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UploadedMay 24, 2007
Size120.35 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.1.0
r36634 - Update for 2.1
r32064 - Liveframe rewritten from scratch - Click on a name to target that enemy (no more hunter's mark icon) - Alt+drag to move the frame - the [x] symbol appears in front of enemies detected while in combat, and thus cannot be targeted via the liveframe yet - Dummy enemies to ease configuration -esES loc
r30609 - The size of the frame is now always 5, no more in-combat detection problem
-r28545 Several fixes deDE localization
-0.96 Minor cleanup and several minor bugfixes Fixed a bug where sometimes targetting icons would not anchor to the main frame
-0.95 Toc updated to 20003
-0.94 Showing (and syncing) enemies health percentage
-0.93: Several Bugfixes Changed the shaman color to the new one
-0.92: Small fix: Creation of targetting buttons are now delayed after combat if someone's detected while in combat.
0.91: - New icon on the left of each name, click on it to target (shift+clicking and macro still available). May be still buggy so let me know :) - Fixed a bug where druids in feral forms and shamans in ghost wolf were not properly detected.
0.9: - Shift+clicking on a name in the frame updates the macro named 'ArenaMaster' with body: '/target name' So you have to shift+click on a name and then use the macro to target someone :x Sorry it's the easiest working way to do it I found.