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UploadedApr 2, 2007
Size122.51 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.0.6
1.1 - Updated message hooking, now supports WIM versions 1.5 and 2.0.9 - Updated multi-keyword searching to include space as delimiter - Added improved memory usage for stored reagents - Fixed resetall bug - Updated CraftBot_GetItemID to return numeric value instead of string - Added search request type to status printouts - Updated options ui for localization - Fixed radio buttons to actually work like radio buttons - Added if EnchantBot is also loaded, status printouts will be prefixed with coloured "CraftBot: " to avoid confusion - Updated icons for FuBar plugin - Updated split function - Added ChatThrottleLib to prevent disconnections - Added automatic ignore of BOP craft items - Updated shorter status printous - Updated German localization - Added status printouts for !cbhelp whisper command