Cryolysis 2
<center>Cryolysis 2</center>
Cryolysis 2 has been discontinued. Cryolysis 3 is its successor and can be found at
Cryolysis 2 is sphere mod for mages that automates many common tasks and provides for an easy to use interface for casting spells. Cryolysis 2 provides you with a 10 circular buttons that surround an larger center sphere. The buttons are as follows:
- Food and Water: Allows easy conjuring, trading, and consuming of food and water.
- Mana Gem: Allows easy conjuring and consuming of mana gems.
- Evocation: Dedicated button for using Evocation.
- Mount: Allows easy use of your mounts.
- Teleport and Portal Menu: Organizes and provides easy access to your teleport and portal spells. Each city has it's own button.
- Buff Menu: Organizes your buffs into one easy to use menu. Buff buttons also have reagent counts where applicable.
- Custom Buttons: Three completely customizable buttons that can be assigned to spells, items, or macros.
Cryolysis 2 also comes with a full configuration menu that can be accessed by right-clicking the main center sphere, or by typing /cryo in chat.
Additional features include:
- Funny messages when using your mounts, teleports, portals, and several other spells. These can be toggled on and off as desired.
- Automatic reagent restocking
Past Versions
Cryolysis 2 is now the official release download.
Barring any unforeseen problems, Cryolysis 1 ("Revived", "Reborn", "New Beginning") will no longer be updated/supported. If there is a specific reason(s) you're using Version 1 and need a hot fix to keep it working, you can post here in comments (make sure you note that you are referring to Version 1) or send any member of the team a private message through Curse (list is in the top right corner), and we will try to implement fixes as time permits.
- Configuration Menu
To open the Configuration Menu, right-click the Main-Sphere. If you have hidden the main sphere, you can get a list of of commands by typing "/cryo". - Custom Buttons
Custom buttons can now use either spells, items, or macros. Make sure when setting up the custom buttons that you select the correct type (ie: spell, macro, item) and that you press Enter after typing in the name. If you don't press enter, your changes will not be saved. - Spell Timers
Timers have not been implemented yet. As such, the spell timers option should be turned off in the configuration menu for now. These will be implemented sometime after patch 2.4. - Messages/Speeches
Currently, Short Messages have not been implemented. There are a number of different options to display random messages:- USER: Messages will display for you only. Mildly useless, but the functionality is there.
- WORLD: Messages will display for /raid, bar that /party, bar that /say.
- GROUP: Messages will display for /raid, bar that /party, bar that it will remain silent. Old Cryo1 Behavior.
- RAID: Messages will display for /raid, bar that it will remain silent.
- PARTY: Messages will display for /party, bar that it will remain silent.
- SAY: Messages will display in /say.
- Localizations
To help localise Cryo2 in your language, download Cryo2 from WoWAce, edit your locale file in the /locales/ and send it to us. Files should be encoded in utf-8.
Other Info
User input is very important, so please post here anything related to the mod's functionality with as much detail as possible. Please only post Cryolysis 2 errors, as the original Cryolysis will no longer be getting updated Thanks.
I do not get Theramora or Shattrah teleport / portal menu. Only the pre-TBC ones. Any ideas ?
I love this Addon but every time my polymorph breaks/timed out i get this error message:
Interface\Addons\Cryolysis2\core\events.lua:641: attempt to index local ´bar´(a nil valie)
I just recently updated my cryo again to include the theramore port, but now, it's trying to show up partially on my other non mage classes =/ I can't get it to go away, or right itself. Any suggestions?
The easiest thing to do would be to only enable this addon for your mage :)
I get the same error as mash585 everytime I open my interface panel. Something about missing locale for Cryolysis. I've been getting this error for a few months now.
I'm currently not able to work any this mod. I will be resuming development on both Cryo2 (bug fixes only) and Cryo3 (privately in development) this fall. I know Belazor is working a little bit here and there on Cryo3 still, but due to time constraints, development has slowed down significantly.
Until this fall!
First I want to say that I love this addon. It's a life saver for mages with action bar space issues. I do have a couple small issues I'd like to bring up though.
First is that the timer bar will not stay where I put it, even though I have it set to locked. I always have to reset the position when I log in.
Second thing is it would be nice if the spell menu bars would stay open too. I like to play with them all open but I have to reopen them every time I log in. Not a big issue, but it gets repetitive.
Third, could you please make a mod like this for hunters? :D I have venantes but it's no where near as good as Cryolysis 2 is for mages. I looked around and couldn't find any other sphere mods for hunters.
