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  • Uploaded
    Apr 3, 2010
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    171.85 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.3.3


Hendrik Leppkes:
    - Fix configuration of buff text color.
    - Add dry-coded ConfigMode support.
    Just simple ON/OFF handling, API taken from http://www.wowwiki.com/ConfigMode
    - Added a global unlock mechanic to Player/Target/Focus/Pet bars.
    - Moved cast time precision to a better place and fetch new locale.
    - Added a global option to change the precision of the cast time on cast bars.
    - Fix the tiling of the statusbars introduced by patch 3.3.3.
    - Check if the returns of Unit(Casting|Channel)Info are valid.
    - Properly disable the targetname option again.
    - Move the "Target Name" option into the Player module.
    The Target of a cast is only detectable for the player
    at this point, and thus we only show the option for him.