Loudmouth 0.8rc2
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UploadedJan 8, 2007
Size99.34 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.0.1
2006-01-09 version 0.8
-LUA- Converted all output strings to Localization strings
-Loc- Added all localization strings configured
-LUA- Added a Wisecrack Cooldown, no more than 1 every 5 seconds, up to 1 every 5 minutes.
-LUA- Added menu option to set Wisecrack Cooldown.
-LUA- Added logic to ensure the last quote won't be requoted immediately.
-XML- Fixed the Enable checkbox label on the GUI to stay even when Enable is not checked.
-LUA- Fixed logic where the list box highlight was not hidden if a quote was deleted.
-XML- Added LMEditFrame with options for a selected quote
-LUA- Added functions to modify the LMEditFrame
-LUA- Added code to transmit current quote on any channel.
-XML- Added code to cancel editing a quote when the window is closed.
-LUA- Added Emote setting, which overrides speech channels.
-LUA- Fixed bug where upbutton on quote list scroll frame wouldn't disable at top of list.
2006-12-29 version 0.7
-LUA- Changed the way I delete quotes in order to fix a bug and make it more efficient.
-LUA- Fixed a bug with checking emotes that results in a 'comparing number with nil' error.
-L/X- Changed tooltip over quotes to only appear if the full quote is not visible.
-LUA- Fixed Drop Down boxes were not correctly displayed on form:Show().
2006-12-28 version 0.6
-LUA- Fixed a bug line 872: current_set_frames should have been current_set_name
-LUA- Fixed a bug in CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_EMOTE, never matched 'run' and 'fear'.
-LUA- Added an "On_Upgrade()" function to move existing data to new location when I move values.
-XML- Added an Enable button to the GUI for each event category that can be disabled.
-LUA- Moved values enabling categories into an enabled[] to match the rates and quotes indices.
-LUA- Fixed a few places where changing a value didn't update a tooltip or other displayed value.
-LUA- Cleaned up the code a bit in places to be more consistent.
-LUA- Added Status on Command Line function.
2006-12-27 version 0.5
-LUA- Modified Loudmouth:Spew() to consolidate the debug messages a bit.
-LUA- Fix GUI Scroll Bars. Mousewheel also scrolls quote list, if full enough to scroll.
-LUA- Fixed Num_Quotes to automatically count quotes without having to manually traverse the data.
-LUA- Added code to cause the edit box to get focus when you click on a quote to edit it.
-LUA- Messages can now be deleted.
-XML- Changed code to put QuoteEdit:ClearFocus() in LUA so it will be called multiple places.
-LUA- Removed the UIErrorMessages I was using for debugging.
2006-12-26 version 0.4
-LUA- AFK message auto sent to Guild and Raid/Party when AFK message is triggered by system.
-LUA- Added comments and documentation. Reordered functions to assist in location and organization.
-LUA- Reordered data in the Loudmouth.lua. Functions now organized by alpha order within purpose.
i.e. UI group, Loudmouth Logic group, Defaults, FUBAR/ACE core-XML- Corrected settings to resolve the keyboard focus issue. -XML- Adjusted widths of the ListButtonTemplate to fix the text wrapping size of the quotes. -LUA- Added tooltip when mousing over the quotes in the list to make longer quotes easier to read. -LUA- Highlight currently selected quote from the list box. -LUA- Category Quote List now shows number of quotes in that category. -LUA- Category quote rate can now be changed while editing quotes in the category. -LUA- Tooltip shows total number of quotes. 2006-12-25 version 0.3 -- Moved quotes from hard coded single statements in functions to data structure, and added random quote code. 2006-12-24 version 0.2 -- Added basic GUI elements, many menu choices. 2006-12-22 version 0.1 -- Added basic ACE Menu and Fubar integration basics. -- Implemented Critrate values to limit rate of messages.