Cryo3 will support all classes once it is finished. It is currently in development.
Date: 2008-07-15 12:47:39
ID: 52
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: AceLocale-3.0: Cryolysis2: Missing entry for 'Cryolysis'
[C]: Show()
..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1341: SetUIPanel()
..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1157: ShowUIPanel()
[C]: SetAttribute()
..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1651: ShowUIPanel()
[string "*:OnClick"]:2:
[string "*:OnClick"]:1
Afflicted, v$Revision: 765 $
Antagonist, v71998
ArenaCalculator, v1.6.3
Atlas, v1.11.0
AtlasBattlegrounds, v1.11.0
AtlasDungeonLocs, v1.11.0
AtlasEntrances, v1.11.0
AtlasFlightPaths, v1.11.0
AtlasOutdoorRaids, v1.11.0
AtlasLoot, vAtlasLoot Enhanced v4.06.01
Bongos2, v1.10.1
Capping, v2.4.011
Cartographer, vr78302
CartographerFishing, v1.0
CartographerIcons, v1.0
CartographerIconsGathererPack, v1.0
CartographerImport, v1.0
CartographerQuestObjectives, v0.9b
CartographerQuests, v0.2
ClearFont2, v2.4
ClearFont2FontPack, v1.0
ControlArena, v0.8
Cryolysis2, v2.0 Beta
DoTimerPackage, v3.4
GhostPulse, v2.01
MikScrollingBattleText, v5.13
MobInfo2, v3.61
OmniCC, v2.1.1
PAB, v1.04
PowerAuras, v2.5.5a
Proximo, v2.3
Quartz, v0.1.0
Spellbreak, v$Revision: 599 $
Stubby, v52
Swatter, v5.0.PRE.3164
XPerl, v2.4.2
I am getting the following error message: Acelocale-3.0: Cryolysis 2: missing entry for Cryolysis. I have downloaded the latest version from Wowace. Any ideas?
I love the addon and have been using it for a couple of years.
Woot I did it!!! I wanted the food and water buttons to be only for that and not manna biscuits as sometimes you only need food OR water not both, and with a limited supply of biscuits now i didnt want to waste them. I was having a hard time finding where to change it in the latest version of cryo but i finally found it. So now the food and water buttons are just that and i have the bottom button set for the biscuits...THE WAY IT SHOULD BE CRYO AUTHOR!!! Let me guide you if you too want this...
Go in the cryolysis2 folder then in the Core folder...there you will find the file privates.lua
Open the file privates.lua
Scroll down to or search for: -- Variables for tracking whether the mage has certain spells/items
Under that you will see WaterSpellId then a list of numbers...then you will see WaterItemId and a list of the list of WaterItemId number you want to delete from the , after 22018 to 34062...yes you want to delete the 34062 (34062 is the biscuit id that tells cryo to put that in the food and water buttons if you have it)
Then you will see a list of water names under WaterName.
Do the same as above and delete the , after "Conjured Glacier Water" to "Conjured Manna Biscuit" and again you want to delete "Conjured Manna Biscuit"
Now move on to the WaterTex list...again delete from the , after the second to last text to the last... (, "INV_Misc_Food_100")
Almost done...just rinse and repeat right below that in the FoodItemId, FoodName and FoodTex lists. Cryo2 has biscuits in the food button too because it is food and water.
Save your file and /reload ui (if you have a mod that lets you) or quit and restart wow.
You should now only have water in the water button and food in the food button. Set up one of the configurable buttons for the biscuits. When you first log on though, you will get an "item doesnt exist" error cuz the button is set up for biscuits and you dont have any...not really a big deal. And you cant see how many biscuits you have with that button and you cant trade biscuits with that button. But all the trading and conjuring functions still work for food and water.
If you have any questions about this please feel free to post them here as i check often for updates.
Downloaded the latest version and ran into this;
Date: 2008-07-09 21:16:04
ID: 34
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...dOns\Cryolysis2\libs\Waterfall-1.0\Waterfall-1.0.lua line 442:
You cannot open a waterfall without registering it first
[C]: ?
