Project 2386
Project has not been updated for seven years, and is no longer compatible with World of Warcraft.
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Talented adds spec templates to the Talent UI.
Talented 3
Talented is getting a large update for wow 4. It will no longer replace the default UI but add a new Tab to it, with most of the previous functionality present.
There is an alpha release available on wowace. It's still missing some major parts, but it should give you an idea of the new interface.
Talented_Loader is no longer needed (and in fact will create problems if left installed, so remove it at once).
Update feature List
- Create and view templates for all classes and all pet types.
- Set a specific template as a target, and see it when you're spending your next talent point on level up.
- Apply complete templates with a single click, after a talent wipe.
- Hunters can view the spec of their pet and apply templates to them.
- Share your current build with other, or any template you've made.
- Import templates directly from the Blizzard Talent calculator, wowhead or wowdb.
- Export templates as URL to wowhead, wowdb or the Blizzard Talent calculator.
- Allow pet templates to be imported from and export to wowhead pet calculator.
- Inspection of other characters will also inspect their alternate spec, if they have one.
- A macro command /talented apply <template> allows to automatically apply a template based on its name.
Date: 2008-01-10 02:21:06
ID: 57
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Talented\tips.lua line 65:
attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
Talented\tips.lua:65: SetTooltipInfo()
Ace, v1.4
ArkInventory, v2.26
Atlas, v1.10.3
AtlasBattlegrounds, v1.10.3
AtlasDungeonLocs, v1.10.3
AtlasEntrances, v1.10.3
AtlasFlightPaths, v1.10.3
AtlasOutdoorRaids, v1.10.3
AtlasLoot, vAtlasLoot Enhanced v4.02.01
Auctioneer, v5.0.PRE.2616
CartographerTrainers, v1.0
CartographerVendors, v1.0
Cartographer1, v2.0
Cartographer, vr56125
CartographerFishing, v1.0
CartographerNoteshare, v1.0
CartographerQuests, v0.2
CartographerTreasure, v1.0
ClearFont2, v2.1
ClearFont2FontPack, v1.0
CraftList2, v2.0 r52665
cyCircled, v0.5
cyCircledGoldOrbs, v1.0
cyCircledsimpleSquare, v1.0
cyCircledVolGold, v2.3.0.0
cyCircledVolM, v2.3.0.0
cyCircledVol, v1.0
DetachedMiniButtons, v0.9.42
eePanels2, v2.0
EnhTooltip, v5.0.PRE.2616
ErrorRedirect, v20100
Fane, v1.0
GFWDisenchantPredictor, v2.3
FuBarDurabilityFu, v2.0
FuBarGarbageFu, v2.0.$Revision: 55484 $
FuBarGuildFu, v2.4
FuBarMoneyFu, v20000-1
FuBarTopScoreFu, v2.0
FuBar, v52783
FuTextures, v2.0
Informant, v5.0.PRE.2616
MiniChat, v1.0
MobHealth, v3.2
NDragIt, vr55609
nQuestLog, v1.0 r57213
Omen, v2.1r55025
OmniCC, v2.0.7
Outfitter, v3.6.0
PitBull, v2.0r56911
Postal, v2.1 r58160
Prat, v2.0 57869
Quartz, v0.1.0
sct, v5.7
SharedMedia, v1.0
SharedMediaAdditionalBackgrounds, v1.0
SharedMediaAdditionalFonts, v1.0
SharedMedia20, v2.0
SimpleCombatLog, v1.3.0.54892
simpleMinimap, v20100-6
Skillet, v1.10-55300
Skinner, v2.3
Stubby, v2
Swatter, v5.0.PRE.2616
Talented, v1.3
TipTac, v07.12.06
Trinity, v20300.1
TrinityBars, v20300.2
Getting this error when in template mode and putting a cursor over a talent since patch 2.3.2
hitting a problem.. and can't seem to find an FAQ for the add-on.
have been planning builds and setting hem as targets no problem till i installed the latest patch version.
now templates either will not stay when i close template mode after setting it as target, or if they do they seem to clear themselves of all data about 3 days later.
any ideas what's up. no .lua errors or other clashes with Talented, just the template and character profiles wiping every so often
oh.. alright = /
but when I unckeck Talented and Talented_Data from addons, it's just fine ! then it shows 10% 20% 30%
Not here :
So it's up to Blizzard to correct the information above so that it appears correctly in Talented_Data.
so..... that means?
That means that if you see an error, you should report it to Blizzard.
Great mod..
When are you gonna update the 2.2 ( I think, maybe sooner) change for shammies in the restoration tree, Focused Mind. It's not 5% 10% 15% anymore. It's 10% 20% 30%
Talent description is generated from Blizzard talent calculator or armory, depending on which is the most recent. If there is a mistake in one talent description, it should be reported to Blizzard, and Talented_Data will get the correction the next time it is generated.
great addon. i just posted a message on blizzard asking for something like this, and one of the replies sent me to your addon. just one question, is their a document/instuctions on how to create multiple profiles, and then how to upload the profile after your talents are wiped clean? i tried creating a profile but dont see where to save or name the profile. im afraid to "click" to many buttons without knowing what im doing. thanks kyle
Just noticed the "points left" feature that has been added! Thank you very much!!
Very nice, ty much!
