Errorzorz! #156

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser117147
  • hsram created this issue Feb 27, 2011

    Submitted Via

    Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0

    Installed Version



    1x Blizzard_TalentUI\Blizzard_TalentUI.lua:576: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) <in C code>: in function `PlayerTalentFrame_Refresh' Blizzard_TalentUI\Blizzard_TalentUI.lua:505: in function <...rface\AddOns\Blizzard_TalentUI\Blizzard_TalentUI.lua:502> Locals: = <function> @ Blizzard_TalentUI\Blizzard_TalentUI.lua:567: = <function> @ Talented\core.lua:321: ---

    Installed Addons

    !BugGrabber - r164 _NPCScan - _NPCScan _NPCScan.Overlay - _NPCScan.Overlay _NPCScan.Overlay.Broker - v1.1.0 Acherus Runes - 1.0.3 Addon Control Panel - r140 Archaeology Helper - Archaeology Helper 0.91 Archy - Archaeology Assistant - v1.7b7 ArkInventory - 3.02.77 Atlas - Atlas v1.18.2 Atlasloot Enhanced - v6.03.00-beta Attrition - 2.4.3-1.1 Auctionator - Version 2.9.0 Aura Frames - r279 BetterQuest - v2 Broker uClock - v3.3.2 Broker_CPU Memory - 40000.19 Broker_Location - 1.2.14 Broker_Portals - 1.8.19 Broker_SocialState - 1.7.4 BugSack - r246 ButtonFacade - r344 ButtonFacade: Caith - r64 Castbars - 3.12 cBroker: Recount - cBroker: Recount 1.01 ChocolateBar Broker Display - r126 clcInfo - r195 Clique - v40000-1.3.3 ColorPickerPlus - r16 Decursive - 2.6.1_beta_4-1-gd2817e8 DocsNameplates - DocsNameplates r56 Dominos - 1.24.1 DrDamage - r1609 eAlign - 4.0.2 EnsidiaFails - 4.005-RELEASE-LFr43 eQueue - 4.0.4 Examiner - 11.01.28 Extended Raid Info - r10-release famBags - v1.0.9.3 ForteXorcist - v1.974.7 FuBar 3.6 - r38 FuBar2Broker - r88-release Gatherer - 3.2.3 GathererDB WoWHead - 2009.09.12 Gnosis (Castbars and Timers) - r171 Golden Ticket - r17 Grid - r1418 GridAutoFrameSize - 2.4.1 GridIndicatorCornerIcons - r63 GridIndicatorSideIcons - r69 GridIndicatorText3 - r60 GridManaBars - v1.03 GridStatusDungeonRole - GridStatusDungeonRole 1.2.0 GridStatusMTs - 40000-1 GridStatusParty - r38 GridStatusRaidDebuff - r290 GridStatusRaidIcons - 40000-2 GridStatusRD_Cata - r13 GridStatusRes - r68 GridUnitMenu - 40000.0 GuildRosterButtons - 1.7 hfLootRoll - 1.2.4 HitsMode5 - r80-release HudMap - v1.2 InspectEquip - 1.9.0 LibRock-1.0 - r298 LushGearSwap - LushGearSwap-V2.2.0 ManyItemTooltips - 3.0.4 Mapster - 1.4.0-8-gc87c6f3 MBB - v1.12 Mendeleev - r318 MikScrollingBattleText - v5.5.91 Misspelled - r58 Moncai Quest Tracker - v4.0.1-beta MoveAnything - 12.b1.2 Omen Threat Meter - v3.1.0 OmniCC - 4.0.waffles11 OPie - Golf 4 oRA3 - r493 oUF SpellRange - oUF_SpellRange oUF_Caellian - oUF_Caellian v2.9 oUF_CombatFeedback - r43-release Ovale Spell Priority - r356 Overachiever - achievement tools and tweaks - v0.61 Panda - PassLoot - r124 PhoenixStyle - 1.5221 Postal - r326 Prat 3.0 - r791 Quartz - 3.0.5 Quest Completist - Quest Completist v0.93 QuestHelper - QuestHelper- RaidAchievement - 1.066 RaidWatch 2 - 1.621 RatingBuster - r327 Recount - v4.0.1e release ReforgedTooltip - 1.0.3 Reforgenator - v1.3.6 Sell-O-Matic - v1.3.0 SexyMap - v1.2.4-4-ge1a8dd2 SexyMap Tracker Button Fix (Minimap Button Frame) - V1.0.0 BETA Shadowed Unit Frames - v3.3.3-1-gb1f1ee8 shPerformance (fps/latency/memory) - r1 SimpleCalc - A simple mathematical calculator - SimpleCalc v0.4b sInterrupt - sInterrupt 0.8c Skillet - r253 SpellSpy - 10.10.26 Talented - r728 tekKompare - T-Examiner + Talented FIX - v1.0.1 Tidy Plates - 6.0.7 B Tidy Plates: Threat Plates - 5.0.1 TimeToDie - v1.3 TipTac - 10.12.06 TipTacTalents - 10.10.27 TomTom - v40000-1.2.1 ToolTipTabs - Development Version TourGuide - UnderAchiever - Automatic Fake Achievement Links! - UnderAchiever_v4 Volumizer - 4.0.3-2.0.0 WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) v3 - 3.5.3 XLoot 1.0 - XLoot 1.0.9 XToLevel - 4.0.3_25

  • hsram added the tags New Defect Feb 27, 2011
  • _ForgeUser117147 posted a comment Feb 28, 2011

    AFAICT, This error is not caused by Talented. Talented only appears in the stack trace because it securely hooks the blizzard "PlayerTalentFrame_Refresh" API which has the issue.

    It seems that under certain conditions, PlayerTalentFrame_Refresh() is called before PlayerTalentFrame.selectedPlayerSpec has been initialised.

    There's little I can do without tainting the UI, and it looks like this error occurs also for people without Talented (see msg 2 here : ), so I won't do anything about this issue without more information.

    I need to know exactly the scenario that leads to this error (preferably reproducable) : When and how did you open the Talent UI, what tab you clicked on, what event occured that produced the error...

  • hsram posted a comment Feb 28, 2011

    It happens upon login

  • _ForgeUser405586 posted a comment Apr 20, 2011

    This is definitely a bug in the 4.0.6 base Blizzard UI, not in Talented, but there's a simple 3-line fix that can be stuck in any addon at the top-level (run at initial load time) to prevent the lua error:

    hooksecurefunc("PanelTemplates_GetSelectedTab", function () if PlayerTalentFrame then
                    PlayerTalentFrame.selectedPlayerSpec = PlayerTalentFrame.selectedPlayerSpec or "spec1"
                    PlayerTalentFrame.selectedTab = PlayerTalentFrame.selectedTab or 1 end end)

    Talented seems like a natural addon to host this fix since it's the go-to addon for talents.

    Edited Apr 20, 2011

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