[C]: error()
...dOns\Cryolysis2\libs\Waterfall-1.0\Waterfall-1.0.lua:442: Open()
Cryolysis2\buttons\sphere.lua:14: func()
..\FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua:363: SecureActionButton_OnClick()
[string "*:OnClick"]:1:
[string "*:OnClick"]:1
Atlas, v1.11.0
AtlasBattlegrounds, v1.11.0
AtlasDungeonLocs, v1.11.0
AtlasEntrances, v1.11.0
AtlasFlightPaths, v1.11.0
AtlasOutdoorRaids, v1.11.0
AtlasLoot, vAtlasLoot Enhanced v4.06.00
BeanCounter, v5.0.PRE.2988 (BillyGoat)
Cryolysis2, v2.0 Beta
CTBuffMod, v2.4 (CTMod 2.0)
CTCore, v2.401 (CTMod 2.0)
CTMailMod, v3.02 (CTMod 2.0)
CTMapMod, v2.401 (CTMod 2.0)
CTPartyBuffs, v2.4 (CTMod 2.0)
CTRaidAssist, v2.401 (CTMod 2.0)
Enchantrix, v5.0.PRE.2988
EnchantrixBarker, v5.0.PRE.2988 (BillyGoat)
EnhTooltip, v5.0.PRE.2988
FishingAce, v0.4.2h
Informant, v5.0.PRE.2988
Omen, vOmen r72207 / Threat-2.0 r71636
Proximo, v2.2
RecipeRadar, v1.27
sct, v6.1
Stubby, v52
Swatter, v5.0.PRE.2988
Any thoughts?
I made a French translation of the Sheep Messages
elseif GetLocale() == "frFR" then
Cryolysis2.random.sheep = {
"<target> a \195\169t\195\169 m\195\169\195\169\195\169\195\169\195\169\195\169\195\169chant",
"Je suis \195\160 fond alors touchez pas au mouton",
"Moutonnage de <target>, tu le casses, je casses tes genoux..",
"Ciel en haut, oc\195\169an profond, <target> est un mouton!",
"Moutonnage de <target>, ON TOUCHE PAS AU MOUTON!",
"Moutonnage de <target>! Vite vite cassez le !! ",
"Laissez <target> tranquille, il me faut de la laine pour des [Wool Socks]",
"Ok <target>, r\195\169p\195\168te apr\195\168s moi : Beeeeeh",
"Moutonnage de <target>. Chaque fois que tu casses un mouton, Dieu tue un chaton.",
"Moutonnage de <target>! Tu le casses, tu le tank.",
"<target> c'est mon mouton.Il y'en a beaucoup des comme ca mais celui l\195\160 c'est le mien",
"Moutonnage de <target>, on ne BAISSE PAS SON PANTALON !",
"Meee, Meee, <target>. T'as de la laine ?",
"Moutonnage de <target> parce qu'un mouton ca ne dit jamais non.",
"Moutonnage de <target>. Ne pas trop titiller sous peine d'explosion",
"Qu'est ce qui est blanc et couvert de laine ? <target> bien sur !",
"<target>, as tu lu les oeuvres de Franz Kafka ?",
"Comment est mon moutonnage ? Appellez le 8-200-MOUTON",
"Meeee, <target>",
"Moutonnage de <target>. Tu le casses, tu le rotis",
"Moutonnage de *baille* <target>. Trop de moutons .. Zzzz",
"Rentre dans ta caverne, <target>, et va trouver ton animal f\195\169tiche",
"Je sais qu'un mouton ca fait peur et ca intimide mais merci de r\195\169frener votre phobie \195\160 l'encontre de <target>",
Can you please post some screenshots?
i have a problem with the cooldown timer. it doesnt save its position. i got this problem many versions ago, where the timer was changed the first time (to the big one). i can drag&drop it to whereever i want, after a relog i have to do this again (the timer appears in the middle of the screen all the time).
and there is another problem... after a disconnect the mount button settings are changed. normally i have my 100% speed mount on left click and my 60% speed flight mount on right click but after a disconnect it changed random to other mounts...
local is german.
Are you planning to add a german translation of the massages (polymorph, teleport etc.)? This would be very nice.
I did the French translation myself...
I don't think they are willing to set it up...
Just wondering if anyone knows if the additional pollys are able to be bound to a custom button...I've tried but to no avail...not sure if it's just me or if it's just not able to determine one polly from another.
I've lost my timer-bars. Maybe i dragged them unintentionally out of visible screen. How can i reset the position of the bars to a visible area or reset all settings of cryolis?
The one off of WoWAce works, but there's a few things that bother me. First, if you update with the WoWAceUpdater, it doesn't work anymore. Second, every time I start WoW, and I go to the Interface options, I get a Cryolysis error. Additionally, when I start up WoW, the first time I hover over a button on the Cryolysis sphere, I also get an addon error.