NinjaPoints v1.5
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UploadedApr 5, 2008
Size103.38 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.4.0
Version 1.5 - Cleaned up code a bit - Packaged finishim.wav into the folder to be used with LibSharedMedia-3.0 if you have it installed - Added options for font outline
Version 1.4 - More bug fixes - Added dewdrop config menu to make it easier to change options
Version 1.3 - Bug fixes - Changed style to change independently for each combo point (for maximum customization)
Version 1.2 - Added LibSharedMedia-3.0 support for sounds and fonts - Small bug fixes
Version 1.1 - Added random text and random colors for combo point messages - I still need A LOT more messages for the random message generator. If you have any ideas, leave a comment or e-mail me at [email protected]
Version 1.02 - Uploaded the correct .zip file, lawl
Version 1.01 - Added moving options in game. - Added reset function. - Added option to play sounds on combo points