it checks your combat log to see how much it healed for. And then adjust it for the next time you use the macro.
In conclusion: actually really use the addon for real in an actual battle before posting here :)
I just had a quick look at the ctra code for 1.12, and they have keept the CT_RA_SendMessage function, and it looks like they only check GetNumRaidMembers() == 0) to check if they should return, or send the message. They do not modify the outgoing message at all, so it looks like with a bit of luck that you might not have to do any work at all ;-)
beta version for patch 1.12 can be found here:
Ps. Thanks for keeping this addon up to date, my guild loves it :-)
When 1.12 is released I will modify IncomingHeals so it keeps working of course :)
It works, but not on the first cast. Use the macro, and then use it again so it can figure out how much the spell heals for.
You didn't copy the tools folders to your WoW\Interface\Addons folder.
It seems that the CTRA team are making rather big changes to the way CTRA communicates with the raid membes.
The new version for patch 1.12 states.
[quote] That is correct, CTRA no longer requires the channel. There is no more broadcasting, joining, or leaving of a channel. Blizzard has finally given us the ability to use a 'hidden' raid channel to convey messages between mods.
NOTE: This change of no longer requiring a channel has the side effect of making CTRA version 1.54 no longer backwards compatible. PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF CT_RaidAssist WILL NOT WORK WITH 1.54. This means everyone in your raid will need to upgrade to the latest version to ensure compatibility. /quote
Do you have any plans to modify this addon so it will keep working ?
macro'd spells with a rank now show me 0.0 instead of nothing at all... ... not to complain too much :p