It basically brings Windows Vista's Aero theme or OSX to WoW's default UI elements by adding a transitional animation between frame states.
Currently VisualThemes supports a fading and scale theme. The theme allows either to be toggled and scaling to be adjusted.
A short fraps:
For more information see:
Also supports: OneBag Dewdrop Baggins AdvancedTradeSkillWindow Skillet TBag Bagnon SetWrangler eePanels2
To skin 90 % of the wow frame :
VisualThemes:RegisterAddOn(L["Achievement Frames"], "Blizzard_AchievementUI", 0, "AchievementFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterAddOn(L["Calendar Frames"], "Blizzard_Calendar", 0, "CalendarFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterAddOn(L["Glyph Frames"], "Blizzard_GlyphUI", 0, "GlyphFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterAddOn(L["GuildBank Frames"], "Blizzard_GuildBankUI", 0, "GuildBankFrame")
And change
VisualThemes:RegisterAddOn(L["Player Talent Frame"], "Blizzard_TalentUI", 0, "PlayerTalentFrame")
In BlizzardDynamicFrames.lua
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Character Frames"], 0, "PaperDollFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Character Frames"], 0, "PetPaperDollFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Character Frames"], 0, "ReputationFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Character Frames"], 0, "SkillFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Character Frames"], 0, "TokenFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["PVP Frames"], 0, "PVPFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Friends Frames"], 0, "FriendsFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Friends Frames"], 0, "IgnoreListFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Friends Frames"], 0, "WhoFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Friends Frames"], 0, "GuildFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Friends Frames"], 0, "GuildInfoFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Friends Frames"], 0, "GuildMemberDetailFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Friends Frames"], 0, "GuildEventFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Friends Frames"], 0, "RaidInfoFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Friends Frames"], 0, "RaidFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["Friends Frames"], 0, "ChannelFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["PVP Frames"], 0, "PVPBattlegroundFrame")
VisualThemes:RegisterFrames(L["PVP Frames"], 0, "PVPParentFrame")
In BlizzardFrames.lua
I don't know how to skin the SpellBook Or the Character when you open it
But plz update this addon =)
Good addon must be update =) !!!
Heh I really like this addon, however I noticed that it doesn't seem to work with a some frames, such as the spellbook, talents, chat & channels, guild, friends, and a couple of the options menus. Would be nice to have full consistancy, but the addon works well and looks nice enough that I don't mind so much... good job!
And finally, any way to make this work with target/ToT unitframes (not sure if it does this for the blizz unitframes), specifically for X-Perl? This would be beyond awesome.
Gj on the mod!
Unfortunately, none of these are possible (except talents, which I had working but apparently something in the patch broke them) because of tainting. They won't open in combat, and in the case of unit frames they will be unclickable/unusuable.
First off, fantastic Mod idea!
I did notice a bug yesterday. I got the Headless Horseman's Epic Flying Broom, which is a Bind On Use. When I clicked it to use, it brought up the "This will bind it to you" window. I would hit OK but then it would just go away like I canceled it and not equip the broom. When I logged out, disabled the mod, I was able to equip the broom after that are you sure message.
Set Pop-up Dialogs to Disabled in Frame Group Options. Unfortunately, there's no other way to fix this currently.
OMG, thats what i have to say for this addon, WOW!!!... Unbeliveble, i couldnt say less then the user below me, Why in hell didn't blizzard implement this? Absolutly fantastic job there.. I belive this addon will jump right up the Nr1 spot in some weeks. Good job!
Little things like these make you wonder; why the hell didn't blizz put this in the game?
Awesome add-on ^^
ty for your quick reply. Will it work o.k. with the 2 installed?
Yeah, it'll work fine alongside it, just won't theme it.
will you be adding Ark Inventory to the list?
Due to the way the author creates frames in ArkInventory it isn't possible to support it without serious performance issues. If the author ever changes his addon to dynamic frames then I'll take a second look into supporting it.