As you know Jerry, I change my talents something like 3 our 4 times a week so your add-on is a true benediction for me. It allows me to spare a lot of time and to imagine, prepare new templates each free moment I have (especially during flights).
I love this addon. I hope everyone here will try it because as soon as you've tried it you'll keep it.
Thanks for your great job, you're always surprising me :-)
Just great ! Wonderful to at least move easily with the templates, respec without error and so on… damn why didn't we have this before !! :D Just the "make this template as target" option in't obvious at the first glance.
Simple request : could you merge Talented_Data within Talented ? I see not much reason to split them appart, except okay maintaining low file size for Talented ;) Thanks ;)
Ok in answer to JaimSandar you go to mode and click on switch to template mode then click on Template>New Template>New Empty Template and you can choose which class.
I think this addon is great however I would like it to show how many talent points you have to spend... I couldn't find this option. If it's there I would love information on how to find it but I looked all over and couldn't. If it's not part of it I would request it be added... hard to spend points you don't realise are there... Thanks for creating this addon it's wonderful.
Lyli I don't know if your question got answered yet, but here goes. If you look in the upper right corner of Talented you will see a level indicator. This changes color to green when you have no talent points to spend and yellow when you do. Also the level number itself is an indicator as to whether you have points to spend. If you just dinged 28 and you see Level 27 when you open Talented then you can spend 1 point. Hope that makes sense.
The information is indeed color coded. Green level number means you still have some points to spend left (compared to your current level), Yellow that you don't and Red that you don't have the level yet to get the corresponding template.
The tooltips for talents with multiple ranks don't show the stats for the next rank, but instead show in red text: "Effective tooltip information not available".
Maybe this is simply a feature that hasn't been completed yet?
Edit: OK, I see in the description of the optional module "Talented_Data" that it is required for display of the rank info in the Talented tooltips. That fixed that, alright, but I can't figure out how to see the other classes information even with Talented_Data installed.
Date: 2008-12-11 21:56:44
ID: 66
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Talented\ui\base.lua line 13:
attempt to call method 'SetNormalFontObject' (a nil value)
[C]: SetNormalFontObject()
Talented\ui\base.lua:268: CreateBaseFrame()
Talented\core.lua:371: Update()
Talented\core.lua:363: ToggleTalentFrame()
Talented_Loader\core.lua:10: ToggleTalentFrame()
[string "TOGGLETALENTS"]:1:
[string "TOGGLETALENTS"]:1
agUnitFrames, v05-01-07
aUFBanzai, v2.1
AtlasLoot, vAtlasLoot Enhanced v4.04.01
AucAdvanced, v5.0.PRE.2953
AucFilterBasic, v5.0.PRE.2953 (BillyGoat)
AucStatClassic, v5.0.PRE.2953 (BillyGoat)
AucStatPurchased, v5.0.PRE.2953 (BillyGoat)
AucStatSimple, v5.0.PRE.2953 (BillyGoat)
AucStatStdDev, v5.0.PRE.2953 (BillyGoat)
Auctioneer, v5.0.PRE.2953
Auditor2, v3.1.0
aUFLayouts, v1.1.18
BagnonForever, v1.0.0
Bartender3, v3.1.2 r68497
BasicBuffHide, v1.0
BeanCounter, v5.0.PRE.2953 (BillyGoat)
BigWigs, v2.0 r68415
BLASCProfiler, v2.8.3
BLASCrafter, v0.5.0
BuffedBuddies, v0.6.2
cgProfiler, v1.68528
Combuctor, vBeta.1.2
CooldownCount, v3.0
DruidStats, v0.5
eePanels2, v2.0
ElkBuffBars, v2.1
FramesResized, v2.2.0-38
Enchantrix, v5.0.PRE.2953
EnchantrixBarker, v5.0.PRE.2953 (BillyGoat)
EnhancedColourPicker, v1.0
EnhTooltip, v5.0.PRE.2953
Examiner, v08.10.30
FuBarAuditorFu, v3.1.0
FuBarClockFu, v3.0
FuBarDurabilityFu, v2.0
FuBarGuildFu, v2.4
FuBarHonorFu, v2.0
FuBarLocationFu, v3.0
FuBarSkillsPlusFu, v2.4.3
FuBarTopScoreFu, v2.0
FuBar, v60201
HealBot, v2.4.1.0
InFlightLoad, v3.0.008
Informant, v5.0.PRE.2953
LibFuBarPlugin30, v2.0 $Revision: 44269 $
LibGratuity30, vr$Revision: 41183 $
LibParser40, v3.0
LibSharedMedia30, v3.0
MinimapButtonFrame, v1.7
Omen, vOmen r68561 / Threat-2.0 r68551
OmniCC, v2.0.8
oRA2, v2.0.$Revision: 66672 $
Outfitter, v4.1.1
Prat, v2.0 68549
RatingBuster, v1.3.7 (r66013)
simpleMinimap, v20100-6
SLDataText, v1.14
SmartBuff, vv2.3b
Stubby, v52
SunnArtPack1, v1.1
SunnArtPack2, v1.1
SunnArtPack3, v1.1
SunnArtPack4, v1.1
SunnArtPack5, v1.1
SunnArt, v2.12
Swatter, v5.0.PRE.2953
Talented, v1.9.3
TinyTip, v0.2-Beta
Xparky, v1.2.1
RiffCoords, v1.0
Plz help D:!!!