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UploadedJun 6, 2009
Size212.38 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.1.0
r576 | jerry | 2009-05-25 13:41:34 +0000 (Mon, 25 May 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Locales/esES.lua
Fix for esES, Thanks PatoDaia
r575 | jerry | 2009-05-25 08:04:20 +0000 (Mon, 25 May 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/core.lua
M /trunk/ui/menu.lua
Make sure the Delete menu entry is only enabled for templates that
are saved on reload.
r574 | jerry | 2009-05-25 07:53:36 +0000 (Mon, 25 May 2009) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
A /trunk/Locales/esES.lua
M /trunk/locales.xml
M /trunk/scripts/mkfulldata.lua
M /trunk/scripts/wowdata.lua
M /trunk/tabdata.lua
M /trunk/ui/base.lua
M /trunk/ui/gframes.lua
Add esES locale, Thanks PatoDaia
Small tweaks in UI.
Reduce the script size of tabdata.lua
r573 | StingerSoft | 2009-05-21 10:09:31 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Locales/ruRU.lua
ruRU update
r572 | s8095324 | 2009-05-20 11:01:06 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Locales/zhTW.lua
zhTW update
r571 | jerry | 2009-05-16 13:48:16 +0000 (Sat, 16 May 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
A /trunk/SpecTabs
A /trunk/SpecTabs/Talented_SpecTabs.toc
A /trunk/SpecTabs/core.lua
M /trunk/Talented.toc
Add SpecTabs in Talented
r570 | dessa | 2009-05-14 15:33:16 +0000 (Thu, 14 May 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
M /trunk/Talented.toc
-nolib was fine before, partially revert r569
r569 | zuz666 | 2009-05-13 16:40:38 +0000 (Wed, 13 May 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
M /trunk/Talented.toc
enable no-lib
r566 | jerry | 2009-05-12 06:56:32 +0000 (Tue, 12 May 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Locales/frFR.lua
Update frFR locale
r565 | jerry | 2009-05-12 06:48:06 +0000 (Tue, 12 May 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/learn.lua
Fix LearnTalent() to check the right talentGroup for unspent points.
r564 | jerry | 2009-05-12 06:40:40 +0000 (Tue, 12 May 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/scripts/config.lua
M /trunk/scripts/mkfulldata.lua
M /trunk/tabdata.lua
Add pet talent tree names in zhTW and zhCN. Thanks NightOwl
r563 | chkid | 2009-05-11 22:31:15 +0000 (Mon, 11 May 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Locales/koKR.lua
koKR update
r561 | jerry | 2009-05-11 18:48:01 +0000 (Mon, 11 May 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/pet.lua
Use the pet's talent group when updating the pet template, as it seems that pets may have two when both hunter talent Groups use the Beast Mastery talent.
r560 | jerry | 2009-05-11 17:58:11 +0000 (Mon, 11 May 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Locales/enUS.lua
M /trunk/options.lua
M /trunk/ui/menu.lua
M /trunk/view.lua
Fix Set as target menu.
Add a bottom offset option so that text and button on the bottom of Talented are not covered by or do not cover the talent pane.
r559 | jerry | 2009-05-11 16:23:28 +0000 (Mon, 11 May 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/editmode.lua
Fix a bug where invalid compressed data may generate an error in template validation.
r558 | jerry | 2009-05-11 15:57:09 +0000 (Mon, 11 May 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/core.lua
M /trunk/options.lua
M /trunk/ui/menu.lua
Allow separate targets for each talent group.
r557 | jerry | 2009-05-11 10:08:12 +0000 (Mon, 11 May 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/scripts/config.lua
M /trunk/scripts/conv_whpet_code.lua
M /trunk/scripts/mkfulldata.lua
M /trunk/tabdata.lua
Cleanup scripts.
Regenerate talent trees data.
r556 | jerry | 2009-05-11 09:21:02 +0000 (Mon, 11 May 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
A /trunk/scripts
A /trunk/scripts/Makefile
A /trunk/scripts/config.lua
A /trunk/scripts/conv_whpet_code.lua
A /trunk/scripts/ldbclib.c
A /trunk/scripts/mkfulldata.lua
A /trunk/scripts/wowdata.lua
Add the scripts from Talented_Data in Talented
r555 | jerry | 2009-04-25 15:32:03 +0000 (Sat, 25 Apr 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Locales/deDE.lua
M /trunk/Locales/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Locales/frFR.lua
M /trunk/Locales/koKR.lua
M /trunk/Locales/ruRU.lua
M /trunk/Locales/zhCN.lua
M /trunk/Locales/zhTW.lua
M /trunk/Talented.toc
M /trunk/ui/menu.lua
Update TOC
Change specs in the template menu so that only Primary and Secondary spec exist, instead of Current/Alternate.
Put the pet spec just below the primary and secondary spec instead of at the bottom of the menu.